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A list of package vignettes built from knitr on CRAN
Here is a list of package vignettes _possibly_ built with **knitr** on CRAN.
```{r fetch-pkgs, include=FALSE}
pkgs = available.packages(contrib.url('', 'source'))
deps = tools::package_dependencies('knitr', pkgs, which = 'all', reverse = TRUE)[['knitr']]
deps = setdiff(deps, 'R.rsp') # packages that do not use knitr
deps = sort(c(deps, 'knitr'))
```{r vig-list, include=FALSE, echo=FALSE, cache=TRUE, cache.extra=deps, message=FALSE, error=FALSE}
vigs = lapply(deps, function(pkg) {
url = sprintf('', pkg)
txt = try(readLines(url))
if (inherits(txt, 'try-error')) return()
i = grep('<td>Vignettes:</td>', txt)
if (length(i) > 1) stop('something is wrong on the CRAN page of ', pkg)
if (length(i) == 0) return()
j = grep('</td>', txt)
txt = txt[seq(i + 1, min(j[j > i]) - 1)]
pat = '<a href="([^"]+)">(.*?)</a><br/>'
txt = grep(pat, txt, value = TRUE)
x1 = sub(pat, '\\1', txt) # link
x2 = sub(pat, '\\2', txt) # title
x2 = gsub('\\', '', x2, fixed = TRUE) # mcprofile has something weird in the title
package = pkg,
type = toupper(tools::file_ext(x1)),
vignette = sprintf('[%s](', x2, pkg, x1)
```{r output, results='asis', echo=FALSE}
vigs =, vigs)
vigs = rbind(vigs, cbind(package = setdiff(deps, vigs[, 1]), type = '', vignette = ''))
res = knitr::kable(vigs, align = c('r', 'l', 'l'), output = FALSE)
res = gsub('^\\|\\s*|\\s*\\|$', '', res)
res[2] = gsub('^(-+):', '\\1-', res[2])
cat(res, sep = '\n')
There are `r length(deps)` packages and `r sum(nzchar(vigs[, 2]))` vignettes.

Here is a list of package vignettes possibly built with knitr on CRAN.

package type vignette
aaSEA HTML aaSEA Documentation
abbyyR HTML A Worked Out Example of Managing with abbyyR
abbyyR HTML Overview of abbyyR
abbyyR HTML Getting Text from Wisconsin Ads Storyboards Using abbyyR
ABC.RAP HTML Array Based CpG Region Analysis Package (ABC.RAP)
ABHgenotypeR HTML Using ABHGenotypeR
abn PDF ABN - Vignette
AbSim HTML AbSim vignette
abstractr HTML Customizing Visual Abstracts
accelerometry HTML Functions for Processing Accelerometer Data
ace2fastq HTML Tutorial
ACMEeqtl HTML ACMEeqtl Overview Vignette
acmeR HTML Using Package acmeR
acnr HTML Annotated data sets contained in the 'acnr' package
acnr HTML Autocorrelation structure of the acnr data sets
ACSNMineR HTML ACSN description
ACSNMineR HTML ACSN Map update
ActFrag HTML Activity Fragmentation
ActiveDriverWGS HTML ActiveDriverWGS
ActivePathways HTML ActivePathways
ActivePathways HTML enrichmentMap
activityCounts HTML activityCounts
adapr HTML Using the adapr package.
