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Created September 4, 2021 16:06
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var _window = window,
_document = _window["document"],
_navigator = _window["navigator"],
_screen = _window["screen"],
g = "",
S__abbaidu_ = "__abbaidu_",
S_2_9_1 = "2.9.17",
I_2020 = 2020,
S__abbaidu_2020_zidgetf = S__abbaidu_ + I_2020 + "_zidgetf",
S__abbaidu_2020_bidgetf = S__abbaidu_ + I_2020 + "_bidgetf",
S__abbaidu_2020_subidgetf = S__abbaidu_ + I_2020 + "_subidgetf",
S__abbaidu_2020_extra_datagetf = S__abbaidu_ + I_2020 + "_extra_datagetf",
S__abbaidu_2020_onerror = S__abbaidu_ + I_2020 + "_onerror",
S_3a159c9c204845c9 = "3a159c9c204845c9",
S__abbaidu_2020_cb = S__abbaidu_ + I_2020 + "_cb",
S_7D33FCD55FE3447C = "7D33FCD55FE3447C",
S_636014d173e04409 = "636014d173e04409",
I_2500 = 2500,
U_8000 = 8000;
* 在全局下执行函数
* @param {Function} func
* @param {Array} x
* @return {any}
function windowCall(func, x) {
try {
return func && func["apply"](window, x || []) || "";
} catch (y) {
return "";
* @param {*} object
* @param {*} property
* @return {*}
function getToStringLength(object, property) {
try {
var u = Object["getOwnPropertyDescriptor"](object, property);
return u ? u["get"] ? u["get"]["toString"]()["length"] : 0 : 0;
} catch (D) {
return 0;
* @param {Window|Document|Element} target
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function _addEventListener(target, eventType, listener) {
target["addEventListener"] ? target["addEventListener"](eventType, listener, true) : target["attachEvent"] && target["attachEvent"]("on" + eventType, listener, true);
* @param {Window|Document|Element} target
* @param {Event} eventType
* @param {EventListener|Function} listener
function _removeEventListener(target, eventType, listener) {
target["addEventListener"] ? target["removeEventListener"](eventType, listener, true) : target["attachEvent"] && target["detachEvent"]("on" + eventType, listener, true);
* 获取时间戳
* @return {number}
function getTime() {
return new Date()["getTime"]();
* @param {*} h
function appendLogData(h) {
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sdk_log_data = document["getElementById"]("__sdk_log_data");
sdk_log_data &&
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sdk_log_data["innerHTML"] || "[]"
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* base64
function R() {
var d = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";
this["encode"] = function (h) {
var E,
p = "",
i = 0;
for (h = function (h) {
h = h["replace"](/\r\n/g, "\n");
for (var E = "", u = 0; u < h["length"]; u++) {
var R = h["charCodeAt"](u);
R < 128 ? E += String["fromCharCode"](R) : (127 < R && R < 2048 ? E += String["fromCharCode"](R >> 6 | 192) : (E += String["fromCharCode"](R >> 12 | 224), E += String["fromCharCode"](R >> 6 & 63 | 128)), E += String["fromCharCode"](63 & R | 128));
return E;
}(h); i < h["length"];) R = (f = h["charCodeAt"](i++)) >> 2, g = (3 & f) << 4 | (E = h["charCodeAt"](i++)) >> 4, Y = (15 & E) << 2 | (u = h["charCodeAt"](i++)) >> 6, f = 63 & u, isNaN(E) ? Y = f = 64 : isNaN(u) && (f = 64), p = p + d["charAt"](R) + d["charAt"](g) + d["charAt"](Y) + d["charAt"](f);
