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Last active July 22, 2017 07:39
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// Exercise 1: Print all the names in an array
function(console) {
var names = ["Ben", "Jafar", "Matt", "Priya", "Brian"]; { console.log(name); });
// Exercise 2: Use forEach to print all the names in an array
function(console) {
var names = ["Ben", "Jafar", "Matt", "Priya", "Brian"];
names.forEach(function(name) {
// Exercise 3: Project an array of videos into an array of {id,title} pairs using forEach()
function() {
var newReleases = [
"id": 70111470,
"title": "Die Hard",
"boxart": "",
"uri": "",
"rating": [4.0],
"bookmark": []
"id": 654356453,
"title": "Bad Boys",
"boxart": "",
"uri": "",
"rating": [5.0],
"bookmark": [{ id: 432534, time: 65876586 }]
"id": 65432445,
"title": "The Chamber",
"boxart": "",
"uri": "",
"rating": [4.0],
"bookmark": []
"id": 675465,
"title": "Fracture",
"boxart": "",
"uri": "",
"rating": [5.0],
"bookmark": [{ id: 432534, time: 65876586 }]
videoAndTitlePairs = [];
// ------------ INSERT CODE HERE! -----------------------------------
// Use forEach function to accumulate {id, title} pairs from each video.
// Put the results into the videoAndTitlePairs array using the Array's
// push() method. Example: videoAndTitlePairs.push(newItem);
// ------------ INSERT CODE HERE! -----------------------------------
videoAndTitlePairs = => { return { id:, title: r.title }; });
return videoAndTitlePairs;
// Exercise 4: Implement map() = function(projectionFunction) {
var results = [];
this.forEach(function(itemInArray) {
// ------------ INSERT CODE HERE! ----------------------------
// Apply the projectionFunction to each item in the array and add
// each result to the results array.
// Note: you can add items to an array with the push() method.
// ------------ INSERT CODE HERE! ----------------------------
return results;
// JSON.stringify([1,2,3].map(function(x) { return x + 1; })) === '[2,3,4]'
// Exercise 5: Use map() to project an array of videos into an array of {id,title} pairs
function() {
var newReleases = [
"id": 70111470,
"title": "Die Hard",
"boxart": "",
"uri": "",
"rating": [4.0],
"bookmark": []
"id": 654356453,
"title": "Bad Boys",
"boxart": "",
"uri": "",
"rating": [5.0],
"bookmark": [{ id: 432534, time: 65876586 }]
"id": 65432445,
"title": "The Chamber",
"boxart": "",
"uri": "",
"rating": [4.0],
"bookmark": []
"id": 675465,
"title": "Fracture",
"boxart": "",
"uri": "",
"rating": [5.0],
"bookmark": [{ id: 432534, time: 65876586 }]
// ------------ INSERT CODE HERE! -----------------------------------
// Use map function to accumulate {id, title} pairs from each video.
return (r) { return { id, title } = r; } ); // finish this expression!
// ------------ INSERT CODE HERE! -----------------------------------
// Exercise 6: Use forEach() to collect only those videos with a rating of 5.0
function() {
var newReleases = [
"id": 70111470,
"title": "Die Hard",
"boxart": "",
"uri": "",
"rating": 4.0,
"bookmark": []
"id": 654356453,
"title": "Bad Boys",
"boxart": "",
"uri": "",
"rating": 5.0,
"bookmark": [{ id: 432534, time: 65876586 }]
"id": 65432445,
"title": "The Chamber",
"boxart": "",
"uri": "",
"rating": 4.0,
"bookmark": []
"id": 675465,
"title": "Fracture",
"boxart": "",
"uri": "",
"rating": 5.0,
"bookmark": [{ id: 432534, time: 65876586 }]
videos = [];
// ------------ INSERT CODE HERE! -----------------------------------
// Use forEach function to accumulate every video with a rating of 5.0
// ------------ INSERT CODE HERE! -----------------------------------
return newReleases.filter((r) => {return r.rating === 5.0});
// Exercise 7: Implement filter()
Array.prototype.filter = function(predicateFunction) {
var results = [];
this.forEach(function(itemInArray) {
// ------------ INSERT CODE HERE! ----------------------------
// Apply the predicateFunction to each item in the array.
