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Created September 26, 2017 06:02
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word2vec for Japanese (visualization with bokeh)
#-*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import division
import math
import struct
import numpy as np
from multiprocessing import Pool, Value, Array
from sklearn.manifold import TSNE
import scipy
import codecs
import argparse
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from import output_file,show
from bokeh.models import LabelSet,ColumnDataSource
parser =argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('input', help = 'the file of input text')
args = parser.parse_args()
class ivoc:
def __init__(self, word):
self.word = word
self.freq = 0
#process the vocabulary from the data
class Vocs:
def __init__(self, input_file, min_fq):
#load data
input_file = open(input_file, 'r')
lines ='utf-8').lower().split('\n')
#list data and data info
voc_list = [] #list of all voc
voc_dict = {} #dict of voc index
voc_rdict = {}
line_list = []
voc_count = 0
word_count = 0
for line in lines:
word_list = []
words = line.split(' ')
for word in words:
if word == (' ' or ''):
word_count += 1
if word not in voc_dict:
voc_dict[word] = voc_count
voc_rdict[voc_count] = word
voc_count += 1
voc_list[voc_dict[word]].freq +=1 #assign the freqency to voc
self.voc_list = voc_list
self.dict = voc_dict
self.rdict = voc_rdict
self.word_count = word_count
self.line_list = line_list
#discard the rare vocs and sort the list by freqency
def fq_sort(self, min_fq):
nvoc_list = []
unk_list = []
unk_index = 0
unk_count = 0
for i in self.voc_list:
#if i is a rare voc
if i.freq < min_fq:
unk_count += 1
nvoc_list[unk_index].freq += i.freq
#if i is not rare voc: add it to new list
#sort the list according to freqency
nvoc_list.sort(key=lambda voc: voc.freq, reverse=True)
#renew the dict of voc index
nvoc_rdict = {}
nvoc_dict = {}
for ind, i in enumerate(nvoc_list):
nvoc_dict[i.word] = ind
nvoc_rdict[ind] = i.word
nline_list = []
for line in self.line_list:
word_list = []
for iword in line:
if iword in unk_list:
i = nvoc_dict['<unk>']
word = self.rdict[iword]
i = nvoc_dict[word]
self.line_list = nline_list
self.voc_list = nvoc_list
self.dict = nvoc_dict
self.rdict = nvoc_rdict
#call the index of the voc
def index(self, voc):
if voc in self.voc_list:
return self.dict[voc]
return self.dict['<unk>']
#unigramtable for negative sampling, generated for vocs
class unigramtable:
def __init__(self,vocs):
#rise the distribution by (3/4) power
pw = 0.75
#normalizing fraction
nf = sum([math.pow(i.freq, pw) for i in vocs.voc_list])
#create an emppty table
table_size = int(1e7)
table = np.zeros(table_size, dtype=np.uint32)
#fill the table with index
p = 0 # Cumulative probability
i = 0
for voc in vocs.voc_list:
p += float(math.pow(voc.freq, pw))/nf
while i < table_size and float(i) / table_size < p:
table[i] = vocs.dict[voc.word]
i += 1
self.table = table
#pick the vocs for negative sampling randomly
def neg_sample(self, neg_num):
indices = np.random.randint(0, len(self.table), size = neg_num)
return [self.table[i] for i in indices] #return the indices of target vocs
#set initial weight for hidden layer
def init_w(dim, voc_size): #dimentions and number of voc
random_0 = np.random.uniform(-0.5/dim, 0.5/dim, (voc_size, dim))
#use ctypeslib to speed up
syn0 = np.asarray(random_0)
random_1 = np.zeros((voc_size, dim))
syn1 = np.asarray(random_1)
return (syn0, syn1)
def sigm(z):
if z > 6:
return 1.0
elif z < -1:
return 0.0
return 1/(1 + math.exp(-z))
def train(input_file):
#formalize the input_file
min_freq = 3
neg_num = 20
dim = 100
vocs = Vocs(input_file, min_freq)
voc_size = len(vocs.voc_list)
#set initial net
syn0, syn1 = init_w(dim, voc_size)
table = unigramtable(vocs)
alpha = 0.05
window_size = 10
print 'making data'
for line_num, line in enumerate(vocs.line_list):
for pos, word in enumerate(line):
#make dataset(x,y) with skipgram with randam window size for each x
current_window = np.random.randint(1, window_size)
dataset = []
for i in range(1,current_window):
if pos-i >= 0:
dataset.append((word, line[pos-i]))
if pos+i <= len(line)-1:
dataset.append((word, line[pos+i]))
for x,y in dataset:
#negative sampling
classifiers = [(y,1)]+[(neg,0) for neg in table.neg_sample(neg_num)]
neule = np.zeros(dim)
for y , tag in classifiers:
z =[x],syn1[y])
p = sigm(z)
g = alpha*(tag-p) #loss
neule += g*syn1[y] #save loss for backpropagate
syn1[y]+= g*syn0[x] #update syn1
syn0[x] +=neule
index = input_file.find('.txt')
output_file = input_file[:index] +'_vec'+ input_file[index:]
with, 'w', 'utf-8') as op:
op.write('%d %d\n' % (len(syn0), dim))
for ivoc, vector in zip(vocs.voc_list, syn0):
word = ivoc.word
vector_str = ' '.join([str(v) for v in vector])
op.write('%s %s\n' % (word, vector_str))
print 'done'
return vocs, syn0
def tsne(voclist, vec):
model = TSNE(n_components=2, random_state=0)
np.set_printoptions(suppress = True)
r = model.fit_transform(vec)
source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=r[:,0],y=r[:,1],la=voclist))
p = figure(plot_height=1000, plot_width=2000)
p.scatter(x='x', y='y',size=0,source=source)
labels = LabelSet(x='x', y='y', text='la', x_offset=0, y_offset=0, level='glyph',source=source)
def pair_similar(w1, w2, voclist, vec):
nw1 = voclist.index(w1)
nw2 = voclist.index(w2)
sim = 1 - scipy.spatial.distance.cosine(vec[nw1], vec[nw2])
return sim
def top_similar(inp, voclist, vec, num=20):
inpn = voclist.index(inp)
sims = [1-scipy.spatial.distance.cosine(vec[inpn], i) for i in vec]
wsim = zip(voclist, sims)
swsim = sorted(wsim, key=lambda w: w[1], reverse = True)
return swsim[:num]
def word_analogy(w1, w2, w3, voclist, vec):
for x in top_similar(w1, voclist, vec, num= (len(voclist)-1)):
if pair_similar(x[0],w3,voclist,vec) > pair_similar(x[0],w2,voclist,vec):
print xlist[:20]
def make_voclist(vocs):
voclist = [ i.word for i in vocs.voc_list]
return voclist
def load_vec(file):
input_file= open(file, 'r')
lines ='\n')
voc_num, dim = map(int, lines[0].split(' '))
lines = lines[1:]
voclist = [line.split(' ')[0].decode('utf-8') for line in lines]
veclist = []
for line in lines:
veclist.extend(line.split(' ')[1:])
vec = np.array(veclist)
vec = np.reshape(vec,(voc_num, dim))
return voclist, vec
#vocs, vec = train(args.input)
#voclist = make_voclist(vocs)
voclist, vec = load_vec(args.input)
tsne(voclist, vec)
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