return p;
* base64 encode
* @param {string}
* @return {string}
var _btoa = window["btoa"] || function (h) {
return new R()["encode"](h);
* send xhr
* @param {object} paramsDictionary
function xhr(paramsDictionary) {
var url = paramsDictionary["url"],
data = paramsDictionary["data"],
success = paramsDictionary["success"],
error = paramsDictionary["error"],
headers = paramsDictionary["headers"],
headers_new = void 0 === headers ? {} : headers,
withCredentials = paramsDictionary["withCredentials"],
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void 0 === withCredentials && (withCredentials = true), windowCall(XDomainRequest ? function () {
var E = new XDomainRequest();
E["open"]("post", url, true), withCredentials && (E["withCredentials"] = true), E["onerror"] = function (h) {
error && error(h);
}, E["onload"] = function () {
var h = E["responseText"];
success && success(h);
}, setTimeout(function () {
_window["signSendStartTime"] && _window["signSendStartTime"](), E["send"](data);
}, 0);
} : function () {
var h,
u = new _window["XMLHttpRequest"]();
for (h in u["open"]("POST", url, true), headers_new) u["setRequestHeader"](h, headers_new[h]);
withCredentials && (u["withCredentials"] = true), u["onreadystatechange"] = function (h) {
var E;
4 === u["readyState"] && 200 === u["status"] && (E = u["responseText"], success && success(E, u));
}, u["onerror"] = function (h) {
error && error(h);
}, _window["signSendStartTime"] && _window["signSendStartTime"](), u["send"](data);
var aq = {
"TOTAL": "t",
"CID": "cid",
"CANVAS_SHA1": "cs",
"CANVAS": "c",
"WEBGL": "w",
"FIELD_S": "fs",
"CODE_S": "codes"
* @property {number}
function _times() {
this["_times"] = {};
_times["prototype"]["start"] = function (h) {
this["_times"][h] = getTime();
_times["prototype"]["end"] = function (h) {
this["_times"][h] = getTime() - this["_times"][h];
_times["prototype"]["getTime"] = function (h) {
h = void 0 === this["_times"][h] ? "" : this["_times"][h];
return 13 !== (h + "")["length"] ? h : "";
_times["prototype"]["getData"] = function () {
var h = [];
return h["push"](this["getTime"](aq["CID"])),
var tiems_ = new _times(),
F1_table = {
"F1_1": 1,
"F1_3": 3,
"F1_4": 4,
"F1_5": 5,
"F1_6": 6,
"F1_7": 7,
"F1_8": 8,
"F1_9": 9,
"F1_11": 11,
"F1_12": 12,
"F1_13": 13,
"F1_14": 14,
"F1_15": 15,
"F1_16": 16,
"F1_17": 17,
"F1_18": 18,
"F1_19": 19,
"F1_20": 20,
"F1_21": 21,
"F1_22": 22,
"F1_23": 23,
"F1_24": 24,
"F1_25": 25,
"F1_27": 27,
"F1_28": 28,
"F1_29": 29,
"F1_30": 30,
"F1_31": 31,
"F1_32": 32,
"F1_34": 34,
"F1_35": 35,
"F1_41": 41,
"F1_42": 42,
"F1_43": 43,
"F1_44": 44,
"F1_60": 60,
"F1_61": 61,
"F1_62": 62,
"F1_63": 63,
"F1_64": 64,
"F1_65": 65,
"F1_69": 69,
"F1_70": 70,
"F1_71": 71,
"F1_72": 72,
"F1_78": 78,
"F1_79": 79,
"F1_80": 80,
"F1_81": 81,
"F1_82": 82,
"F1_83": 83,
"F1_85": 85,
"F1_86": 86,
"F1_112": 112,
"F1_113": 113,
"F1_114": 114,
"F1_115": 115,
"F1_198": 198,
"F1_199": 199
ObjectCreate = Object["create"] || function (h) {
return empty["prototype"] = h, h = new empty(), empty["prototype"] = null, h;
function empty() {}
// AES ??