// If the result is truthy, add the item to the results array.
// Note: remember you can add items to the array using the array's
// push() method.
// ------------ INSERT CODE HERE! ----------------------------
if (predicateFunction(itemInArray)) results.push(itemInArray);
return results;
// JSON.stringify([1,2,3].filter(function(x) { return x > 2})) === "[3]"
// Exercise 8: Chain filter and map to collect the ids of videos that have a rating of 5.0
function() {
var newReleases = [
"id": 70111470,
"title": "Die Hard",
"boxart": "",
"uri": "",
"rating": 4.0,
"bookmark": []
"id": 654356453,
"title": "Bad Boys",
"boxart": "",
"uri": "",
"rating": 5.0,
"bookmark": [{ id: 432534, time: 65876586 }]
"id": 65432445,
"title": "The Chamber",
"boxart": "",
"uri": "",
"rating": 4.0,
"bookmark": []
"id": 675465,
"title": "Fracture",
"boxart": "",
"uri": "",
"rating": 5.0,
"bookmark": [{ id: 432534, time: 65876586 }]
// ------------ INSERT CODE HERE! -----------------------------------
// Chain the filter and map functions to select the id of all videos
// with a rating of 5.0.
return newReleases.filter((r) => r.rating === 5.0).map((r) => // Complete this expression
// ------------ INSERT CODE HERE! -----------------------------------
// Exercise 9: Flatten the movieLists array into an array of video ids
function() {
var movieLists = [
name: "New Releases",
videos: [
"id": 70111470,
"title": "Die Hard",
"boxart": "",
"uri": "",
"rating": 4.0,
"bookmark": []
"id": 654356453,
"title": "Bad Boys",
"boxart": "",
"uri": "",
"rating": 5.0,
"bookmark": [{ id: 432534, time: 65876586 }]
name: "Dramas",
videos: [
"id": 65432445,
"title": "The Chamber",
"boxart": "",
"uri": "",
"rating": 4.0,
"bookmark": []
"id": 675465,
"title": "Fracture",
"boxart": "",
"uri": "",
"rating": 5.0,
"bookmark": [{ id: 432534, time: 65876586 }]
allVideoIdsInMovieLists = [];
// ------------ INSERT CODE HERE! -----------------------------------
// Use two nested forEach loops to flatten the movieLists into a list of
// video ids.
// ------------ INSERT CODE HERE! -----------------------------------
movieLists.forEach((list) => { list.videos.forEach((movie) => {
allVideoIdsInMovieLists.push(; }); });
return allVideoIdsInMovieLists;
// Exercise 10: Implement concatAll()
Array.prototype.concatAll = function() {
var results = [];
this.forEach(function(subArray) {
// ------------ INSERT CODE HERE! ----------------------------
// Add all the items in each subArray to the results array.
// ------------ INSERT CODE HERE! ----------------------------
subArray.forEach((item) => { results.push(item); });
return results;
// JSON.stringify([ [1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9] ].concatAll()) === "[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]"
// [1,2,3].concatAll(); // throws an error because this is a one-dimensional array
// Exercise 11: Use map() and concatAll() to project and flatten the movieLists into an array of video ids
function() {
var movieLists = [
name: "New Releases",
videos: [
"id": 70111470,
"title": "Die Hard",
"boxart": "",
"uri": "",
"rating": 4.0,
"bookmark": []
"id": 654356453,
"title": "Bad Boys",
"boxart": "",
"uri": "",
"rating": 5.0,
"bookmark": [{ id: 432534, time: 65876586 }]
name: "Dramas",
videos: [
"id": 65432445,
"title": "The Chamber",
"boxart": "",
"uri": "",
"rating": 4.0,
"bookmark": []
"id": 675465,
"title": "Fracture",
"boxart": "",
"uri": "",
"rating": 5.0,
"bookmark": [{ id: 432534, time: 65876586 }]
return movieLists.
