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Created March 21, 2012 03:09
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Save yihui/2143971 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
An R script to generate R.xml for auto-completion in Notepad++
# this script will generate a file 'R.xml' for auto-completion in Notepad++; I
# wrote it when my programming style was pretty bad, but this script seems to be
# still functional anyway
# R.xml will be generated under your current work directory: getwd()
# load some packages to the search path:
pkg <- installed.packages()[, 'Priority']
sapply(names(pkg)[!], library, character.only = TRUE)
# you may load any installed packages here
# sapply(c('animation', 'ggplot2'), library, character.only = TRUE)
cat('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252" ?>
@author Yihui Xie -
@date 2010-08-17
<AutoComplete language="R">
<Environment ignoreCase="no" startFunc="(" stopFunc=")" paramSeparator="," terminal=";" additionalWordChar = "."/>
', file = 'R.xml')
# want to restore?
# pkg0 <- search()
# env0 <- Sys.getenv()
# dll0 <- sapply(getLoadedDLLs(), "[[", "path")
# deal with special HTML/XML characters
htmlspecialchars <- function(string) {
x = c("&", '"', "<", ">")
subx = c("&amp;", "&quot;", "&lt;", "&gt;")
for (i in seq_along(x)) {
string = gsub(x[i], subx[i], string, fixed = TRUE)
strFun <-
' <KeyWord name="%s" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="function">
strNoFun <-
' <KeyWord name="%s" />
findfuns <- function(x) {
env <- paste("package", x, sep = ":")
nm <- ls(env, all.names = FALSE)
idx <- grep("[<>&@:\\?\\{\\(\\)\\[\\^\\*\\$!%/\\|\\+=~\\-]",
if (length(idx))
nm <- nm[-idx]
idx <- grep("^(\\._|\\.\\.)", nm)
if (length(idx))
nm <- nm[-idx]
names(nm) <- nm
res <- lapply(nm, function(fun) {
obj <- get(fun, envir = as.environment(env))
if (mode(obj) == "function") {
if (is.null(formals(obj)))
else sapply(formals(obj), function(param) {
ifelse(is.character(param), shQuote(param, "sh"),
gsub("\"", "'", as.character(as.expression(param))))
else NULL
res <- sapply(res, function(obj) {
if (is.null(obj))
else {
paste(rep(c(rep("",3), "\n "), length.out = length(obj)), htmlspecialchars(ifelse(obj == "", names(obj),
paste(names(obj), obj, sep = " = "))), sep = "")
# lapply(setdiff(search(), pkg0), detach, character.only = TRUE)
#, as.list(env0))
# dll1 <- setdiff(sapply(getLoadedDLLs(), '[[', 'path'), dll0)
# Cairo-related DLLs can cause conflicts (e.g. Cairo & RGtk2), so unload them
# if (length(idx <- grep('Cairo', dll1))) {
# lapply(dll1[idx], dyn.unload)
# }
# Important! needs to sort in the 'C' locale
Sys.setlocale(, "C")
z <- lapply(.packages(all.available = FALSE), findfuns)
zz <- list()
for (i in 1:length(z)) zz <- c(zz, z[[i]])
nm <- sort(unique(names(zz)))
res <- list()
for (i in nm) res[i] <- zz[i]
res[["."]] <- NULL
nm <- names(res)
for (i in 1:length(res)) {
obj <- res[[i]]
cat(if (length(obj) == 0)
sprintf(strNoFun, nm[i])
else sprintf(strFun, nm[i], paste(sprintf(" <Param name=\"%s\" />",
obj), collapse = "\n")), file = "R.xml", append = TRUE)
cat(' </AutoComplete>
', file = 'R.xml', append = TRUE)
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jhnwllr commented Nov 30, 2022

I found this script so useful I wrapped it into a package


A file named R.xml saves to C:/Program Files/Notepad++/autoCompletion/. You might have to change permissions on the folder for the script work.

# load the libraries you want have autocomplete for. 
sapply(c('rgbif','purrr','dplyr', 'ggplot2'), library, character.only = TRUE)

nnp_ac() # save R.xml to dir

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