AdaptGauss HTML Short Intro into Gaussian Mixture Models
adaptiveGPCA HTML adaptvieGPCA vignette
adaptMT HTML Introduction to 'adaptMT' package
AdaSampling HTML Breast cancer classification with AdaSampling
add2ggplot HTML intro
addinsOutline HTML Intro
additivityTests HTML Testing for interaction in two-way ANOVA with no replication
adegraphics HTML The 'adegraphics' package
adepro HTML adepro Package Manual
adept HTML Introduction to adept package
adept HTML Walking strides segmentation with adept
adespatial HTML Moran's Eigenvector Maps and related methods for the spatial multiscale analysis of ecological data
adfExplorer HTML Amiga Disk File Explorer
AdhereR HTML AdhereR: Adherence to Medications
AdhereR HTML Calling AdhereR from Python3
AdhereR PDF Using AdhereR with various database technologies for processing very large datasets
adjclust HTML Clustering of Hi-C contact maps
adjclust HTML Implementation notes for the adjclust package
adjclust HTML Inferring Linkage Disequilibrium blocks from genotypes
admixturegraph HTML Constructing and fitting admixture graphs to D statistics
admmDensestSubmatrix HTML admmDensestSubmatrix: ADMM for the densest submtarix problem
ADMMsigma HTML Precision Matrix Estimation via ADMM
ADMMsigma HTML Simulations
ADMMsigma HTML ADMMsigma Tutorial
adnuts HTML No-U-turn sampling for ADMB and TMB models
adoptr HTML quickstart
adoptr HTML Composite Scores
adoptr HTML Conditional Scores and Constraints
adoptr HTML Defining New Scores
adoptr HTML Working with priors
ADPclust HTML ADPclust-vignette
adpss HTML Illustration of adaptive sample size determination
advclust HTML Advance Clustering
AeRobiology HTML Vignette of AeRobiology
afex HTML ANOVA and Post-Hoc Contrasts: Reanalysis of Singmann and Klauer (2011)
afex HTML Mixed Model Example Analysis: Reanalysis of Freeman et al. (2010)
afex HTML afex_plot: Publication Ready Plots for Experimental Designs
afex HTML afex_plot: Supported Models
afex PDF An Introduction to Mixed Models for Experimental Psychology
afpt HTML Aerodynamic model
afpt HTML Basic Usage
afpt HTML Multiple Birds
aGE HTML Vignette Title
AGHmatrix PDF AGHmatrix Tutorial
agridat HTML Additional agricultural data
agridat HTML Graphical Gems in the agridat Package
agridat HTML Using Papadakis covariates for nearest neighbor analysis
agriwater HTML agriwater
AHM HTML Introduction to the AHM package
ahnr HTML ahnr_vignette
ahp HTML AHP Examples
ahp HTML AHP File Format
ahpsurvey HTML full
airGR HTML Get Started with airGR
airGR HTML Plugging in new calibration algorithms
airGR HTML MCMC Parameter estimation
airGR HTML GR4J parameter sets
airGR HTML Using CemaNeige with Hysteresis
airGRteaching HTML Get Started with airGRteaching
airportr HTML Introduction
airr PDF Usage Vignette
ajv HTML Ajv: Getting started
akc HTML akc_vignette
akc HTML tutorial_raw_text
akmedoids HTML A guide to measuring long-term inequality in the exposure to crime at micro-area levels using 'Akmedoids' package
alakazam PDF Amino acid property analysis
alakazam PDF Diversity analysis
alakazam PDF Gene usage analysis
alakazam PDF Lineage reconstruction
alakazam PDF Topology analysis
alfr HTML working_with_content
alfred HTML alfred
algorithmia HTML Introduction to the Algorithmia R Client
alignfigR HTML Introduction to alignfigR
alleHap PDF alleHap vignette
allestimates HTML allestimates-vignette
alluvial HTML Creating Alluvial Diagrams
alpaca HTML How to use alpaca
alpaca HTML Estimating the intensive and extensive margin of trade
alphabetr HTML Using textsc{alphabetr} to determine $alphabeta$TCR pairs
AlphaPart HTML Package 'alphapartition'
AlphaSimR HTML Introduction
AlphaSimR PDF Traits
AlphaVantageClient HTML A simple package for loading data from Alpha Vantage into R objects.