map(function(movieList) {
return {
// Exercise 12: Retrieve id, title, and a 150x200 box art url for every video
function() {
var movieLists = [
name: "Instant Queue",
videos : [
"id": 70111470,
"title": "Die Hard",
"boxarts": [
{ width: 150, height: 200, url: "" },
{ width: 200, height: 200, url: "" }
"url": "",
"rating": 4.0,
"bookmark": []
"id": 654356453,
"title": "Bad Boys",
"boxarts": [
{ width: 200, height: 200, url: "" },
{ width: 150, height: 200, url: "" }
"url": "",
"rating": 5.0,
"bookmark": [{ id: 432534, time: 65876586 }]
name: "New Releases",
videos: [
"id": 65432445,
"title": "The Chamber",
"boxarts": [
{ width: 150, height: 200, url: "" },
{ width: 200, height: 200, url: "" }
"url": "",
"rating": 4.0,
"bookmark": []
"id": 675465,
"title": "Fracture",
"boxarts": [
{ width: 200, height: 200, url: "" },
{ width: 150, height: 200, url: "" },
{ width: 300, height: 200, url: "" }
"url": "",
"rating": 5.0,
"bookmark": [{ id: 432534, time: 65876586 }]
return movieLists.
map(l => l.videos)
.map(v => => {
return { id:, title: v.title, boxart: b };
.filter(v => v.boxart.width === 150)
.map( v => { return { id:, title: v.title, boxart: v.boxart.url }; }))
// Exercise 13: Implement concatMap()
Array.prototype.concatMap = function(projectionFunctionThatReturnsArray) {
return this.
map(function(item) {
// ------------ INSERT CODE HERE! ----------------------------
// Apply the projection function to each item. The projection
// function will return a new child array. This will create a
// two-dimensional array.
// ------------ INSERT CODE HERE! ----------------------------
return projectionFunctionThatReturnsArray(item);
// apply the concatAll function to flatten the two-dimensional array
var spanishFrenchEnglishWords = [ ["cero","rien","zero"], ["uno","un","one"], ["dos","deux","two"] ];
// collect all the words for each number, in every language, in a single, flat list
var allWords = [0,1,2].
concatMap(function(index) {
return spanishFrenchEnglishWords[index];
return JSON.stringify(allWords) === '["cero","rien","zero","uno","un","one","dos","deux","two"]';
// Exercise 14: Use concatMap() to retrieve id, title, and 150x200 box art url for every video
function() {
var movieLists = [
name: "Instant Queue",
videos : [
"id": 70111470,
"title": "Die Hard",
"boxarts": [
{ width: 150, height: 200, url: "" },
{ width: 200, height: 200, url: "" }
"url": "",
"rating": 4.0,
"bookmark": []
"id": 654356453,
"title": "Bad Boys",
"boxarts": [
{ width: 200, height: 200, url: "" },
{ width: 150, height: 200, url: "" }
"url": "",
"rating": 5.0,
"bookmark": [{ id: 432534, time: 65876586 }]
name: "New Releases",
videos: [
"id": 65432445,
"title": "The Chamber",
"boxarts": [
{ width: 150, height: 200, url: "" },
{ width: 200, height: 200, url: "" }
"url": "",
"rating": 4.0,
"bookmark": []
"id": 675465,
"title": "Fracture",
"boxarts": [
{ width: 200, height: 200, url: "" },
{ width: 150, height: 200, url: "" },
{ width: 300, height: 200, url: "" }
"url": "",
"rating": 5.0,
"bookmark": [{ id: 432534, time: 65876586 }]
// Use one or more concatMap, map, and filter calls to create an array with the following items
// [
// {"id": 675465, "title": "Fracture", "boxart": "" },
// {"id": 65432445, "title": "The Chamber", "boxart": "" },
// {"id": 654356453, "title": "Bad Boys", "boxart": "" },
// {"id": 70111470, "title": "Die Hard", "boxart": "" }
// ];
return movieLists.concatMap(l => l.videos)
.concatMap(v => v.boxarts.filter(b => b.width === 150)
.map(a => { return { id:, title: v.title, boxart: a.url } }))
// Complete this expression!
