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Last active March 26, 2024 13:50
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Make an Lch histogram from an image. Try ` --wheel` and then ` --histofancy image.png wheel.png`.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Author: Yotam Gingold <yotam (strudel)>
License: Public Domain [CC0](
On GitHub as a gist:
## pip install scikit-image drawsvg
import numpy as np
from numpy import *
from skimage import color
import os
## For reproducibility
CHROMA = 33.
def generate_one_random_lch():
Lch has Luminance in the range [0,100],
chroma in the range [0,100],
and hue in radians [0,2*pi].
return ( LUMINANCE, CHROMA, 2*pi*random.random() )
def lch2rgb( lch ):
Given a color in Lch color space as a tuple of three numbers,
returns a color in sRGB color space as a tuple of three numbers.
assert len( lch ) == 3
assert float( lch[0] ) == lch[0]
assert float( lch[1] ) == lch[1]
assert float( lch[2] ) == lch[2]
if VERIFY and not lch_color_is_in_sRGB_gamut( lch ):
print( "Color out of sRGB gamut!" )
return color.lab2rgb( color.lch2lab( asfarray(lch)[None,None,:] ) )[0,0]
def lch_color_is_in_sRGB_gamut( lch ):
Given a color in Lch color space as a tuple of three numbers,
returns True if the color can be converted to sRGB and False otherwise.
c_lab = color.lch2lab( asfarray(lch)[None,None,:] )
c_lab2 = color.rgb2lab( color.lab2rgb( c_lab ) )
return abs( c_lab - c_lab2 ).max() < 1e-5
# def hue_too_close( hue1, hue2 ):
# return lch_too_close( ( LUMINANCE, CHROMA, hue1 ), ( LUMINANCE, CHROMA, hue2 ) )
def lch_too_close( col1, col2 ):
## 2.3 is JND in Lab.
return linalg.norm( lch2lab(col1) - lch2lab(col2) ) <= 2.3*10
def lch2lab( lch ): return color.lch2lab( asfarray(lch)[None,None,:] )[0,0]
def sort_lch_colors_relative_to_first( seq ):
seq = asfarray( seq )
hue0 = seq[0][2]
for i in range(1,len(seq)):
while seq[i][2] < hue0: seq[i][2] += 2*pi
seq = seq.tolist()
seq_sorted = seq[:1] + sorted( seq[1:], key = lambda x: x[2] )
## mod the numbers back
seq_sorted = [ ( c[0], c[1], fmod( c[2], 2*pi ) ) for c in seq_sorted ]
return seq_sorted
def ij2xy( i, j, RESOLUTION ):
i,j: Row, column integer pixel coordinates in a square image.
RESOLUTION: The width and height of the image.
x, y: Floating point coordinates in [-1,1]^2.
center = (RESOLUTION-1)/2
# return ( i - center )/center, ( j - center )/center
return j/center - 1, i/center - 1
def xy2ij( x, y, RESOLUTION ):
x,y: Floating point coordinates in [-1,1]^2.
RESOLUTION: The width and height of the image.
i,j: Row, column integer coordinates in the range [0,RESOLUTION]^2.
center = (RESOLUTION-1)/2
# return x * center + center, y * center + center
return int(round( ( y + 1 ) * center )), int(round( ( x + 1 ) * center ))
def generate_wheel_as_circle():
Returns an sRGB image of all hues around the Lch color wheel.
## Resolution should be even.
## If resolution is odd, there will be a weird color at the center.
img = zeros( (RESOLUTION,RESOLUTION,4), dtype = float )
for i in range(RESOLUTION):
for j in range(RESOLUTION):
## Convert to coordinates with the origin in the center of the image
x, y = ij2xy( i,j, RESOLUTION )
## Get the hue as an angle in radians
hue_radians = ( arctan2( y, x ) + 2*pi ) % (2*pi)
## Create an lch color
lch = ( LUMINANCE, CHROMA, hue_radians )
## Skip this pixel if out of gamut
# if not lch_color_is_in_sRGB_gamut( lch ): continue
## Otherwise, get the RGB color and write it to the image
img[i,j,:3] = lch2rgb( lch )
## Make the pixel opaque
img[i,j,3] = 1
return img
def generate_lch_slice():
Returns an sRGB image of all hues and chromas.