alterryx HTML Using alterryx
amber HTML amber-vignette
AMCTestmakeR HTML Using 'AMCTestmakeR'
ameco HTML AMECO Dataset
amelie HTML Introduction
amen PDF Dyadic data analysis with amen
ammistability PDF Introduction
AMModels PDF AMModels Cheat Sheet
AMModels PDF AMModels: Store models, data, and metadata to facilitate adaptive management
ampir HTML Introduction to ampir
AMR HTML How to conduct AMR analysis
AMR HTML How to apply EUCAST rules
AMR HTML How to determine multi-drug resistance (MDR)
AMR HTML How to work with WHONET data
AMR HTML How to predict antimicrobial resistance
amt HTML Getting started with amt
amt HTML Fitting a Step-Selection Function
AnaCoDa HTML Analyzing Codon Data
analogsea HTML Working with the Digital Ocean API
analysisPipelines HTML Analysis pipelines for working with Python functions
analysisPipelines HTML Analysis pipelines for working with R data frames
analysisPipelines HTML Analysis pipelines for working with Spark DataFrames for batch analyses
analysisPipelines HTML Interoperable analysis pipelines
analysisPipelines HTML Meta-pipelines
analysisPipelines HTML Streaming Analysis Pipelines for working with Apache Spark Structured Streaming
analysisPipelines HTML Using pipelines inside Shiny widgets or apps
AncestryMapper HTML AncestryMapper Overview
anchoredDistr HTML anchoredDistr
AnglerCreelSurveySimulation HTML Simulating Creel Surveys
anim.plots HTML anim.plots
anipaths HTML Vignette Title
AnnotationBustR HTML AnnotationBustR Tutorial
anomalize HTML Anomalize Methods
anomalize HTML Anomalize Quick Start Guide
anomalize HTML Forecasting with Cleaned Anomalies
ANOVAreplication HTML How to use the ANOVAreplication R-package
antaresProcessing HTML antaresProcessing
antaresRead HTML The 'antaresRead' Package
antaresRead HTML Use h5 file format with 'antaresRead'
antaresViz HTML Vignette Title
AnthropMMD HTML An overview of AnthropMMD
Anthropometry PDF Developing statistical methodologies for Anthropometry
anyLib HTML help
aoos HTML Introduction
aoos HTML S4SyntacticSugar
aoos HTML aoosClasses
aoos HTML performance
aoos HTML referenceClasses
aoos HTML retListClasses
apa HTML Introduction to apa
apaTables HTML apaTables
apcf HTML Introduction to apcf
apcluster PDF An R Package for Affinity Propagation Clustering
apex HTML apex: Phylogenetic Methods for Multiple Gene Data.
apexcharter HTML Advanced configuration examples
apexcharter HTML labs
apexcharter HTML lines
apexcharter HTML Starting with ApexCharts
aphid HTML Introduction to the aphid package
APIS HTML Introduction to APIS
aplore3 PDF Examples from the aplore3 package
apollo HTML Model file examples
apsimr PDF Introduction to apsimr
aptg HTML aptg
apyramid HTML Introduction to {apyramid}
ArchaeoChron HTML ArchaeoChron
ArchaeoPhases HTML ArchaeoPhases-groups
ArchaeoPhases HTML ArchaeoPhases-Intro
ArchaeoPhases HTML ArchaeoPhases-dates
archetypal HTML Introduction to Archetypal Package
archivist HTML Accessibility
archivist HTML Caching
archivist HTML Chaining
archivist HTML Posts
archivist.github HTML archivist and GitHub integration - archivist.github
arcos HTML annual-maps
arcos HTML county-analysis
arcos HTML per-capita-pharmacies
areal HTML Areal Weighted Interpolation
areal HTML Areal Interpolation in 'R'
areal HTML Preparing Data for Interpolation
arena2r HTML Introduction to Arena2R
argonR HTML Getting Started
argparse HTML argparse Command Line Argument Parsing
ArgumentCheck HTML Checking Arguments in R Functions
ari HTML Simple-Ari-Configuration-with-Docker
ARIbrain HTML Tutorial for ARIbrain package
arkdb HTML arkdb
arkhe HTML Manual
armspp HTML Adaptive Rejection Metropolis Sampling in R
ARPobservation HTML Algorithms for direct observation recording
arsenal HTML The compare function
arsenal HTML The freqlist function
