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Last active June 30, 2021 18:01
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Preview all syntax highlighting themes in knitr (HTML and LaTeX)
themes = knit_theme$get()
pat_brew() # use brew patterns <% %>
for (theme in themes) knit('theme.brew', paste('theme-', theme, '.Rhtml', sep = ''))
knit_patterns$restore() # clear patterns
mapply(knit, input = list.files(pattern = '\\.Rhtml$'))
'<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en-us" lang="en-us">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Highlight themes in knitr</title>
<meta name="author" content="Taiyun Wei and Yihui Xie" />
paste(sprintf('<iframe src="%s" width="800" height="520" scrolling="auto" style="display: block; margin: auto;"></iframe>',
list.files(pattern = '^theme-.*\\.html$')), collapse = '<hr />\n'),
con = 'index.html')
# knitr syntax highlighting theme examples overview
# Berry Boessenkool,, Sept 2014
themes <- knit_theme$get()
Code <- "'R sample'; \"string2\" # comment. # examples from Tinn R
var_a = 1:100 ; var.b <- 1: 4.6 # Numbers, Identifier
1 + 1 - 1 * 1 / 1 ^ 1 < 6 & !TRUE; #h$k ? # Operator, Symbol
tryCatch(NA); NULL; TRUE; T; FALSE; if(F) 7 # Programming
mean; # Function, dataset
plot(4, col='blue', cex=0.5) # Plotting
foo = function(dummy=NA) if (TRUE) { for (i in 1:10) x <- NULL }"
#sqrt(-1) # warning #1 + \"a\" # error" only makes sense if eval=TRUE
for(i in 1:length(themes))
file <- paste0("theme-",themes[i],".Rnw")
# Header:
\\usepackage[paperheight=3.3cm,paperwidth=14cm, left=0cm,right=0cm,
\\begin{document}\n", file=file)
# Code
cat(paste0("<<theme",i,", echo=FALSE>>=
knit_theme$set(knit_theme$get('", themes[i], "'))
@\n"), file=file, append=TRUE)
cat(paste0("<<code",i,", eval=FALSE>>=\n"), file=file, append=TRUE)
cat(paste(themes[i], " ;", Code), file=file, append=TRUE)
cat("\n@\n\n", file=file, append=TRUE)
# Enddoc:
cat("\\end{document}", file=file, append=TRUE)
# Make PDF
# combine_all
pdffiles <- dir(pattern=glob2rx("*.pdf"))
pdffiles <- pdffiles[-42] # "fine_blue" does not work...
file <- "2_combine_all.Rnw"
knitr syntax highlighting theme examples overview\\\\
Berry Boessenkool,, Sept 2014\n\n", file=file)
for(i in 1:length(pdffiles))
file=file, append=TRUE)
cat("\\end{document}", file=file, append=TRUE)
# knit2pdf(input=file) # doesnt work for me, so I just knit that via Rstudio.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Code highlight themes in knitr: <% theme %></title>
<p>Code highlight themes in knitr: "<a href="#" target="_blank" title="View in a new frame"><strong><% theme %></strong></a>"</p>
<!--begin.rcode include=FALSE
knit_theme$set('<% theme %>')
<!--begin.rcode eval=FALSE
## credit:
x=sqrt(-1) # warning
message('knitr says hello to HTML!') # message
1+'a' # error
<p>Let's ask R what is the value of &pi;? Of course it is <!--rinline pi -->.</p>
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These are not the same as RStudio themes, correct? For example I don't see spacelab on here.

edit: oh ok, I get it. These here are the highlight parameter and those are the theme parameter.

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jemus42 commented Apr 5, 2019

Turns out the themes I like (e.g. molokai) are not available in rmarkdown :(

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Turns out the themes I like (e.g. molokai) are not available in rmarkdown :(

Yeah it's a real shame that rendering Rmd with knitr doesn't have all the same themes and syntax highlight styles that are in theory available. Jim Hester's knitrBootstrap has different syntax themes available - including Molokai! - and some great features like automatic lightboxing of images, that aren't available in standard rmarkdown. It would be great if somehow a clever person could merge all these things in so that the full range of capabilities was available in standard Rmarkdown. But that is beyond my abilities.

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