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Created October 31, 2012 19:13
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A Shiny app for ANOVA
shinyServer(function(input, output) {
# Make three independent, repeatable copies of rnorm so that the underlying
# random values don't change
rnorm1 = repeatable(rnorm)
rnorm2 = repeatable(rnorm)
rnorm3 = repeatable(rnorm)
gen_data = reactive(function() {
n = input$n; mu1 = input$mu1; mu2 = input$mu2; mu3 = input$mu3; s = input$sigma
data.frame(y = c(rnorm1(n, mu1, s), rnorm2(n, mu2, s), rnorm3(n, mu3, s)),
group = rep(sprintf('mu%s', 1:3), each = n))
output$aovPlot = reactivePlot(function() {
d = gen_data()
par(mar = c(4, 4, .1, .1), mgp = c(2.8, 1, 0), las = 1)
plot(y ~ group, data = d, border = 'gray', horizontal = TRUE)
points(group ~ y, data = d, col = rgb(0, 0, 0, .8))
points(c(input$mu1, input$mu2, input$mu3), 1:3, pch = '|', cex = 2, col = 'red')
}, width = 600, height = 300)
output$aovSummary = reactivePrint(function() {
summary(aov(y ~ group, data = gen_data()))
headerPanel('Analysis of Variance'),
tags$script(src = '', type = 'text/javascript')
helpText('This module demonstrates ANOVA for this model
$$Y_{ij}=\\mu_{i}+\\epsilon_{ij}$$ where \\(\\mu\\) is the group
mean, and \\(\\epsilon\\) is the random error term
\\(\\sim N(0, \\sigma^2)\\). There are three groups \\(i=1,2,3\\) and n
individuals \\(j=1,2,\\cdots,n\\) in each group. The goal here is
to test the hypothesis \\(H_0: \\mu_1=\\mu_2=\\mu_3\\) We can use
F-test here: \\(F=MS_{between}/MS_{within}\\).'),
sliderInput('mu1', '\\(\\mu_1\\)', min = -5, max = 5, value = 0, step = .1),
sliderInput('mu2', '\\(\\mu_2\\)', min = -5, max = 5, value = 0, step = .1),
sliderInput('mu3', '\\(\\mu_3\\)', min = -5, max = 5, value = 0, step = .1),
sliderInput('sigma', '\\(\\sigma\\)', min = 0, max = 10, value = 1, step = .1),
sliderInput('n', '\\(n\\)', min = 2, max = 100, value = 30, step = 1)
helpText('The red bars denote group means.'),
plotOutput('aovPlot', height = 'auto'),
h3('ANOVA Table'),
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