arsenal HTML A Few Notes on Labels
arsenal HTML The modelsum function
arsenal HTML The paired function
arsenal HTML The tableby function
arsenal HTML The write2 function
ARTool HTML Interaction Contrasts with ART
ARTool HTML Effect Sizes with ART
aRxiv HTML aRxiv tutorial
asciicast HTML asciicast example vignette
asciiSetupReader HTML Introduction to asciiSetupReader
asciiSetupReader HTML Making an .sps file
asciiSetupReader HTML Parsing an .sps or .sas file
ashr HTML Illustration of Adaptive Shrinkage
ASMap PDF Efficient linkage map construction using R/ASMap
aspi HTML ASPI - Analysis of Symmetry of Parasitic Infections
aSPU HTML gene - multitrait aSPU with GWAS Summary Statistics
aSPU HTML aSPU with GWAS Summary Statistics
assertable HTML assertable template
assertable HTML assertable data assertion intro
assertable HTML assertable file assertion intro
assertive HTML 2. Checking function inputs
assertive HTML 3. Checklists of checks
assertive HTML A1. Exercise answers
assertive HTML 1. Introduction
assertr HTML Assertive R Programming with assertr
AssetCorr HTML An AssetCorr Guide
assignR HTML assigR
ASSISTant HTML Adaptive Subgroup Selection in Sequential Trials
ASSISTant HTML Design of the DEFUSE3 Trial
ASSISTant HTML Using Discrete Rankin Scores
asus HTML demo-asus
asymmetry HTML Visualizing asymmetry
atable PDF atable: Create Tables for Reporting Clinical Trials
atable PDF Extending atable
atable PDF Modifying atable
atsd HTML How to Use the atsd Package to Communicate with Axibase Time-Series Database
attachment HTML Extract scripts dependencies and generate your Description file
attempt HTML Intro to attempt
attempt HTML Try Catch
attempt HTML Adverbs
attempt HTML If
attempt HTML Condition handling
attempt HTML covrpage: Tests and Coverage
auctestr HTML Introduction To The auctestr Package
auditor HTML Model evaluation audit
auditor HTML Model fit audit
auditor HTML Model performance audit
auditor HTML Model residuals audit
auditor HTML Observation influence audit
augmentedRCBD PDF Data_Analysis_with_augmentedRCBD
auk HTML Introduction to auk
auk HTML auk development
aurelius HTML aurelius Basic Usage
aurelius HTML Major Syntax Changes
AUtests HTML AUtests: approximate unconditional and permutation tests for 2x2 tables
auth0 HTML simple
AutoDeskR HTML AutoDeskR
autoimage HTML How to Use the autoimage package
autoimage HTML Producing heat maps with autoimage and ggplot2
automultinomial PDF Automultinomial Vignette
autoplotly HTML Introduction to autoplotly package
autothresholdr HTML Finding Thresholds
autothresholdr HTML Thresholding Image Stacks
autothresholdr HTML Thresholding Images
avar HTML Allan Variance Linear Regression Estimator Example
aVirtualTwins HTML full-example
aweek HTML aweek means 'any week'
aws.alexa HTML Overview of aws.alexa
awsjavasdk HTML AWS Java SDK for R
AzureAuth HTML Shiny
AzureAuth HTML Acquire an OAuth token
AzureCognitive HTML Introduction
AzureContainers HTML Plumber model deployment
AzureContainers HTML ML Server model deployment
AzureContainers HTML RBAC examples
AzureGraph HTML Introduction
AzureKeyVault HTML Introduction to AzureKeyVault
AzureKusto HTML AzureKusto
azuremlsdk HTML Set up an Azure ML workspace
azuremlsdk HTML Install the Azure ML SDK for R
AzureRMR HTML Extending AzureRMR
AzureRMR HTML Introduction to AzureRMR
AzureRMR HTML Parallel connections
AzureRMR HTML Creating a service principal
AzureRMR HTML Working with templates
AzureStor HTML AzureStor generics
AzureStor HTML Introduction to AzureStor
AzureVision HTML Computer Vision
AzureVision HTML Custom Vision
AzureVM HTML Introduction to AzureVM
babar HTML Comparing distributions with nested sampling
babar PDF Fitting a single data curve
babar PDF Comparing two growth curves
babette HTML babette demo