var _obj = {
"extend": function (h) {
var E = ObjectCreate(this);
return h &&
&& this["init"] !== E["init"]
|| (E["init"] = function () {
E["$super"]["init"]["apply"](this, arguments);
(E["init"]["prototype"] = E)["$super"] = this, E;
"create": function () {
var h = this["extend"]();
return h["init"]["apply"](h, arguments), h;
"init": function () {},
"mixIn": function (h) {
for (var E in h) h["hasOwnProperty"](E) && (this[E] = h[E]);
h["hasOwnProperty"]("toString") && (this["toString"] = h["toString"]);
"clone": function () {
return this["init"]["prototype"]["extend"](this);
aC = {
"stringify": function (h) {
for (var E = h["words"], u = h["sigBytes"], R = [], g = 0; g < u; g++) {
var aU = E[g >>> 2] >>> 24 - g % 4 * 8 & 255;
R["push"]((aU >>> 4)["toString"](16)), R["push"]((15 & aU)["toString"](16));
return R["join"]("");
"parse": function (h) {
for (var E = h["length"], u = [], R = 0; R < E; R += 2) u[R >>> 3] |= parseInt(h["substr"](R, 2), 16) << 24 - R % 8 * 4;
return new aD["init"](u, E / 2);
aD = _obj["extend"]({
"init": function (h, E) {
h = this["words"] = h || [], this["sigBytes"] = null != E ? E : 4 * h["length"];
"toString": function (h) {
return (h || aC)["stringify"](this);
"concat": function (h) {
var E = this["words"],
u = h["words"],
R = this["sigBytes"],
g = h["sigBytes"];
if (this["clamp"](), R % 4) for (var b7 = 0; b7 < g; b7++) {
var f = u[b7 >>> 2] >>> 24 - b7 % 4 * 8 & 255;
E[R + b7 >>> 2] |= f << 24 - (R + b7) % 4 * 8;
} else for (b7 = 0; b7 < g; b7 += 4) E[R + b7 >>> 2] = u[b7 >>> 2];
return this["sigBytes"] += g, this;
"clamp": function () {
var h = this["words"],
E = this["sigBytes"];
h[E >>> 2] &= 4294967295 << 32 - E % 4 * 8, h["length"] = Math["ceil"](E / 4);
"clone": function () {
var h;
return (h = _obj["clone"]["call"](this))["words"] = this["words"]["slice"](0), h;
"random": function (h) {
for (var E = [], u = 0; u < h; u += 4) {
var R = function (E) {
var E = E,
u = 987654321,
R = 4294967295;
return function () {
var h = ((u = 36969 * (65535 & u) + (u >> 16) & R) << 16) + (E = 18000 * (65535 & E) + (E >> 16) & R) & R;
return h /= 4294967296, (h += 0.5) * (0.5 < Math["random"]() ? 1 : -1);
}(4294967296 * (g || Math["random"]())),
g = 987654071 * R();
E["push"](4294967296 * R() | 0);
return new aD["init"](E, h);
aE = function (h) {
for (var E = h["words"], u = h["sigBytes"], R = [], g = 0; g < u; g++) {
var br = E[g >>> 2] >>> 24 - g % 4 * 8 & 255;
return R["join"]("");
aF = function (h) {
for (var E = h["length"], u = [], R = 0; R < E; R++) u[R >>> 2] |= (255 & h["charCodeAt"](R)) << 24 - R % 4 * 8;
return new aD["init"](u, E);
aG = {
"stringify": function (h) {
try {
return decodeURIComponent(escape(aE(h)));
} catch (bx) {
throw new Error("Malformed UTF-8 data");
"parse": function (h) {
return aF(unescape(encodeURIComponent(h)));
aH = _obj["extend"]({
"reset": function () {
this["_data"] = new aD["init"](), this["_nDataBytes"] = 0;
"_append": function (h) {
"string" == typeof h && (h = aG["parse"](h)), this["_data"]["concat"](h), this["_nDataBytes"] += h["sigBytes"];
"_process": function (h) {
var E,
u = this["_data"],
R = u["words"],
g = u["sigBytes"],
bF = this["blockSize"],
f = g / (4 * bF),
p = (f = h ? Math["ceil"](f) : Math["max"]((0 | f) - this["_minBufferSize"], 0)) * bF,
g = Math["min"](4 * p, g);