// Exercise 15: Use forEach to find the largest box art
function() {
var boxarts = [
{ width: 200, height: 200, url: "" },
{ width: 150, height: 200, url: "" },
{ width: 300, height: 200, url: "" },
{ width: 425, height: 150, url: "" }
maxSize = -1,
boxarts.forEach(function(boxart) {
currentSize = boxart.width * boxart.height;
if (currentSize > maxSize) {
largestBoxart = boxart;
maxSize = currentSize;
return largestBoxart;
// Exercise 16: Implement reduce()
// [1,2,3].reduce(function(accumulatedValue, currentValue) { return accumulatedValue + currentValue; }); === [6];
// [1,2,3].reduce(function(accumulatedValue, currentValue) { return accumulatedValue + currentValue; }, 10); === [16];
Array.prototype.reduce = function(combiner, initialValue) {
var counter,
// If the array is empty, do nothing
if (this.length === 0) {
return this;
else {
// If the user didn't pass an initial value, use the first item.
if (arguments.length === 1) {
counter = 1;
accumulatedValue = this[0];
else if (arguments.length >= 2) {
counter = 0;
accumulatedValue = initialValue;
else {
throw "Invalid arguments.";
// Loop through the array, feeding the current value and the result of
// the previous computation back into the combiner function until
// we've exhausted the entire array and are left with only one value.
while(counter < this.length) {
accumulatedValue = combiner(accumulatedValue, this[counter])
return [accumulatedValue];
// Exercise 17: Retrieve the largest rating.
function() {
var ratings = [2,3,1,4,5];
// You should return an array containing only the largest rating. Remember that reduce always
// returns an array with one item.
return ratings.
reduce((a,b) => (b > a) ? b : a) // Complete this expression
// Exercise 18: Retrieve url of the largest boxart
function() {
var boxarts = [
{ width: 200, height: 200, url: "" },
{ width: 150, height: 200, url: "" },
{ width: 300, height: 200, url: "" },
{ width: 425, height: 150, url: "" }
// You should return an array containing only the URL of the largest box art. Remember that reduce always
// returns an array with one item.
return boxarts.
reduce((a, b) => (b.width > a.width) ? b : a)
.map(b => b.url)// Complete this expression
// Exercise 19: Reducing with an initial value
function() {
var videos = [
"id": 65432445,
"title": "The Chamber"
"id": 675465,
"title": "Fracture"
"id": 70111470,
"title": "Die Hard"
"id": 654356453,
"title": "Bad Boys"
// Expecting this output...
// [
// {
// "65432445": "The Chamber",
// "675465": "Fracture",
// "70111470": "Die Hard",
// "654356453": "Bad Boys"
// }
// ]
return videos.
reduce(function(accumulatedMap, video) {
var obj = {};
obj[] = video.title;
// Object.assign() takes all of the enumerable properties from
// the object listed in its second argument (obj) and assigns them
// to the object listed in its first argument (accumulatedMap).
return Object.assign(accumulatedMap, obj);
// Use an empty map as the initial value instead of the first item in
// the list.
// Exercise 20: Retrieve the id, title, and smallest box art url for every video.