babette HTML Examples
babette HTML Nested Sampling
babette HTML babette: Step by Step
babette HTML babette Tutorial
BACA HTML An Introduction to the BACA package
BacArena PDF BacArena-Introduction
backbone HTML backbone_introduction
backpipe HTML Backpipe Operations
backShift HTML backShift demo
bacondecomp HTML bacon
badgecreatr HTML Overview of all badges
badgecreatr HTML Extending badgecreatr
badgecreatr HTML General use of the package
baggr HTML baggr
baggr HTML baggr_binary
bain HTML Introduction to bain
balance HTML Visualize Balances of Compositional Data
Ball HTML Ball: Statistical Inference and Sure Independence Screening via Ball Statistics
BALLI HTML Quick start of BALLI package
ballr HTML ballr
bama HTML High Dimensional Bayesian Mediation Analysis in R
bamlss HTML First Steps
BaMORC HTML Getting started with BaMORC
bamp HTML Short Introduction to BAMP
bamp PDF Bayesian Age-Period-Cohort Modeling
bamp PDF Bayesian Age-Period-Cohort Prediction
bamp PDF Simulating Age-Period-Cohort Data
bang HTML Hierarchical 1-way Analysis of Variance
bang HTML Conjugate Hierarchical Models
bang HTML Posterior Predictive Checking
bang HTML Introducing bang: Bayesian Analysis, No Gibbs
bannerCommenter PDF Making Banner Comments for R Scripts
banR HTML Geocoding French adresses with BanR
baRcodeR HTML Quick Start to Use baRcodeR
baRcodeR HTML Use baRcodeR addin
barplot3d HTML barplot3d
BART PDF The BART R package
BAS HTML Using the Bayesian Adaptive Sampling (BAS) Package for Bayesian Model Averaging and Variable Selection
base2grob HTML base2grob introduction
base64url HTML Benchmark
baseballDBR HTML Database Loading and Extracting Baseball Data
baseballDBR HTML Fielding Independent Pitching (FIP)
baseballDBR HTML Weighted On-base Average (wOBA)
baseballDBR HTML Weighted Runs Above Average (wRAA) and Weighted Runs Created (wRC)
basictabler HTML 01. Introduction
basictabler HTML 02. Working with Cells
basictabler HTML 03. Outputs
basictabler HTML 04. Styling
basictabler HTML 05. Finding and Formatting
basictabler HTML 06. Shiny
basictabler HTML 07. Excel Export
BASiNET HTML Classification of mRNA and lncRNA sequences
basket HTML Using the basket Package
BatchGetSymbols HTML How to use BatchGetSymbols
batchtools PDF batchtools
BAwiR HTML Visualization of European basketball data
bayes4psy HTML b_linear: Bayesian linear model
bayes4psy HTML b_color: Bayesian color model
bayes4psy HTML b_reaction_time: Bayesian reaction time model
bayes4psy HTML b_ttest: Bayesian t-test
bayesAB HTML Introduction to bayesAB
BayesCombo HTML BayesCombo
bayesCT HTML bayesian trial
bayesCT HTML bayesCT:binomial
bayesCT HTML bayesCT:normal
bayesCT HTML bayesCT:survival
bayesdfa HTML Estimating latent trends with bayesdfa
bayesdfa HTML Including covariates with bayesdfa
bayesDP HTML Binomial Count Estimation
bayesDP HTML Linear Regression Estimation
bayesDP HTML Normal Mean Estimation
bayesDP HTML Survival Outcome Estimation
BayesFactor HTML Demos and comparisons
BayesFactor HTML Vignette menu
BayesFactor HTML User's manual
BayesFactor HTML Odds and probabilities
BayesFactor HTML Prior checks
BayesGOF HTML Bayesian Modeling via Frequentist Goodness-of-Fit
BayesianFROC HTML Very_Very_Very_Brief_Description_MRMC
BayesianNetwork HTML An Introduction to BayesianNetwork
BayesianPower HTML BayesianPower
BayesianTools HTML Manual for the BayesianTools R package
BayesianTools HTML Interfacing your model with R
bayesImageS HTML Bayesian Methods for Image Segmentation
bayesImageS HTML mcmcPotts
bayesImageS HTML mcmcPottsNoData
bayesImageS HTML swNoData
bayesm HTML Hierarchical Multinomial Logit with Sign Constraints
bayesm HTML bayesm Overview
BayesMallows HTML BayesMallows Package
bayesmeta HTML bayesmeta introduction
