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Last active September 26, 2017 21:52
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Scatter Plot
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Movie Success Rate and MPAA rating

Scatter Plot

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-Color Hue : MPAA rating,movie rating is represnted through color.

-Spacial Region:Gross,Movie gross collection in millions is represented through the size of the point.


forked from Mrajyalakshmi's block: Scatter Plot

Title MPAA Budget Gross Length Rating
8 Mile R 41 117 110 6.7
Alone in the Dark R 20 5 96 2.2
Aviator PG-13 116 103 170 7.6
Big Fish PG-13 70 66 125 8
Bourne Identity PG-13 75 121 119 7.4
Break-Up PG-13 52 116 105 5.8
Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle PG-13 120 101 106 4.8
Collateral R 65 100 120 7.7
Crash R 6.5 55 113 8.3
Daddy Day Care PG 60 104 92 5.7
DaVinci Code PG-13 125 213 149 6.5
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind R 20 34 108 8.6
From Justin to Kelly PG 5 12 81 1.9
Harry Potter Goblet of Fire PG-13 150 290 157 7.8
Hostel R 4.5 47 94 5.8
House of the Dead R 7 10 90 2
Last Samurai R 100 111 154 7.8
Million Dollar Baby PG-13 30 100 132 8.4
Pirates of the Carribbean (II) PG-13 225 322 150 7.5
Rollerball PG-13 70 19 97 2.7
S.W.A.T. PG-13 80 117 117 6
Secret Window PG-13 40 48 96 6.3
Signs PG-13 70 228 106 7
Silent Hill R 50 47 127 6.6
Son of the Mask PG 74 17 94 2
Spider-Man 2 PG-13 200 373 127 7.8
Star Wars III PG-13 113 380 140 8
Sum of All Fears PG-13 68 118 124 6.4
The Pianist R 35 33 150 8.5
The Village PG-13 72 114 108 6.6
Van Helsing PG-13 160 120 132 5.3
Vanilla Sky R 68 101 136 6.8
Walk the Line PG-13 29 120 136 8.1
War of the Worlds PG-13 132 234 116 6.7
Wedding Crashers R 40 209 119 7.3
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