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Last active November 9, 2018 16:35
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contract MerchantPayable {
enum Role {Client, Merchant, Owner}
mapping (address => Role) public addressToRole;
mapping (bytes32 => bool) public paymentSettled;
mapping (bytes32 => bool) public paymentIssued;
uint256 nonce;
event PaymentIssued(
address client,
address merchant,
uint256 value,
uint256 timeStamp,
bytes32 paymentHash,
uint256 nonce
event PaymentSettled(bytes32 paymentHash);
modifier onlyClient {
require(addressToRole[msg.sender] == Role.Client);
modifier onlyMerchant {
require(addressToRole[msg.sender] == Role.Merchant);
modifier paymentHasNotBeenSettled(bytes32 paymentHash) {
require(paymentSettled[paymentHash] == false);
modifier paymentHasBeenIssued(bytes32 paymentHash) {
require(paymentIssued[paymentHash] == true);
function pay
address _merchant,
uint256 _value
// the actual token goes to the owner
token.transfer(owner, _value);
// increase nonce
nonce = nonce.add(1);
// generate a hash as the unique identifier for this payment
// @notice may NOT be unique. Can be somehow forgeable!!!
bytes32 _paymentHash = keccak256(abi.encoded(msg.sender, _merchant, _value, now, nonce));
// all the requirements
require(paymentIssued[_paymentHash] == false);
require(paymentSettled[_paymentHash] == false);
// set payment to issued
paymentIssued[_paymentHash] = true;
// record the payment as settlable receipt for the merchant
emit PaymentIssued(msg.sender, _merchant, _value, now, _paymentHash, nonce);
function settle
bytes32 _paymentHash
// set payment to settled
paymentHasBeenSettled[_paymentHash] = true;
// settle the payment with the exact unique identifier
emit PaymentSettled(_paymentHash);
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yhuag commented Nov 9, 2018


  1. Register Role for a user
  2. Instantiate ERC20 token for payment

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