bayesmeta PDF Bayesian random-effects meta-analysis using the bayesmeta R package
bayesplot HTML Graphical posterior predictive checks
bayesplot HTML Plotting MCMC draws
bayesplot HTML Visual MCMC diagnostics
BayesPostEst HTML getting_started
bayestestR HTML Bayes Factors
bayestestR HTML Get Started with Bayesian Analysis
bayestestR HTML Credible Intervals (CI)
bayestestR HTML Example 1: Initiation to Bayesian models
bayestestR HTML Example 2: Confirmation of Bayesian skills
bayestestR HTML Example 3: Become a Bayesian master
bayestestR HTML Reporting Guidelines
bayestestR HTML In-Depth 1: Comparison of Point-Estimates
bayestestR HTML In-Depth 2: Comparison of Indices of Effect Existence
bayestestR HTML Probability of Direction (pd)
bayestestR HTML Region of Practical Equivalence (ROPE)
bayfoxr HTML Introduction
baymedr HTML Introduction to baymedr
baytrends HTML Data Sets
baytrends HTML QW
bbmle PDF Examples for enhanced mle code
bbmle PDF quasi: notes on quasi-likelihood/qAIC analysis inR
bbw HTML Blocked Weighted Bootstrap
bcaboot HTML Automatic Construction of Bootstrap Confidence Intervals
bcdata HTML bcdata
bcdata HTML Querying Spatial Data with bcdata
BCellMA HTML Vignette Title
BCHM HTML Using the basket Package
Bchron HTML Bchron
Bclim HTML Bclim
BClustLonG PDF BClustLonG
bcmaps HTML bcmaps layers and point data
bcpa PDF Behavioral Change Point Analysis
bcRep HTML bcRep: Advanced Analysis of B Cell Receptor RepertoireData
bcROCsurface HTML Guide for Use bcROCsurface
BDP2 HTML Monitoring futility and efficacy in phase II trials with Bayesian posterior distributions – a calibration approach
bdpar HTML A Brief Introduction to bdpar
bdscale HTML Business-Day Scaling
beadplexr HTML CBA-MACSPlex-beadplexr
beadplexr HTML LEGENDplex-beadplexr
beanz HTML beanz: Bayesian Analysis of Heterogeneous Treatment Effect
beastier HTML beastier demo
beautier HTML beautier demo
beautier HTML Examples
bedr HTML bedr
beezdemand HTML Usage of beezdemand
behaviorchange HTML ABCD: Laagdrempelige Nederlandse uitleg
behaviorchange HTML Acyclic Behavior Change Diagrams
behaviorchange HTML Matrix van Aspecten van de Psychologie (MAP)
belg HTML belg: Boltzmann Entropy of a Landscape Gradient
benchmarkme HTML Crowd sourced benchmarks
benthos HTML Introduction to the benthos-package
BEQI2 PDF BEQI2: An Introduction
BEQI2 PDF BEQI2: Installation Guide
berryFunctions HTML berryFunctions
bestNormalize HTML bestNormalize
BESTree HTML How to use BEST ?
betaboost HTML Using package betaboost
BetaPASS HTML Calculating Power and Sample Size with BetaPASS
BETS HTML "BETS - Brazilian Economic Time Series: Basic Usage""
BeviMed HTML BeviMed Introduction
BeviMed HTML BeviMed with VCFs
BeviMed PDF BeviMed Guide
bfw HTML Fit Latent Data
bfw HTML Fit Observed Data
bfw HTML Predict Metric
bfw HTML Plot Data
bfw HTML Regression
BGGM HTML Credible Intervals
BGGM HTML Plotting the Network Structure
BGGM HTML Comparing GGMs with the Posterior Predicive Distributions
BGGM HTML Predictability: Part One
bggum HTML Bayesian Estimation of Generalized Graded Unfolding Model Parameters
bhrcr HTML Quick tutorial for using bhrcr
BHSBVAR PDF Structural Bayesian Vector Autoregression Models
BHTSpack PDF BHTSpack manual
bib2df HTML bib2df
bibliometrix HTML A brief introduction to bibliometrix
biclustermd HTML Biclustering Airport Delay Data
BICORN HTML An Introduction to BICORN
BiDimRegression HTML Eye gaze mapping
bife HTML How to use bife
BIGL HTML Synergy analysis
BIGL HTML Methodology
bigleaf PDF Tutorial on bigleaf
bigMap PDF The bigMap R-package: quick reference
bigQueryR HTML bigQueryR
bigstep HTML The stepwise procedure for big data
billboarder HTML Introduction - basic use
billboarder HTML Mapping - map variables to the chart
billboarder HTML Options - styling charts