if (p) {
for (var i = 0; i < p; i += bF) this["_doProcessBlock"](R, i);
E = R["splice"](0, p), u["sigBytes"] -= g;
return new aD["init"](E, g);
"clone": function () {
var h;
return (h = _obj["clone"]["call"](this))["_data"] = this["_data"]["clone"](), h;
"_minBufferSize": 0
aI = _obj["extend"]({
"init": function (h) {
"toString": function (h) {
return (h || this["formatter"])["stringify"](this);
aJ = {
"stringify": function (h) {
var E = h["words"],
u = h["sigBytes"],
R = this["_map"];
for (var g = [], bS = 0; bS < u; bS += 3) for (var f = (E[bS >>> 2] >>> 24 - bS % 4 * 8 & 255) << 16 | (E[bS + 1 >>> 2] >>> 24 - (bS + 1) % 4 * 8 & 255) << 8 | E[bS + 2 >>> 2] >>> 24 - (bS + 2) % 4 * 8 & 255, p = 0; p < 4 && bS + 0.75 * p < u; p++) g["push"](R["charAt"](f >>> 6 * (3 - p) & 63));
var i = R["charAt"](64);
if (i) for (; g["length"] % 4;) g["push"](i);
return g["join"]("");
"parse": function (h) {
var E = h["length"],
u = this["_map"];
if (!(R = this["_reverseMap"])) for (var R = this["_reverseMap"] = [], g = 0; g < u["length"]; g++) R[u["charCodeAt"](g)] = g;
var c1 = u["charAt"](64);
return !c1 || -1 !== (c1 = h["indexOf"](c1)) && (E = c1), function (h, E, u) {
for (var R = [], g = 0, c1 = 0; c1 < E; c1++) {
var f, p;
c1 % 4 && (f = u[h["charCodeAt"](c1 - 1)] << c1 % 4 * 2, p = u[h["charCodeAt"](c1)] >>> 6 - c1 % 4 * 2, p = f | p, R[g >>> 2] |= p << 24 - g % 4 * 8, g++);
return aD["create"](R, g);
}(h, E, R);
"_map": "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/="
var ca = _obj["extend"]({
"cfg": _obj["extend"]({
"format": {
"stringify": function (h) {
var E = h["ciphertext"],
h = h["salt"],
E = h ? aD["create"]([1398893684, 1701076831])["concat"](h)["concat"](E) : E;
return E["toString"](aJ);
"parse": function (h) {
var E,
u = aJ["parse"](h),
h = u["words"];
return 1398893684 === h[0] && 1701076831 === h[1] && (E = aD["create"](h["slice"](2, 4)), h["splice"](0, 4), u["sigBytes"] -= 16), aI["create"]({
"ciphertext": u,
"salt": E
"encrypt": function (h, E, u, R) {
R = this["cfg"]["extend"](R);
var g = h["createEncryptor"](u, R),
E = g["finalize"](E),
g = g["cfg"];
return aI["create"]({
"ciphertext": E,
"key": u,
"iv": g["iv"],
"algorithm": h,
"mode": g["mode"],
"padding": g["padding"],
"blockSize": h["blockSize"],
"formatter": R["format"]
"decrypt": function (h, E, u, R) {
return R = this["cfg"]["extend"](R), E = this["_parse"](E, R["format"]), h["createDecryptor"](u, R)["finalize"](E["ciphertext"]);
"_parse": function (h, E) {
return "string" == typeof h ? E["parse"](h, this) : h;
cb = aH["extend"]({
"cfg": _obj["extend"](),
"createEncryptor": function (h, E) {
return this["create"](this["_ENC_XFORM_MODE"], h, E);
"createDecryptor": function (h, E) {
return this["create"](this["_DEC_XFORM_MODE"], h, E);
"init": function (h, E, u) {
this["cfg"] = this["cfg"]["extend"](u), this["_xformMode"] = h, this["_key"] = E, this["reset"]();
"reset": function () {
aH["reset"]["call"](this), this["_doReset"]();
"process": function (h) {
return this["_append"](h), this["_process"]();
"finalize": function (h) {
return h && this["_append"](h), this["_doFinalize"]();
"keySize": 4,
"ivSize": 4,
"_createHelper": function (R) {
return {
"encrypt": function (h, E, u) {
return cN(E)["encrypt"](R, h, E, u);
"decrypt": function (h, E, u) {
