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Created February 11, 2012 20:07
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Another minimal beamer example for knitr
% this is a simplified version of
<<setup, include=FALSE>>=
# smaller font size for chunks
opts_chunk$set(size = 'footnotesize')
\title{A Minimal Demo of knitr}
\author{Paul Hiemstra \and Yihui Xie}
% very important to use option [fragile] for frames containing code output!
You can test if \textbf{knitr} works with this minimal demo. OK, let's
get started with some boring random numbers:
The first element of \texttt{x} is \Sexpr{x[1]}. Boring boxplots
and histograms recorded by the PDF device:
<<boring-plots, fig.width=5, fig.height=5, out.width='.45\\linewidth','hold'>>=
## two plots side by side (option'hold')
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yihui commented May 12, 2012

you need to install the development version; this will be a new feature in v0.6:

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Thanks for response and link to news of v0.6. Development version not easy to install under Windows, (no Rtools for R-2.15.0, spaces in paths problem, too much). Maybe come back when 0.6 is on CRAN.

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yihui commented May 12, 2012

I have pushed a version to R-Forge, so you should be able to install the Windows version once the build is ready there:

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ptoche commented Dec 4, 2014

Would you have a beamer example with references working properly for figures and tables?

The reference bit works, but the label does not print in the figure caption:
<<Figure1, fig.cap = 'My Figure'>>=
plot(x, y)
The above has a caption like: Figure: My Figure instead of Figure 1: My Figure

This \ref{fig:Figure1} prints as Figure 1, as expected.

And how to do the same with a table, e.g.
<<Table1, echo = FALSE, results = 'asis'>>=
xtable(summary(lm(y~x))$coefficients, caption ="Summary")
Couldn't get it to work at all inside the beamer class.


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