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Created December 15, 2011 16:12
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copy directory recursively
import Prelude hiding (catch)
import System.Environment
import System.IO
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
import Control.Exception
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
partitionM :: Monad m => (a -> m Bool) -> [a] -> m ([a], [a])
partitionM p xs = do
bools <- mapM p xs
let (l1, l2) = partition fst (zip bools xs)
return (map snd l1, map snd l2)
-- | prompt user and get feedback.
prompt :: String -> IO String
prompt s = putStr s >> hFlush stdout >> getLine
-- | check boolean user input.
yesOrNo :: String -> IO Bool
yesOrNo s = case s of
"yes" -> return True
"no" -> return False
_ -> yesOrNo =<< prompt "Please input \"yes\" or \"no\"? "
-- | walk directory recursively
walkDirectory :: FilePath -> (FilePath -> IO ()) -> IO ()
walkDirectory root process = walk "."
walk dir = do
let dir' = root </> dir
paths <- filter (`notElem` [".", ".."]) <$> getDirectoryContents dir'
(files, dirs) <- partitionM (doesFileExist . (dir' </>)) paths
mapM_ process $ map (dir </>) files
mapM_ (walk . (dir </>)) dirs
-- | mkdir -p path/to/dir
createRecursive :: FilePath -> IO ()
createRecursive dir = do
let base = dropFileName . dropTrailingPathSeparator $ dir
exists <- doesDirectoryExist base
if exists then
createDirectory dir
createRecursive base >> createDirectory dir
-- | copy directory recursively, prompt user when necessary.
copyPrompt :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
copyPrompt f1 f2 = do
exists <- doesFileExist f2
if exists then do
overwrite <- yesOrNo =<< prompt ("File \""++f2++"\" exists, overwrite? ")
when overwrite doCopy
else do
let dstDir = dropFileName f2
exists' <- doesDirectoryExist dstDir
if exists' then doCopy
else do
create <- yesOrNo =<< prompt ("Directory \""++dstDir++"\" not exists, create? ")
when create $ createRecursive dstDir >> doCopy
doCopy = do
putStrLn $ "Copy "++f1++" to "++f2
withBinaryFile f1 ReadMode $ \h1 ->
withBinaryFile f2 WriteMode $ \h2 ->
hGetContents h1 >>= hPutStr h2
main :: IO ()
main = do
[src, dst] <- getArgs
putStrLn "Copying"
walkDirectory src $ \path ->
copyPrompt (normalise $ src </> path) (normalise $ dst </> path)
putStrLn "done"
`catch` (\e -> putStrLn $ "ERROR!!!" ++ show (e::SomeException))
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