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Last active December 22, 2015 01:29
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module Eval (run) where
import Type
import Infer
import Control.Arrow
import Debug.Trace
ti a b = trace (a ++ show b) b
t' a b = trace (a ++ show b)
deBruijn :: TTerm -> TTerm
deBruijn = deBruijn' []
deBruijn' :: [(String, Int)] -> TTerm -> TTerm
deBruijn' ctx (VarT s ty ) = case lookup s ctx of
Just m -> VarIT m s ty
_ -> undefined -- s is a free variable
deBruijn' ctx (AbsT s ty1 t ty2)
= AbsT s ty1 (deBruijn' ((s,0):map (second succ) ctx) t) ty2
deBruijn' ctx (AppT t1 t2 ty ) = AppT (deBruijn' ctx t1) (deBruijn' ctx t2) ty
deBruijn' ctx (PairT t1 t2 ty ) = PairT (deBruijn' ctx t1) (deBruijn' ctx t2) ty
deBruijn' ctx (Prj1T t ty ) = Prj1T (deBruijn' ctx t) ty
deBruijn' ctx (Prj2T t ty ) = Prj2T (deBruijn' ctx t) ty
deBruijn' ctx (IfT t1 t2 t3 ty) = IfT (deBruijn' ctx t1) (deBruijn' ctx t2) (deBruijn' ctx t3) ty
deBruijn' ctx (ST t ty ) = ST (deBruijn' ctx t) ty
deBruijn' ctx (PT t ty ) = PT (deBruijn' ctx t) ty
deBruijn' ctx t = t
-- evaluation
shift :: Int -> Int -> TTerm -> TTerm
shift c d (VarIT k str ty) = VarIT (if k < c then k else k+d) str ty
shift c d (AbsT str ty1 t ty2) = AbsT str ty1 (shift (c+1) d t) ty2
shift c d (AppT t1 t2 ty) = AppT (shift c d t1) (shift c d t2) ty
shift c d t = t
subst :: TTerm -> Int -> TTerm -> TTerm
subst s j (VarIT k str ty ) = if k == j then s else (VarIT k str ty)
subst s j (AbsT str ty1 tt ty2) = AbsT str ty1 (subst (shift 0 1 s) (j+1) tt) ty2
subst s j (AppT t1 t2 ty ) = AppT (subst s j t1) (subst s j t2) ty
subst s j (IfT t1 t2 t3 ty ) = IfT (subst s j t1) (subst s j t2) (subst s j t3) ty
subst s j (PairT t1 t2 ty ) = PairT (subst s j t1) (subst s j t2) ty
subst s j (Prj1T t ty ) = Prj1T (subst s j t) ty
subst s j (Prj2T t ty ) = Prj2T (subst s j t) ty
subst s j (ST t ty ) = ST (subst s j t) ty
subst s j (PT t ty ) = PT (subst s j t) ty
subst s j t = t
beta :: TTerm -> TTerm -> TTerm
beta s t = shift 0 (-1) $ subst (shift 0 1 s) 0 t
eval1 :: TTerm -> Either TTerm TTerm -- reduce 1 step
eval1 (AppT (AbsT _ _ tt _) v ty) = Left $ beta (eval1' v) tt -- E-AppAbs
eval1 (AppT t1 t2 ty) = case eval1 t1 of
Left t' -> Left $ AppT t' t2 ty -- E-App2
Right t' -> Left $ AppT t' (eval1' t2) ty -- E-App1
eval1 (IfT b t2 t3 ty) = case (eval1' b) of
TT _ -> Left t2 -- E-IfTrue
FT _ -> Left t3 -- E-IfFalse
_ -> Right $ IfT (eval1' b) t2 t3 ty -- E-If
eval1 (PairT t1 t2 ty) = Right $ PairT (eval1' t1) (eval1' t2) ty
eval1 (Prj1T (PairT t _ _) _) = Left $ eval1' t
eval1 (Prj1T t ty) = Right $ Prj1T (eval1' t) ty
eval1 (Prj2T (PairT _ t _) _) = Left $ eval1' t
eval1 (Prj2T t ty) = Right $ Prj2T (eval1' t) ty
eval1 (ST t ty) = Right $ ST (eval1' t) ty