return cN(E)["decrypt"](R, h, E, u);
function cN(h) {
return "string" == typeof h ? PasswordBasedCipher : ca;
var cP = _obj["extend"]({
"createEncryptor": function (h, E) {
return this["Encryptor"]["create"](h, E);
"createDecryptor": function (h, E) {
return this["Decryptor"]["create"](h, E);
"init": function (h, E) {
this["_cipher"] = h, this["_iv"] = E;
cQ = ((_crypto = cP["extend"]())["Encryptor"] = _crypto["extend"]({
"processBlock": function (h, E) {
var u = this["_cipher"],
R = u["blockSize"];
d6["call"](this, h, E, R), u["encryptBlock"](h, E), this["_prevBlock"] = h["slice"](E, E + R);
_crypto["Decryptor"] = _crypto["extend"]({
"processBlock": function (h, E) {
var u = this["_cipher"],
R = u["blockSize"],
g = h["slice"](E, E + R);
u["decryptBlock"](h, E), d6["call"](this, h, E, R), this["_prevBlock"] = g;
}), _crypto);
function d6(h, E, u) {
var R,
g = this["_iv"];
g ? (R = g, this["_iv"] = void 0) : R = this["_prevBlock"];
for (var dc = 0; dc < u; dc++) h[E + dc] ^= R[dc];
var dd = {
"pad": function (h, E) {
for (var E = 4 * E, u = E - h["sigBytes"] % E, R = u << 24 | u << 16 | u << 8 | u, g = [], dr = 0; dr < u; dr += 4) g["push"](R);
E = aD["create"](g, u);
"unpad": function (h) {
var E = 255 & h["words"][h["sigBytes"] - 1 >>> 2];
h["sigBytes"] -= E;
S__abbaidu_ = cb["extend"]({
"cfg": cb["cfg"]["extend"]({
"mode": cQ,
"padding": dd
"reset": function () {
var h;
var E = this["cfg"],
u = E["iv"],
E = E["mode"];
this["_xformMode"] == this["_ENC_XFORM_MODE"] ? h = E["createEncryptor"] : (h = E["createDecryptor"], this["_minBufferSize"] = 1), this["_mode"] && this["_mode"]["__creator"] == h ? this["_mode"]["init"](this, u && u["words"]) : (this["_mode"] = h["call"](E, this, u && u["words"]), this["_mode"]["__creator"] = h);
"_doProcessBlock": function (h, E) {
this["_mode"]["processBlock"](h, E);
"_doFinalize": function () {
var h,
E = this["cfg"]["padding"];
return this["_xformMode"] == this["_ENC_XFORM_MODE"] ? (E["pad"](this["_data"], this["blockSize"]), h = this["_process"](true)) : (h = this["_process"](true), E["unpad"](h)), h;
"blockSize": 4
df = _obj["extend"]({
"init": function (h, E) {
h = this["_hasher"] = new h["init"](), "string" == typeof E && (E = aG["parse"](E));
var u = h["blockSize"],
R = 4 * u;
(E = E["sigBytes"] > R ? h["finalize"](E) : E)["clamp"]();
for (var h = this["_oKey"] = E["clone"](), E = this["_iKey"] = E["clone"](), g = h["words"], dJ = E["words"], f = 0; f < u; f++) g[f] ^= 1549556828, dJ[f] ^= 909522486;
h["sigBytes"] = E["sigBytes"] = R, this["reset"]();
"reset": function () {
var h = this["_hasher"];
h["reset"](), h["update"](this["_iKey"]);
"update": function (h) {
return this["_hasher"]["update"](h), this;
"finalize": function (h) {
var E = this["_hasher"],
h = E["finalize"](h);
return E["reset"](), E["finalize"](this["_oKey"]["clone"]()["concat"](h));
dg = aH["extend"]({
"cfg": _obj["extend"](),
"init": function (h) {
this["cfg"] = this["cfg"]["extend"](h), this["reset"]();
"reset": function () {
aH["reset"]["call"](this), this["_doReset"]();
"update": function (h) {
return this["_append"](h), this["_process"](), this;
"finalize": function (h) {
return h && this["_append"](h), this["_doFinalize"]();
"blockSize": 16,
"_createHelper": function (u) {
return function (h, E) {
return new u["init"](E)["finalize"](h);