function() {
var movieLists = [
name: "New Releases",
videos: [
"id": 70111470,
"title": "Die Hard",
"boxarts": [
{ width: 150, height:200, url:"" },
{ width: 200, height:200, url:"" }
"url": "",
"rating": 4.0,
"bookmark": []
"id": 654356453,
"title": "Bad Boys",
"boxarts": [
{ width: 200, height:200, url:"" },
{ width: 140, height:200, url:"" }
"url": "",
"rating": 5.0,
"bookmark": [{ id:432534, time:65876586 }]
name: "Thrillers",
videos: [
"id": 65432445,
"title": "The Chamber",
"boxarts": [
{ width: 130, height:200, url:"" },
{ width: 200, height:200, url:"" }
"url": "",
"rating": 4.0,
"bookmark": []
"id": 675465,
"title": "Fracture",
"boxarts": [
{ width: 200, height:200, url:"" },
{ width: 120, height:200, url:"" },
{ width: 300, height:200, url:"" }
"url": "",
"rating": 5.0,
"bookmark": [{ id:432534, time:65876586 }]
// Use one or more concatMap, map, and reduce calls to create an array with the following items (order doesn't matter)
// [
// {"id": 675465,"title": "Fracture","boxart":"" },
// {"id": 65432445,"title": "The Chamber","boxart":"" },
// {"id": 654356453,"title": "Bad Boys","boxart":"" },
// {"id": 70111470,"title": "Die Hard","boxart":"" }
// ];
return movieLists.
concatMap((movieList) => movieList.videos)
.concatMap((v) => v.boxarts.reduce((a,b) => (b.width < a.width) ? b : a)
.map(b => { return { id:, title: v.title, boxart: b.url }; }))
// Exercise 21: Combine videos and bookmarks by index
function() {
var videos = [
"id": 70111470,
"title": "Die Hard",
"boxart": "",
"uri": "",
"rating": 4.0,
"id": 654356453,
"title": "Bad Boys",
"boxart": "",
"uri": "",
"rating": 5.0,
"id": 65432445,
"title": "The Chamber",
"boxart": "",
"uri": "",
"rating": 4.0,
"id": 675465,
"title": "Fracture",
"boxart": "",
"uri": "",
"rating": 5.0,
bookmarks = [
{id: 470, time: 23432},
{id: 453, time: 234324},
{id: 445, time: 987834}
videoIdAndBookmarkIdPairs = [];
for(counter = 0; counter < Math.min(videos.length, bookmarks.length); counter++) {
// Insert code here to create a {videoId, bookmarkId} pair and add it to the videoIdAndBookmarkIdPairs array.
videoIdAndBookmarkIdPairs.push({ videoId: videos[counter].id, bookmarkId: bookmarks[counter].id });
return videoIdAndBookmarkIdPairs;
// Exercise 22: Implement zip
// JSON.stringify([1,2,3],[4,5,6], function(left, right) { return left + right })) === '[5,7,9]' = function(left, right, combinerFunction) {
var counter,
results = [];
for(counter = 0; counter < Math.min(left.length, right.length); counter++) {
// Add code here to apply the combinerFunction to the left and right-hand items in the respective arrays
results.push(combinerFunction(left[counter], right[counter]))
return results;
// Exercise 23: Combine videos and bookmarks by index
function() {
var videos = [
"id": 70111470,
"title": "Die Hard",
"boxart": "",
"uri": "",
"rating": 4.0,
"id": 654356453,
"title": "Bad Boys",
"boxart": "",
"uri": "",
"rating": 5.0,
"id": 65432445,
"title": "The Chamber",
"boxart": "",
"uri": "",
"rating": 4.0,
"id": 675465,
"title": "Fracture",
"boxart": "",
"uri": "",
"rating": 5.0,
bookmarks = [
{id: 470, time: 23432},
{id: 453, time: 234324},
{id: 445, time: 987834}
return Array.
zip(videos, bookmarks, (v, b) => { return { videoId:, bookmarkId: }; }) //... finish this expression
// Exercise 24: Retrieve each video's id, title, middle interesting moment time, and smallest box art url.