eval1 (PT (OT _) ty) = Right $ OT ty
eval1 (PT (ST t _) _) = Left $ eval1' t
eval1 (PT t ty) = Left $ PT (eval1' t) ty
eval1 t = Right t
eval1' = either id id . eval1
eval :: TTerm -> TTerm -- reduce n steps
eval t = case eval1 t of
Left t' -> eval t' -- reducible
Right t' -> t' -- irreducible
run :: TTerm -> TTerm
run t = eval $ deBruijn t
module Infer (typeInference) where
import Type
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Lens
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Map as M
-- *** debug
import Debug.Trace
t' s x p = trace (s++show x) p
ti s x = trace (s++show x) x
-- ***
-- check constraints
constraints :: Int -> Assump -> Term -> Maybe (Int, [TConst], TTerm)
constraints n env (Var s) = M.lookup s env >>= (\ty -> Just (n, [], VarT s ty))
constraints n env (App t1 t2 ) = do (n1, c1, tt1) <- constraints (n+1) env t1
(n2, c2, tt2) <- constraints n1 env t2
let ty1 = getType tt1
ty2 = getType tt2
return (n2, (ty1, ty2 ->: TVar n) : (c1 ++ c2), AppT tt1 tt2 $ TVar n)
constraints n env (Abs i t2 ) = let nenv = M.insert i (TVar n) env
in constraints (n+1) nenv t2 >>= (\(m, c, tt) -> Just (m, c, AbsT i (TVar n) tt $ TVar n ->: getType tt))
constraints n env T = Just (n, [], TT TBool)
constraints n env F = Just (n, [], FT TBool)
constraints n env (If t1 t2 t3) = do tt1 <- getTTerm n env t1
tt2 <- getTTerm n env t2
tt3 <- getTTerm n env t3
Just (n, [], IfT tt1 tt2 tt3 $ getType $ tt2)
constraints n env O = Just (n, [], OT TNat)
constraints n env (S t1 ) = do tt1 <- getTTerm n env t1
Just (n, [], ST tt1 TNat)
constraints n env (P t1 ) = do tt1 <- getTTerm n env t1
Just (n, [], PT tt1 TNat)
constraints n env (Pair t1 t2 ) = do tt1 <- getTTerm n env t1
tt2 <- getTTerm n env t2
let ty1 = getType tt1
let ty2 = getType tt2
return (n, [], PairT tt1 tt2 $ TPair ty1 ty2)
constraints n env (Prj1 t ) = do tt <- getTTerm n env t
return (n, [], Prj1T tt $ getType tt)
constraints n env (Prj2 t ) = do tt <- getTTerm n env t
return (n, [], Prj2T tt $ getType tt)
getTTerm :: Int -> Assump -> Term -> Maybe TTerm
getTTerm n env t = (^._3) <$> constraints n env t
getType :: TTerm -> Type
getType (VarT _ ty) = ty
getType (VarIT _ _ ty) = ty
getType (AbsT _ _ _ ty) = ty
getType (AppT _ _ ty) = ty
getType (PairT _ _ ty) = ty
getType (Prj1T _ ty) = ty
getType (Prj2T _ ty) = ty
getType (TT ty) = ty
getType (FT ty) = ty
getType (IfT _ _ _ ty) = ty
getType (OT ty) = ty
getType (ST _ ty) = ty
getType (PT _ ty) = ty
getType (PrT _ _ _ ty) = ty
-- unification
occursCheck :: Int -> Type -> Bool
occursCheck n (TVar n') = n == n'
occursCheck n (TArr ty1 ty2) = occursCheck n ty1 || occursCheck n ty2
occursCheck n _ = False
unify :: Subst -> [TConst] -> Maybe Subst
unify env [] = Just env
unify env ((TVar n, TVar n'):cs) = if n == n'