img = zeros( (RESOLUTION,RESOLUTION,4), dtype = float )
for i in range(RESOLUTION):
for j in range(RESOLUTION):
## Convert to coordinates with the origin in the center of the image
x, y = ij2xy( i,j, RESOLUTION )
## Get the hue as an angle in radians
hue_radians = ( arctan2( y, x ) + 2*pi ) % (2*pi)
## Chroma is the magnitude scaled (and clipped?) to [0,100]
chroma = sqrt( x**2 + y**2 )*100
if CLIP_TO_CIRCLE and chroma > 100: continue
## Create an lch color
lch = ( LUMINANCE, chroma, hue_radians )
## Skip this pixel if out of gamut
if not lch_color_is_in_sRGB_gamut( lch ): continue
## Otherwise, get the RGB color and write it to the image
img[i,j,:3] = lch2rgb( lch )
## Make the pixel opaque
img[i,j,3] = 1
return img
def generate_wheel_as_strip():
Returns an sRGB image of all hues around the Lch color wheel.
out_of_gamut_count = 0
img = zeros( (50,360,3), dtype = float )
c = asfarray(( LUMINANCE, CHROMA, 0.0 ))
for col, h in enumerate( linspace( 0, 2*pi, 360 ) ):
c[2] = h
img[:,col,:] = asfarray(lch2rgb(c))[None,:]
## verify
if not lch_color_is_in_sRGB_gamut( c ):
print( "Color out of sRGB gamut!" )
out_of_gamut_count += 1
print( "Wheel: %s colors out of gamut (%.2f%%)" % ( out_of_gamut_count, (100.*out_of_gamut_count) / 360 ) )
return img
def save_image_to_file( img, filename, clobber = False ):
if os.path.exists( filename ) and not clobber:
raise RuntimeError( "File exists, will not clobber: %s" % filename ) filename, skimage.img_as_ubyte( img ) )
print( "Saved:", filename )
def circle_histogram_for_imagepath( inpath, clobber = False ):
mode = 'histogram'
outpath = os.path.splitext( inpath )[0] + f'-{mode}.svg'
if os.path.exists( outpath ) and not clobber:
raise RuntimeError( "File exists, will not clobber: %s" % outpath )
# Load the image
print( "Loading:", inpath )
img = inpath )
polyline = circle_histogram_for_image( img, clobber = False )
import drawsvg
# Save the polyline as an SVG
d = drawsvg.Drawing(100, 100)
d.append(drawsvg.Lines(*np.array(polyline).ravel(), close='true', stroke='black', stroke_width=2, fill='none'))
d.save_svg( outpath )
print( "Saved:", outpath )
def circle_histogram_for_imagepath_masking_background( inpath, backgroundpath, clobber = False ):
mode = 'histofancy'
outpath = os.path.splitext( inpath )[0] + f'-{mode}.svg'
if os.path.exists( outpath ) and not clobber:
raise RuntimeError( "File exists, will not clobber: %s" % outpath )
# Load the image
print( "Loading:", inpath )
img = inpath )
polyline = circle_histogram_for_image( img, clobber = False )
import drawsvg
# Save the polyline as an SVG
d = drawsvg.Drawing( 100 + 2*PADDING + STROKE_WIDTH, 100 + 2*PADDING + STROKE_WIDTH, origin = ( -PADDING - 0.5*STROKE_WIDTH, -PADDING - 0.5*STROKE_WIDTH ) )
clip_path = drawsvg.Path()
## The inner histogram
clip_path.M( *polyline[0] )
for pt in polyline[1:]: clip_path.L( *pt )
## The outer circle
clip_path.M( 100 + PADDING, 50 )
clip_path.A( 50 + PADDING/2, 50 + PADDING/2, 0, 1, 1, -PADDING, 50 )
clip_path.A( 50 + PADDING/2, 50 + PADDING/2, 0, 0, 1, 100 + PADDING, 50 )
clip = drawsvg.ClipPath()
clip.append( clip_path )
d.append( drawsvg.Image( -PADDING, -PADDING, 100 + 2*PADDING, 100 + 2*PADDING, path = backgroundpath, embed = True, clip_path = clip ) )
## The same data on top as a line
d.append( drawsvg.Lines( *np.array(polyline).ravel(), close='true', stroke='black', stroke_width=STROKE_WIDTH, fill='none' ) )
d.append( drawsvg.Circle( 50, 50, 60, stroke='black', stroke_width=STROKE_WIDTH, fill='none' ) )
d.save_svg( outpath )
print( "Saved:", outpath )
def circle_histogram_for_image( img, filter = None, num_bins = None, clobber = False ):
img: An sRGB image as a width-by-height-by-3 numpy.array with floating point values in [0,1].