function() {
var movieLists = [
name: "New Releases",
videos: [
"id": 70111470,
"title": "Die Hard",
"boxarts": [
{ width: 150, height:200, url:"" },
{ width: 200, height:200, url:"" }
"url": "",
"rating": 4.0,
"interestingMoments": [
{ type: "End", time:213432 },
{ type: "Start", time: 64534 },
{ type: "Middle", time: 323133}
"id": 654356453,
"title": "Bad Boys",
"boxarts": [
{ width: 200, height:200, url:"" },
{ width: 140, height:200, url:"" }
"url": "",
"rating": 5.0,
"interestingMoments": [
{ type: "End", time:54654754 },
{ type: "Start", time: 43524243 },
{ type: "Middle", time: 6575665}
name: "Instant Queue",
videos: [
"id": 65432445,
"title": "The Chamber",
"boxarts": [
{ width: 130, height:200, url:"" },
{ width: 200, height:200, url:"" }
"url": "",
"rating": 4.0,
"interestingMoments": [
{ type: "End", time:132423 },
{ type: "Start", time: 54637425 },
{ type: "Middle", time: 3452343}
"id": 675465,
"title": "Fracture",
"boxarts": [
{ width: 200, height:200, url:"" },
{ width: 120, height:200, url:"" },
{ width: 300, height:200, url:"" }
"url": "",
"rating": 5.0,
"interestingMoments": [
{ type: "End", time:45632456 },
{ type: "Start", time: 234534 },
{ type: "Middle", time: 3453434}
//------------ COMPLETE THIS EXPRESSION --------------
return movieLists.
concatMap((movieList) => movieList.videos)
.concatMap((v) => => a.type === 'Middle'),
v.boxarts.reduce((a,b) => b.width < a.width ? b : a),
(m, b) => { return { id:, title: v.title, time: m.time,
url: b.url }; } ));
// Exercise 25: Converting from Arrays to Trees
function() {
var lists = [
"id": 5434364,
"name": "New Releases"
"id": 65456475,
"name": "Thrillers"
videos = [
"listId": 5434364,
"id": 65432445,
"title": "The Chamber"
"listId": 5434364,
"id": 675465,
"title": "Fracture"
"listId": 65456475,
"id": 70111470,
"title": "Die Hard"
"listId": 65456475,
"id": 654356453,
"title": "Bad Boys"
return => { return { name:, videos: videos
.filter(v => v.listId === => { return { id:, title: v.title }; })} }) // complete this expression
// Exercise 26: Converting from Arrays to Deeper Trees
function() {
var lists = [
"id": 5434364,
"name": "New Releases"
"id": 65456475,
name: "Thrillers"
videos = [
"listId": 5434364,
"id": 65432445,
"title": "The Chamber"
"listId": 5434364,
"id": 675465,
"title": "Fracture"
"listId": 65456475,
"id": 70111470,
"title": "Die Hard"
"listId": 65456475,
"id": 654356453,
"title": "Bad Boys"
boxarts = [
{ videoId: 65432445, width: 130, height:200, url:"" },
{ videoId: 65432445, width: 200, height:200, url:"" },
{ videoId: 675465, width: 200, height:200, url:"" },
{ videoId: 675465, width: 120, height:200, url:"" },
{ videoId: 675465, width: 300, height:200, url:"" },
{ videoId: 70111470, width: 150, height:200, url:"" },
{ videoId: 70111470, width: 200, height:200, url:"" },
{ videoId: 654356453, width: 200, height:200, url:"" },
{ videoId: 654356453, width: 140, height:200, url:"" }
bookmarks = [
{ videoId: 65432445, time: 32432 },
{ videoId: 675465, time: 3534543 },
{ videoId: 70111470, time: 645243 },
{ videoId: 654356453, time: 984934 }
return =>
{ return { name:, videos:
videos.filter(g => g.listId === =>
boxarts.filter(a => a.videoId ===, b) => b.width < a.width ? b : a),
bookmarks.filter(a => a.videoId ===,
(arts, book) => { return { id:, title: v.title,
time: book.time, boxart: arts.url }; } )) } })
// complete this expression
// Exercise 27: Stock Ticker
function(pricesNASDAQ, printRecord) {
var microsoftPrices,
now = new Date(),
tenDaysAgo = new Date( now.getFullYear(), now.getMonth(), now.getDate() - 10);
// use filter() to filter the trades for MSFT prices recorded any time after 10 days ago
microsoftPrices =
filter(function(priceRecord) { // finish this expression
return === 'MSFT' })
// Print the trades to the output console
forEach(function(priceRecord) {
// Exercise 28: Subscribing to an event
function(button) {
// the button click handler
var handler = function(ev) {
// Unsubscribe from the button event.