then unify env cs
else unify' env (TVar n) n' cs
unify env ((TVar n, ty ):cs) = unify' env ty n cs
unify env ((ty , TVar n ):cs) = unify' env ty n cs
unify env ((TArr ty1 ty2, TArr ty3 ty4):cs)
= unify env $ (ty1, ty3) : (ty2, ty4) : cs
unify env ((TBool , TBool ):cs) = unify env cs
unify env ((TNat , TNat ):cs) = unify env cs
unify env ((TPair ty1 ty2, TPair ty3 ty4):cs)
= unify env $ (ty1, ty3) : (ty2, ty4) : cs
unify' :: Subst -> Type -> Int -> [TConst] -> Maybe Subst
unify' env ty n cs | occursCheck n ty = Nothing
| otherwise = unify (M.insert n ty $ sub env) $ map (sub *** sub) cs
where sub = typeSubst $ M.singleton n ty
-- type substitution
typeSubst :: Subst -> Type -> Type
typeSubst s (TVar n) = case M.lookup n s of
Just t -> t
Nothing -> TVar n
typeSubst s (TArr ty1 ty2) = typeSubst s ty1 ->: typeSubst s ty2
typeSubst s (TPair ty1 ty2) = TPair (typeSubst s ty1) (typeSubst s ty2)
typeSubst s TBool = TBool
typeSubst s TNat = TNat
-- typed term substitution
substitute :: Subst -> TTerm -> TTerm
substitute s (VarT str ty ) = VarT str $ typeSubst s ty
substitute s (VarIT i str ty ) = VarIT i str $ typeSubst s ty
substitute s (AbsT str ty1 t ty2 ) = AbsT str (typeSubst s ty1) (substitute s t) (typeSubst s ty2)
substitute s (AppT t1 t2 ty ) = AppT (substitute s t1) (substitute s t2) (typeSubst s ty)
substitute s (PairT t1 t2 ty ) = PairT (substitute s t1) (substitute s t2) (typeSubst s ty)
substitute s (Prj1T t ty) = Prj1T (substitute s t) $ typeSubst s ty
substitute s (Prj2T t ty) = Prj2T (substitute s t) $ typeSubst s ty
substitute s (TT ty ) = TT $ typeSubst s ty
substitute s (FT ty ) = FT $ typeSubst s ty
substitute s (IfT t1 t2 t3 ty ) = IfT (substitute s t1) (substitute s t2) (substitute s t3) (typeSubst s ty)
substitute s (OT ty ) = OT $ typeSubst s ty
substitute s (ST t ty) = ST (substitute s t) $ typeSubst s ty
substitute s (PT t ty) = PT (substitute s t) $ typeSubst s ty
substitute s (PrT t1 t2 t3 ty ) = PrT (substitute s t1) (substitute s t2) (substitute s t3) $ typeSubst s ty
typeCheck = id
typeInference :: Term -> Maybe TTerm -- Type
typeInference t = do (_, c, u) <- constraints 0 M.empty t
s <- unify M.empty c
return $ typeCheck $ substitute s u
import Type
import Parse
import Infer
import Eval
import System.Environment
main = do (code:_) <- getArgs
case parseTerm code of
ParseErr err -> putStrLn err
val -> case typeInference val of
Just x -> print $ run x
_ -> putStrLn "Type Error"
module Parse (parseTerm) where
import Type
import Data.Char
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.Char
import Text.Parsec.String
varLetter :: Parser Char
varLetter = satisfy isLower
-- variables
pVar = do v <- many1 varLetter
return $ Var v
-- lambda abstraction
pAbs = do char '\\'
x <- many1 varLetter
char '.'
