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Last active July 11, 2018 18:39
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Require Coq.Lists.List.
Require Coq.Program.Basics.
(* Utility Functions *)
Inductive Maybe (A : Type) : Type :=
| Nothing : Maybe A
| Just : A -> Maybe A.
Inductive stackValue : Set :=
| IntegerValue : stackValue
| AddressValue : stackValue
| CharValue : stackValue.
Definition isAddrValue : stackValue -> bool :=
fun v => match v with
| AddressValue => true
| _ => false
Definition instrAddable (l : stackValue) (r : stackValue) : bool :=
match (l, r) with
| (CharValue, _) => false
| (_, CharValue) => false
| _ => true
Definition compose {A B C} (g : B -> C) (f : A -> B) : A -> C :=
fun x => g (f x).
(* Mimicking non-dependent applicatives here, even though this
has nothing to do with actual applicatives
Definition bind (A B : Type) (x : Maybe (A -> B)) (y : Maybe A) : Maybe B :=
match (x, y) with
| (Nothing _, _) => Nothing B
| (_, Nothing _) => Nothing B
| (Just _ f, Just _ v) => Just _ (f v)
Definition fish { A B C } (g : B -> Maybe C) (f : A -> Maybe B) : A -> Maybe C :=
fun a => match f a with
| Nothing _ => Nothing _
| Just _ b => match g b with
| Nothing _ => Nothing _
| Just _ c => Just _ c
Notation "A *> B" := (bind A B) (at level 80, right associativity).
Notation "A >=> B" := (fish A B) (at level 80, right associativity).
(* Stack Operations *)
Definition push32 (v : stackValue) (l : list stackValue) : Maybe (list stackValue) := Just _ (cons v l).
Definition pop (l : list stackValue) : Maybe (list stackValue) :=
match l with
| nil => Nothing _
| cons x xs => Just _ xs
(* Store the element `stack[1]` at address `stack[0]` *)
Definition store' (l : list stackValue) : Maybe (list stackValue) :=
match l with
| cons AddressValue (cons IntegerValue xs) => Just _ xs
| _ => Nothing _
Add the top 2 values on the stack.
Addresses and integer values are inter-addable.
We can add arbitrary values to addresses.
Definition add (l : list stackValue) : Maybe (list stackValue) :=
match l with
| cons valueL (cons valueR xs) =>
if instrAddable valueL valueR
then Just _ xs
else Nothing _
| _ => Nothing _
(* Load the value with the address on top of the stack from the memory. *)
Definition load' (l : list stackValue) : Maybe (list stackValue) :=
match l with
| cons AddressValue xs => Just _ xs
| _ => Nothing _
(* Duplicate the value on top of the stack *)
Definition dup1 (l : list stackValue) : Maybe (list stackValue) :=
match l with
| cons x xs => Just _ (cons x (cons x xs))
| _ => Nothing _
Definition sha3 (l : list stackValue): Maybe (list stackValue) :=
match l with
| cons x0 (cons x1 xs) =>
if instrAddable x0 x1
then Just _ xs
else Nothing _ (* errorneous case *)
| _ => Nothing _ (* errorneous case *)
(* My computation to test *)
Definition applyHashingFunction : list stackValue -> Maybe (list stackValue) :=
(push32 AddressValue) >=>
store' >=>
push32 IntegerValue >=>
push32 AddressValue >=>
store' >=>
push32 IntegerValue >=>
push32 AddressValue >=>
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