billboarder HTML billboarder
billboarder HTML Lines options
billboarder HTML Linked tooltip
BinaryDosage HTML Binary Dosage Formats
BinaryDosage HTML Genetic File Information
BinaryDosage HTML Merging Files
BinaryDosage HTML Estimating Imputed R-squares
BinaryDosage HTML Using Binary Dosage files
BinaryDosage HTML Using GEN Files
BinaryDosage HTML Using VCF Files
binb PDF binb Metropolis Demo
binman HTML binman: Basics
binomialMix HTML Tutorial for binomialMix
binomialRF HTML "binomialRF Feature Selection Vignette"
BinQuasi HTML BinQuasi Quick Start Guide
BinSegBstrap PDF R package BinSegBstrap
bio3d HTML bio3d Vignettes
bioacoustics HTML Introduction to bioacoustics
bioacoustics HTML Tutorial: Detection, Extraction and Classification of Bird and Bat Vocalizations in R
bioC.logs HTML bioC.logs Package
BioCircos HTML BioCircos: Generating circular multi-track plots
BiocManager HTML Installing and Managing Bioconductor Packages
biocompute HTML Authoring Biocompute Objects with R: A Case Study
biocompute HTML An Introduction to BioCompute Objects with R
biogas PDF Getting started with the biogas package
biogas PDF Data processing for manometric BMP measurements
biogas PDF Data processing for volumetric BMP measurements
biogas PDF Predicting methane and biogas production
biogram HTML biogram package - an overview
Bioi HTML Bioi
bioimagetools HTML Read, write and plot
bioinactivation HTML bioinactivation: Software for modelling microbial inactivation
BioInstaller HTML Introduction to R functions of BioInstaller
BioInstaller HTML Download Source Code of BioInstaller
BioInstaller HTML Description of supported items
BioInstaller HTML Plugins of BioInstaller Shiny Application
BioInstaller HTML Start the BioInstaller Shiny Application
BioInstaller HTML Write Your Own Configuration File
biomartr HTML Ensembl BioMart Examples
biomartr HTML NCBI Database Retrieval
biomartr HTML Functional Annotation
biomartr HTML Meta-Genome Retrieval
biomartr HTML Sequence Retrieval
BIOMASS HTML Manage tree and plot coordinate with BIOMASS
bioOED HTML dynamic_OED
bioOED HTML isothermal_OED
Biopeak HTML Biopeak R Package Implementation
bioRad HTML Introduction to bioRad
bioRad HTML Introductory exercises with bioRad
bioset HTML Introduction
biotic HTML Vignette for 'biotic' package
bipartite PDF Starting with bipartite
bipartiteD3 HTML Introduction to bipartiteD3
BIS HTML Vignette Title
biscale HTML Bivarite Mapping with ggplot2
bisect HTML BiSect: Infering Cell Type Compositon
BisqueRNA HTML Bisque Example Usage
bizdays HTML Creating Calendars
bizdays HTML Financial and non financial calendars
bizdays HTML Setting default calendar in .Rprofile
blaise HTML Introduction to blaise
BlandAltmanLeh HTML BlandAltmanLeh Intro
blandr HTML Vignettes for blandr
blastula HTML sending_using_smtp
blastula HTML simple_composition
blin HTML Regression with Network Response
blkbox HTML Vignette Title
BlockCov HTML BlockCov package
blockRAR HTML blockRAR
blocksdesign PDF R package:'blocksdesign' for Agricultural Experiments
blorr HTML A Short Introduction to the blorr Package
BLPestimatoR HTML BLPestimatoR - Package for Demand Estimation
blscrapeR HTML BLS API Employment and Unemployment
blscrapeR HTML BLS API Inflation and Prices
blscrapeR HTML Mapping BLS Data
blscrapeR HTML BLS API Pay and Benefits
blscrapeR HTML Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages API
bmass HTML bmass Introduction – Simulated Data
bmass HTML bmass Introduction – Real Data
bmotif HTML bmotif motif dictionary
bmrm HTML bmrm User Guide
bnclassify PDF methods
bnclassify PDF overview
bnclassify PDF usage
bnma HTML Bayesian network meta analysis
bnpsd HTML Simulate Genotypes from the BN-PSD Admixture Model
bnspatial HTML Overview of package 'bnspatial'
