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Forked from t-nissie/cholesky_d.f
Created September 1, 2021 12:14
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Cholesky decomposition written in Fortran
! cholesky_d.f -*-f90-*-
! Using Cholesky decomposition, cholesky_d.f solve a linear equation Ax=b,
! where A is a n by n positive definite real symmetric matrix, x and b are
! real*8 vectors length n.
! Time-stamp: <2015-06-25 18:05:47 takeshi>
! Author: Takeshi NISHIMATSU
! Licence: GPLv3
! [1] A = G tG, where G is a lower triangular matrix and tG is transpose of G.
! [2] Solve Gy=b with forward elimination
! [3] Solve tGx=y with backward elimination
! Reference: Taketomo MITSUI: Solvers for linear equations [in Japanese]
! Comment: This Cholesky decomposition is used in src/elastic.F and
! src/optimize-inho-strain.F of feram .
subroutine cholesky_d(n, A, G, b)
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: n
real*8, intent(in) :: A(n,n)
real*8, intent(out) :: G(n,n)
real*8, intent(inout) :: b(n)
real*8 :: tmp
integer :: i,j
! Light check of positive definite
do i = 1, n
if (A(i,i).le.0.0d0) then
b(:) = 0.0d0
end if
end do
! [1]
do j = 1, n
G(j,j) = sqrt( A(j,j) - dot_product(G(j,1:j-1),G(j,1:j-1)) )
do i = j+1, n
G(i,j) = ( A(i,j) - dot_product(G(i,1:j-1),G(j,1:j-1)) ) / G(j,j)
end do
end do
! write(6,'(3f10.5)') (G(i,:), i=1,n)
! [2]
do i = 1, n
tmp = 0.0d0
do j = 1, i-1
tmp = tmp + G(i,j)*b(j)
end do
b(i) = (b(i)-tmp)/G(i,i)
end do
! [3]
do i = n, 1, -1
tmp = 0.0d0
do j = i+1, n
tmp = tmp + b(j)*G(j,i)
end do
b(i) = (b(i)-tmp)/G(i,i)
end do
end subroutine cholesky_d
! cholesky_test.f -*-f90-*-
program cholesky_test
implicit none
real*8 :: A(5,5)
real*8 :: G(5,5)
real*8 :: b(5)
A = reshape((/ 5.0d0, 4.0d0, 3.0d0, 2.0d0, 1.0d0, &
& 4.0d0, 4.0d0, 3.0d0, 2.0d0, 1.0d0, &
& 3.0d0, 3.0d0, 3.0d0, 2.0d0, 1.0d0, &
& 2.0d0, 2.0d0, 2.0d0, 2.0d0, 1.0d0, &
& 1.0d0, 1.0d0, 1.0d0, 1.0d0, 1.0d0/), (/5,5/))
b = (/ 0.5d0, 0.1d0, 0.8d0, 0.3d0, 0.6d0 /)
call cholesky_d(5, A, G, b)
write(6,'(5f6.2)') b
write(6,'(5f6.2)') matmul(A,b)
end program cholesky_test
!Local variables:
! compile-command: "gfortran -ffree-form -c cholesky_d.f && gfortran -ffree-form -c cholesky_test.f && gfortran cholesky_d.o cholesky_test.o -o cholesky_test && ./cholesky_test"
$ gfortran -ffree-form -c cholesky_d.f
$ gfortran -ffree-form -c cholesky_test.f
$ gfortran cholesky_d.o cholesky_test.o -o cholesky_test
$ ./cholesky_test
0.40 -1.10 1.20 -0.80 0.90
0.50 0.10 0.80 0.30 0.60
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