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Last active October 7, 2015 09:57
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syntax highlighter for R 2.16.0
stopifnot(getRversion() >= '3.0.0')
.keywords = c('FUNCTION', 'IF', 'ELSE', 'WHILE', 'FOR', 'IN', 'BREAK', 'REPEAT', 'NEXT')
.cmd.list = c(
NUM_CONST = 'number',
SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL = 'functioncall',
STR_CONST = 'string',
setNames(rep('keyword', length(.keywords)), .keywords),
SYMBOL_FORMALS = 'argument',
COMMENT = 'comment',
SYMBOL_SUB = 'formalargs',
EQ_SUB = 'eqformalargs',
LEFT_ASSIGN = 'assignment',
EQ_ASSIGN = 'assignment',
RIGHT_ASSIGN = 'assignment',
SLOT = 'slot',
SYMBOL = 'symbol'
cmd_latex = data.frame(
cmd1 = paste('\\hl', .cmd.list, '{', sep = ''),
cmd2 = '}',
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = names(.cmd.list)
cmd_html = data.frame(
cmd1 = paste('<span class="', .cmd.list, '">', sep = ''),
cmd2 = '</span>',
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = names(.cmd.list)
## an important missing part: must put white spaces back!
## a minor missing part: escape special characters (see knitr:::escape_latex)
hilight = function(x, format = c('latex', 'html')) {
format = match.arg(format)
p = parse(text = x)
if (length(p) == 0L) return(x)
z = getParseData(p)
if (NROW(z) == 0L || !any(z$terminal)) return(x)
z = z[z$terminal, ]
res = (if (format == 'latex') cmd_latex else cmd_html)[z$token, ]
res = cbind(z, res)
res = within(res, {cmd1[] = ''; cmd2[] = ''})
with(res, tapply(paste(cmd1, text, cmd2, sep = ''), line1, paste, collapse = ''))
hi_latex = function(x) hilight(x, 'latex')
hi_html = function(x) hilight(x, 'html')
# examples
txt = c('a<-1 # something', 'c(z="hello")', 'b=function(x=2){while(FALSE) NA}',
'for(i in 1:10) {if (i < 5) print(i) else break}', 'z@child # S4 slot')
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