bnstruct PDF texttt{bnstruct}: an R package for Bayesian Network Structure Learning
bodenmiller HTML High Dimensional Single Cell Data Exploration
bold HTML bold vignette
bomrang HTML bomrang
bomrang HTML bomrang Use Case
boostr HTML User Inputs
boostr HTML Introduction
borrowr HTML Estimating Population Average Treatment Effects with the borrowr Package
BoSSA HTML Example of placement analysis using BoSSA
BoSSA HTML Reference package construction from scratch
BoSSA HTML Inside out circular tree plot
bossMaps HTML Incorporating Expert Range Maps in MaxEnt-style SDMs
BOSSreg PDF Best Orthogonalized Subset Selection (BOSS)
boxr HTML boxr-app-interactive
boxr HTML boxr-app-service
boxr HTML boxr-apps
boxr HTML boxr
bpa HTML A Guide to Basic Pattern Analysis in R
bpbounds HTML Nonparametric bounds for the average causal effect: 'bpbounds' examples
bpp HTML Sequentially updating the likelihood of success of a Phase 3 pivotal time-to-event trial based on interim analyses or external information
BradleyTerryScalable HTML Fitting the Bradley-Terry model to large and potentially sparse datasets
BrailleR HTML History
BrailleR HTML Example 1: Histograms
BrailleR HTML Example 2: Basic numerical summaries
BrailleR HTML Example 3: Univariate Description
BrailleR HTML Example 4: A single continuous response with one grouping factor
BrailleR HTML GettingStarted
BrailleR HTML IntroWriteR
BrailleR HTML qplot
brainKCCA HTML Examples to build region-level connectivity network
breakDown HTML model agnostic breakDown plots for caret
breakDown HTML breakDown plots for the generalised linear model
breakDown HTML breakDown plots for the linear model
breakDown HTML model agnostic breakDown plots for randomForest
breakDown HTML model agnostic breakDown plots for ranger
breakDown HTML model agnostic breakDown plots for SVM model
breakDown HTML model agnostic breakDown plots for xgboost
breathtestcore HTML Data formats
breathtestcore HTML Methods and concepts
BreedingSchemeLanguage HTML An Introduction to BSL
BreedingSchemeLanguage HTML Loading Existing Data into a Simulation
BreedingSchemeLanguage HTML Vignette Title
BreedingSchemeLanguage HTML Perform within-family rather than mass selection
brglm2 HTML Adjacent category logit models using brglm2
brglm2 HTML Bias reduction in generalized linear models
brglm2 HTML Multinomial logistic regression using brglm2
brglm2 HTML Detecting separation and infinite estimates in binomial response GLMs
bridgedist HTML The 'bridgedist' Basics
bridgesampling HTML Hierarchical Normal Example JAGS
bridgesampling HTML Hierarchical Normal Example Nimble
bridgesampling HTML Hierarchical Normal Example Stan
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xspliner HTML Use cases
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yardstick HTML Metric types
yardstick HTML Multiclass averaging
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yarrr HTML pirateplot: The plotting choice of R pirates
yatah HTML Taxonomy_of_Gammaproteobacteria
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ymlthis HTML The YAML Fieldguide
ymlthis HTML YAML: an Overview
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zFactor HTML ANN
zFactor HTML Beggs-Brill
zFactor HTML Dranchuk-AbouKassem
zFactor HTML Dranchuk-Purvis-Robinson
zFactor HTML Hall-Yarborough
zFactor HTML Papp-correlation-PP
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zFactor HTML Shell-correlation-SH
zFactor HTML Standing-Katz chart data
zFactor HTML Selecting the Best Correlation
zFactor HTML Measuring the error in calculating z
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zscorer HTML Using zscorer Shiny application
ztable HTML heatmapTable
ztable HTML ztable
ztable HTML ztable_update
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