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Created August 10, 2012 23:08
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Brainfuck Interpreter
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Monad (liftM2)
import Data.Char (chr, ord)
import Data.List (group)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.String
data Inst = Inc | Dec | R | L | In | Out
deriving Show
data CodeTree = Leaf Inst CodeTree
| Loop CodeTree CodeTree
| Code CodeTree
| Nil
| Err String
deriving Show
data InstPtr = ToLoop CodeTree -- go left
| FromLoop CodeTree -- go right
| ReadNext CodeTree -- go straight
| Start
deriving Show
type InstPtrs = [InstPtr]
type CodeZipper = (InstPtrs, CodeTree)
type Memory = [Int]
type MemZipper = (Memory, Memory)
runBFParser :: Parser CodeTree -> String -> CodeTree
runBFParser p input = case parse p "" input of
Left err -> Err $ show err
Right val -> Code val
parseBF :: Parser CodeTree
parseBF = foldr1 apply <$> many1 parsers
where parsers = loopP <|> incP <|> decP <|> rP <|> lP <|> inpP <|> oupP
loopP = liftM2 Loop (between (char '[') (char ']') parseBF) parseBF
incP = char '+' >> return (Leaf Inc Nil)
decP = char '-' >> return (Leaf Dec Nil)
rP = char '>' >> return (Leaf R Nil)
lP = char '<' >> return (Leaf L Nil)
inpP = char ',' >> return (Leaf In Nil)
oupP = char '.' >> return (Leaf Out Nil)
apply (Leaf i Nil) y = Leaf i y
apply _ _ = Nil
run code = eval ([], code) ([],[0,0..])
eval :: CodeZipper -> MemZipper -> IO ()
eval codeZipper memZipper = do
let (ptrs , tree) = codeZipper
case tree of
(Code x) -> eval (Start :ptrs, x) (front, back)
(Loop x y) -> eval ((ToLoop y) :ptrs, x) (front, back)
(Leaf Inc x) -> eval ((ReadNext $ Leaf Inc Nil):ptrs, x) (front, incHead back)
(Leaf Dec x) -> eval ((ReadNext $ Leaf Dec Nil):ptrs, x) (front, decHead back)
(Leaf R x) -> eval ((ReadNext $ Leaf R Nil):ptrs, x) $ moveR (front, back)
(Leaf L x) -> eval ((ReadNext $ Leaf L Nil):ptrs, x) $ moveL (front, back)
(Leaf In x) -> ord <$> getChar >>= \y ->
eval ((ReadNext $ Leaf In Nil):ptrs, x) (front, input y back)
(Leaf Out x) -> (putChar $ chr $ head back) >>
eval ((ReadNext $ Leaf Out Nil):ptrs, x) (front, back)
Nil -> readBack codeZipper Nil
Err x -> putStrLn $ "Error:\n" ++ x
where (front, back) = memZipper
incHead (x:xs) = inc x : xs where inc x = if x < 255 then x+1 else 0
decHead (x:xs) = dec x : xs where dec x = if x > 0 then x-1 else 255
moveR (x, (h:t)) = (h:x, t)
moveL ((h:t), x) = (t, h:x)
input x (y:ys) = x : ys
readBack (ptrs, tree) tmpTree
| head back == 0 = case ptrs of
((ReadNext p):ps) -> readBack (ps, tree) (apply p tmpTree)
((FromLoop p):ps) -> readBack (ps, tree) (Loop p tmpTree)
((ToLoop p):ps) -> eval ((FromLoop tmpTree):ps, p) memZipper
[Start] -> return ()
_ -> putStrLn "Error"
| otherwise = case ptrs of
((ReadNext p):ps) -> readBack (ps, tree) (apply p tmpTree)
((FromLoop p):ps) -> readBack (ps, tree) (Loop p tmpTree)
((ToLoop p):ps) -> eval (ptrs, (Loop tmpTree tree)) memZipper
[Start] -> return ()
_ -> putStrLn "Error"
rmNoises = concat.words.(concatMap (concat.takeWhile (/= "//").group)).lines
main = do
[filePath] <- getArgs
input <- rmNoises<$>readFile filePath
run $ runBFParser parseBF input
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