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Last active November 5, 2019 02:39
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Peewee To-do List

Setting up

  1. Create Conda environment
  2. Install peewee, peewee-db-evolve
  3. Save your installation into requirements.txt
  4. Create a db


  1. Create your tables, you may refer to your todo-list schema from our previous challenge if you want
    1. There is no need to create a User model yet
  2. Run migration
  3. Check that your tables are created properly, using Postbird/psql
    1. \dt to check the tables in the db
    2. Use regular SQL queries to check if you items are saved properly
  4. Build the main logic, there are a few levels:
    • Level 1: Get a task from user, save it in the db
    • Level 2: Allow user to create new to-do lists (remember to save it in the db)
    • Level 3: Allow user to select the to-do list they want to add their task from
    • Level 4: Allow user to mark tasks as complete
    • Level 5: Allow user to delete tasks and/or lists
    • Level 6: Allow different users to log in and view their to-do lists
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