button.removeEventListener("click", handler);
alert("Button was clicked. Unsubscribing from event.");
// add the button click handler
button.addEventListener("click", handler);
// Exercise 29: Traversing an Event
function(button) {
var buttonClicks = Observable.fromEvent(button, "click");
// In the case of an Observable, forEach returns a subscription object.
var subscription =
forEach(function(clickEvent) {
alert("Button was clicked. Stopping Traversal.");
// Stop traversing the button clicks
// Exercise 30: Completing Sequences with take()
function(button) {
var buttonClicks = Observable.fromEvent(button, "click");
// Use take() to listen for only one button click
// and unsubscribe.
forEach(function() {
alert("Button was clicked once. Stopping Traversal.");
// Exercise 31: Completing sequences with takeUntil()
function(pricesNASDAQ, printRecord, stopButton) {
var stopButtonClicks = Observable.fromEvent(stopButton, "click");// ----- To finish this expression, use Observable.fromEvent to convert the "click" event on the stop button to an Observable
microsoftPrices =
filter(function(priceRecord) {
return === "MSFT";
// ----- To finish this expression, use takeUntil to complete the sequence when stopButtonClicks fires.
forEach(function(priceRecord) {
// Exercise 32: Creating a mouse drag event
function(sprite, spriteContainer) {
var spriteMouseDowns = Observable.fromEvent(sprite, "mousedown"),
spriteContainerMouseMoves = Observable.fromEvent(spriteContainer, "mousemove"),
spriteContainerMouseUps = Observable.fromEvent(spriteContainer, "mouseup"),
spriteMouseDrags =
// For every mouse down event on the sprite...
concatMap((contactPoint) => spriteContainerMouseMoves.
// ...until a mouse up event occurs.
// For each mouse drag event, move the sprite to the absolute page position.
spriteMouseDrags.forEach(function(dragPoint) { = dragPoint.pageX + "px"; = dragPoint.pageY + "px";
// Exercise 33: Improving our mouse drag event
function(sprite, spriteContainer) {
// All of the mouse event sequences look like this:
// seq([ {pageX: 22, pageY: 3423, layerX: 14, layerY: 22} ,,, ])
var spriteMouseDowns = Observable.fromEvent(sprite, "mousedown"),
spriteContainerMouseMoves = Observable.fromEvent(spriteContainer, "mousemove"),
spriteContainerMouseUps = Observable.fromEvent(spriteContainer, "mouseup"),
// Create a sequence that looks like this:
// seq([ {pageX: 22, pageY:4080 },,,{pageX: 24, pageY: 4082},,, ])
spriteMouseDrags =
// For every mouse down event on the sprite...
concatMap(function(contactPoint) {
// ...retrieve all the mouse move events on the sprite container...
return spriteContainerMouseMoves.
// ...until a mouse up event occurs.
map((c) => {
return {
pageX: c.pageX - contactPoint.layerX,
pageY: c.pageY - contactPoint.layerY
// For each mouse drag event, move the sprite to the absolute page position.
spriteMouseDrags.forEach(function(dragPoint) { = dragPoint.pageX + "px"; = dragPoint.pageY + "px";
// Exercise 34: HTTP requests
function($) {
success: function(json) {
alert("Data has arrived.");
error: function(ex) {
alert("There was an error.")
// Exercise 35: Sequencing HTTP requests with callbacks
function(window, $, showMovieLists, showError) {
var error,
errorHandler = function() {
// Otherwise show the error.
error = "There was a connectivity error";
// We may be ready to display out
tryToDisplayOutput = function() {
if (outputDisplayed) {
if (windowLoaded) {
if (configDone && movieLists !== undefined) {
if (queueList !== undefined) {
outputDisplayed = true;
else if (error) {
outputDisplayed = true;
windowLoadHandler = function() {
windowLoaded = true;
// Remember to unsubscribe from events
window.removeEventListener("load", windowLoadHandler);
// This may be the last task we're waiting on, so try and display output.