filter: An optional filter parameter. Only colors with an ||ab||/128 greater than this value are counted. The default is 0.1.
num_bins: The number of histogram bins. Too many bins can lead to a noisy appearance. The default is 180.
if filter is None: filter = 0.1
if num_bins is None: num_bins = 180
# Convert the image to LAB
if img.shape[2] == 4:
assert ( skimage.util.img_as_float( img )[:,:,3] == 1.0 ).all()
img = img[:,:,:3]
image_lch = color.lab2lch( color.rgb2lab( img ) )
# Flatten to a 1D sequence of pixels.
pixels_lch = image_lch.reshape(-1,3)
# Filter out pixels with chroma magnitude < 0.1.
# Chroma range is [0,100]:
if filter is not None: pixels_lch = pixels_lch[ pixels_lch[:,1]/100 > filter ]
# Make a degree histogram
hist, bins = np.histogram( pixels_lch[:,2], bins = num_bins, range = ( 0, 2*pi ), density = False )
# Get the maximum bin value for normalization purposes
max_hist = hist.max()
# Get the distance from a bin edge to the midpoint
bin_edge_to_midpoint = .5 * ( bins[0] + bins[1] )
# Create a polyline connecting bin tips
polyline = []
for value, bin_edge in zip( hist, bins ):
radians = bin_edge + bin_edge_to_midpoint
# We want a radius based on the histogram value.
# A value of 0 should have r = 1.
# The maximum value should have r = 0.
r = 1 - value/max_hist
x, y = r*np.cos( radians ), r*np.sin( radians )
# A little transformation to put points in the unit square [0,100]^2
polyline.append( ( 50*x + 50, 50*y + 50 ) )
return polyline
def main():
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description = "Save an lch color wheel." )
parser.add_argument( "--clobber", action = 'store_true', help="If set, this will overwrite existing files." )
parser.add_argument( "-L", type = float, help="Override the default luminance." )
parser.add_argument( "-c", type = float, help="Override the default chroma." )
parser.add_argument( "--seed", type = int, help="The random seed. Default 1." )
parser.add_argument( "--wheel", action = 'store_true', help="Generate a wheel saved to 'wheel.png'." )
parser.add_argument( "--slice", action = 'store_true', help="Generate a slice saved to 'slice.png'." )
parser.add_argument( "--strip", action = 'store_true', help="Generate a strip saved to 'strip.png'." )
parser.add_argument( "--histogram", type = str, help="Path to image to create a histogram for." )
parser.add_argument( "--histofancy", type = str, nargs = 2, help="Path to image to create a histogram for and the background image. Generates output similar to Color Harmonization [Cohen-Or et al. 2006]." )
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.seed is not None:
random.seed( args.seed )
if args.L is not None:
if args.c is not None:
CHROMA = args.c
print( "Luminance:", LUMINANCE )
print( "Chroma:", CHROMA )
if args.strip:
W = generate_wheel_as_strip()
save_image_to_file( W, 'strip.png', clobber = args.clobber )
if args.wheel:
W = generate_wheel_as_circle()
save_image_to_file( W, 'wheel.png', clobber = args.clobber )
if args.slice:
W = generate_lch_slice()
save_image_to_file( W, 'slice.png', clobber = args.clobber )
if args.histogram:
circle_histogram_for_imagepath( args.histogram, clobber = args.clobber )
if args.histofancy:
circle_histogram_for_imagepath_masking_background( args.histofancy[0], args.histofancy[1], clobber = args.clobber )
if __name__ == '__main__':
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