y <- pExpr -- pSmallExpr
return $ Abs x y
-- pair
pPair = do char '('
x <- pExpr
char ','
y <- pExpr
char ')'
return $ Pair x y
-- if ... then ... else ...
pIf = do string "if "
x <- pSmallExpr
string " then "
y <- pSmallExpr
string " else "
z <- pSmallExpr
return $ If x y z
-- truth value
pT = char 'T' >> return T
pF = char 'F' >> return F
-- natural number
pO = char '0' >> return O
pS = do string "S("
t <- pSmallExpr
char ')'
return $ S t
pP = do string "P("
t <- pSmallExpr
char ')'
return $ P t
-- expression
pExpr' = do char '('
t <- pExpr
char ')'
return t
-- expressions
pExpr = do l <- many1 pSmallExpr
return $ foldl1 App l
pSmallExpr = spaces >> (pExpr' <|> pAbs <|> pIf <|> pT <|> pF <|> pO <|> pS <|> pP <|> pVar)
parseTerm :: String -> Term
parseTerm code = case parse pExpr "" code of
Left err -> ParseErr $ show err
Right val -> val
module Type
(Type(..), (->:),
Term(..), TTerm(..), ($:),
Context, Binding(..),
TConst, Assump, Subst) where
import qualified Data.Map as M
-- type (common)
data Type = TArr Type Type -- Type ->: Type
| TVar Int -- in a context
| TPair Type Type
| TBool
| TNat
deriving Eq
instance Show Type where
show (TArr t1 t2) = concat ["(", show t1, " -> " ++ show t2, ")"]
show (TVar i) = "T_" ++ show i
show (TPair t1 t2) = show t1 ++ " × " ++ show t2
show TBool = "Bool"
show TNat = "Nat"
-- alias
(->:) = TArr
-- typeless terms
data Term = Var String -- variable
| Abs String Term -- lambda abstraction
| App Term Term -- application
| Pair Term Term | Prj1 Term | Prj2 Term
| T | F | If Term Term Term
| O | S Term | P Term | Pr Term Term
| ParseErr String
deriving Show
-- alias
($:) = App
-- typed terms
data TTerm = VarT String Type -- normal variable
| VarIT Int String Type -- de bruijn index & normal variable
| AbsT String Type TTerm Type -- lambda abstraction
| AppT TTerm TTerm Type -- application
| TT Type | FT Type | IfT TTerm TTerm TTerm Type -- boolean
| OT Type | ST TTerm Type | PT TTerm Type | PrT TTerm TTerm TTerm Type
| PairT TTerm TTerm Type | Prj1T TTerm Type | Prj2T TTerm Type
deriving Eq
instance Show TTerm where
show (VarT s t) = s ++ " :" ++ show t
show (VarIT i s t) = s ++ " :" ++ show t
show (AbsT s ty1 t ty2) = concat ["(\\", s, " :", show ty1, ". ", show t, " :", show ty2, ")"]
show (AppT t1 t2 ty2) = concat ["(", show t1, ") (", show t2, ")", " :", show ty2]
show (PairT t1 t2 ty) = concat ["(", show t1, ", ", show t2, ") :", show ty]
show (TT t) = "T :" ++ show t
show (FT t) = "F :" ++ show t
show (IfT t1 t2 t3 t) = concat ["(if ", show t1, " then ", show t2, " else ", show t3, ") :", show t]
show (OT t) = "O :" ++ show t
show (ST t ty) = "S(" ++ show t ++ ") :" ++ show ty
show (PT t ty) = "P(" ++ show t ++ ") :" ++ show ty
show (PrT t1 t2 t3 ty) = "Pr"
-- used at type checking
type Context = [(String, Binding)] -- Γ : String |-> Binding
data Binding = NBind | TBind | VBind Type
deriving Show
-- used at type inference
type TConst = (Type, Type)
type Assump = M.Map String Type
type Subst = M.Map Int Type
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