// Register for the load event
window.addEventListener("load", windowLoadHandler);
// Request the service url prefix for the users AB test
success: function(abTestInformation) {
// Request the member's config information to determine whether their instant
// queue should be displayed.
"" + abTestInformation.urlPrefix + "/config",
success: function(config) {
// Parallel retrieval of movie list could've failed,
// in which case we don't want to issue this call.
if (!error) {
// If we're supposed to
if (config.showInstantQueue) {
"" + abTestInformation.urlPrefix + "/queue",
success: function(queueMessage) {
queueList = queueMessage.list;
configDone = true;
error: errorHandler
else {
configDone = true;
error: errorHandler
// Retrieve the movie list
"" + abTestInformation.urlPrefix + "/movieLists",
success: function(movieListMessage) {
movieLists = movieListMessage.list;
error: errorHandler
error: errorHandler
// Exercise 36: Traversing callback-based Asynchronous APIs
function(window, $) {
var getJSON = function(url) {
return Observable.create(function(observer) {
var subscribed = true;
function(data) {
// If client is still interested in the results, send them.
if (subscribed) {
// Send data to the client;
// Immediately complete the sequence
error: function(ex) {
// If client is still interested in the results, send them.
if (subscribed) {
// Inform the client that an error occurred.
// Definition of the Subscription objects unsubscribe (dispose in RxJS 4) method.
return function() {
subscribed = false;
var observer = {
// onNext in RxJS 4
next: function (data) {
// onError in RxJS 4
error: function (err) {
// onComplete in RxJS 4
complete: function () {
alert("The asynchronous operation has completed.");
var subscription =
// setTimeout(function () {
// alert("Changed my mind, I do not want notifications any more!")
// subscription.unsubscribe();
// }, 10);
// Exercise 37: Sequencing HTTP requests with Observable
function(window, getJSON, showMovieLists, showError) {
var movieListsSequence =
concatMap(function(abTestInformation) {
getJSON("" + abTestInformation.urlPrefix + "/config").
concatMap(function(config) {
if (config.showInstantQueue) {
return getJSON("" + abTestInformation.urlPrefix + "/queue").
map(function(queueMessage) {
return queueMessage.list;
else {
return Observable.returnValue(undefined);
getJSON("" + abTestInformation.urlPrefix + "/movieLists"),
function(queue, movieListsMessage) {
var copyOfMovieLists = Object.create(movieListsMessage.list);
if (queue !== undefined) {
return copyOfMovieLists;
Observable.fromEvent(window, "load"),
function(movieLists, loadEvent) {
return movieLists;
function(movieLists) {
function(err) {
// Exercise 38: Throttle Input
function (clicks, saveData, name) {
return clicks.
concatMap(function () {
return saveData(name);
// Exercise 39: Autocomplete Box
function (getSearchResultSet, keyPresses, textBox) {
var getSearchResultSets =
map(function () {
return textBox.value;
// TODO: Ensure that we only trigger a maximum of one search request per second
concatMap(function (text) {
// TODO: Ensure this sequence ends as soon as another key press arrives
return getSearchResultSet(text).takeUntil(keyPresses);
return getSearchResultSets;
// Exercise 40: Distinct Until Changed Input
function (keyPresses, isAlpha) {
return keyPresses.
map(function (e) { return String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode); }).
// Ensure we only have alphabetic characters
filter(function (character) { return isAlpha(character); }).
// TODO: Filter out successive repetitive keys
// Building up a string of all the characters typed.
scan(function (stringSoFar, character) {
return stringSoFar + character;
}, '');
// Exercise 41: Autocomplete Box Part 2: Electric Boogaloo
function (getSearchResultSet, keyPresses, textBox) {
var getSearchResultSets =
map(function () {
return textBox.value;
// TODO: Make sure we only get distinct values
// TODO: Make sure the text is not empty
filter((v) => v.length > 0).
concatMap(function (text) {
return getSearchResultSet(text).takeUntil(keyPresses);
return getSearchResultSets;
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