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Created November 4, 2017 09:09
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'use strict';
const pokemon = require('./pokemon.min.json');
// check if id_or_name matches a pokemon's id or name
const match = (pokemon, id_or_name) => == id_or_name || pokemon.slug.includes(id_or_name.toLowerCase());
// find the first matching pokemon
const get_pokemon = id_or_name => pokemon.find(p => match(p, id_or_name));
// find all matching pokemon
function* find_pokemon(id_or_name) {
for (const p of pokemon) {
if (match(p, id_or_name)) yield p;
const capitalise = word => word.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + word.slice(1); // capitalise a word
const format_type = pokemon =>'/'); // join multiple types into one word
const format_height = height => `${Math.floor(height / 12)}' ${height % 12}"`; // display height in feet and inches
// format pokemon data as a text string to use in a message
const format_text = pokemon => `*${} (#${pokemon.number})*
Type: ${format_type(pokemon)}
Abilities: ${pokemon.abilities.join(', ')}
Height: ${format_height(pokemon.height)}
Weight: ${pokemon.weight} lbs
[Image](${pokemon.ThumbnailImage.replace('detail', 'full')})`; // higher res image
// incoming webhook handler
exports.handler = function (req, res) {
const update = req.body;
console.log(JSON.stringify(update)); // log incoming updates for debugging
// update is a text message
if (update.hasOwnProperty('message') && update.message.hasOwnProperty('text')) {
const message = update.message;
const id_or_name = message.text.split(' ', 1)[0].substring(0, 20);
const pokemon = get_pokemon(id_or_name);
// reply with the sendMessage method
const reply = {
method: 'sendMessage',
if (pokemon === undefined) {
reply.text = "Couldn't find a matching Pokémon!";
} else {
reply.text = format_text(pokemon);
reply.parse_mode = 'Markdown';
return res.json(reply);
} else if (update.hasOwnProperty('inline_query')) { // update is an inline query
const inline_query = update.inline_query;
const id_or_name = inline_query.query.split(' ', 1)[0].substring(0, 20);
// populate an array of inline query results
const results = [];
for (const p of find_pokemon(id_or_name)) {
// skip duplicates
if (results.find(r => === continue;
const result = {
type: 'article',
title: `${} (#${p.number})`,
input_message_content: {
message_text: format_text(p),
parse_mode: 'Markdown',
description: format_type(p),
thumb_url: p.ThumbnailImage,
// we can only send a max of 50 results at once
if (results.length === 50) break;
// don't send anything if there are no matches
if (results.length === 0) return res.sendStatus(200);
// reply with the answerInlineQueryMethod
const reply = {
method: 'answerInlineQuery',
results: JSON.stringify(results),
return res.json(reply);
// catchall
return res.sendStatus(200);
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