"_createHmacHelper": function (u) {
return function (h, E) {
return new df["init"](u, E)["finalize"](h);
dh = [],
cP = dg["extend"]({
"_doReset": function () {
this["_hash"] = new aD["init"]([1732584193, 4023233417, 2562383102, 271733878, 3285377520]);
"_doProcessBlock": function (h, E) {
for (var u = this["_hash"]["words"], R = u[0], g = u[1], e4 = u[2], f = u[3], p = u[4], i = 0; i < 80; i++) {
i < 16 ? dh[i] = 0 | h[E + i] : (d = dh[i - 3] ^ dh[i - 8] ^ dh[i - 14] ^ dh[i - 16], dh[i] = d << 1 | d >>> 31);
var d = (R << 5 | R >>> 27) + p + dh[i];
d += i < 20 ? 1518500249 + (g & e4 | ~g & f) : i < 40 ? 1859775393 + (g ^ e4 ^ f) : i < 60 ? (g & e4 | g & f | e4 & f) - 1894007588 : (g ^ e4 ^ f) - 899497514, p = f, f = e4, e4 = g << 30 | g >>> 2, g = R, R = d;
u[0] = u[0] + R | 0, u[1] = u[1] + g | 0, u[2] = u[2] + e4 | 0, u[3] = u[3] + f | 0, u[4] = u[4] + p | 0;
"_doFinalize": function () {
var h = this["_data"],
E = h["words"],
u = 8 * this["_nDataBytes"],
R = 8 * h["sigBytes"];
return E[R >>> 5] |= 128 << 24 - R % 32, E[14 + (64 + R >>> 9 << 4)] = Math["floor"](u / 4294967296), E[15 + (64 + R >>> 9 << 4)] = u, h["sigBytes"] = 4 * E["length"], this["_process"](), this["_hash"];
"clone": function () {
var h;
return (h = dg["clone"]["call"](this))["_hash"] = this["_hash"]["clone"](), h;
dj = [];
!function () {
for (var h = 0; h < 64; h++) dj[h] = 4294967296 * Math["abs"](Math["sin"](h + 1)) | 0;
var _crypto = dg["extend"]({
"_doReset": function () {
this["_hash"] = new aD["init"]([1732584193, 4023233417, 2562383102, 271733878]);
"_doProcessBlock": function (h, E) {
for (var u = 0; u < 16; u++) {
var R = E + u,
g = h[R];
h[R] = 16711935 & (g << 8 | g >>> 24) | 4278255360 & (g << 24 | g >>> 8);
var el = this["_hash"]["words"],
f = h[E + 0],
p = h[E + 1],
i = h[E + 2],
d = h[E + 3],
e = h[E + 4],
j = h[E + 5],
k = h[E + 6],
c = h[E + 7],
eu = h[E + 8],
m = h[E + 9],
n = h[E + 10],
q = h[E + 11],
r = h[E + 12],
s = h[E + 13],
t = h[E + 14],
v = h[E + 15],
z = eR(z = el[0], N = el[1], M = el[2], I = el[3], f, 7, dj[0]),
I = eR(I, z, N, M, p, 12, dj[1]),
M = eR(M, I, z, N, i, 17, dj[2]),
N = eR(N, M, I, z, d, 22, dj[3]);
z = eR(z, N, M, I, e, 7, dj[4]), I = eR(I, z, N, M, j, 12, dj[5]), M = eR(M, I, z, N, k, 17, dj[6]), N = eR(N, M, I, z, c, 22, dj[7]), z = eR(z, N, M, I, eu, 7, dj[8]), I = eR(I, z, N, M, m, 12, dj[9]), M = eR(M, I, z, N, n, 17, dj[10]), N = eR(N, M, I, z, q, 22, dj[11]), z = eR(z, N, M, I, r, 7, dj[12]), I = eR(I, z, N, M, s, 12, dj[13]), M = eR(M, I, z, N, t, 17, dj[14]), z = eZ(z, N = eR(N, M, I, z, v, 22, dj[15]), M, I, p, 5, dj[16]), I = eZ(I, z, N, M, k, 9, dj[17]), M = eZ(M, I, z, N, q, 14, dj[18]), N = eZ(N, M, I, z, f, 20, dj[19]), z = eZ(z, N, M, I, j, 5, dj[20]), I = eZ(I, z, N, M, n, 9, dj[21]), M = eZ(M, I, z, N, v, 14, dj[22]), N = eZ(N, M, I, z, e, 20, dj[23]), z = eZ(z, N, M, I, m, 5, dj[24]), I = eZ(I, z, N, M, t, 9, dj[25]), M = eZ(M, I, z, N, d, 14, dj[26]), N = eZ(N, M, I, z, eu, 20, dj[27]), z = eZ(z, N, M, I, s, 5, dj[28]), I = eZ(I, z, N, M, i, 9, dj[29]), M = eZ(M, I, z, N, c, 14, dj[30]), z = f7(z, N = eZ(N, M, I, z, r, 20, dj[31]), M, I, j, 4, dj[32]), I = f7(I, z, N, M, eu, 11, dj[33]), M = f7(M, I, z, N, q, 16, dj[34]), N = f7(N, M, I, z, t, 23, dj[35]), z = f7(z, N, M, I, p, 4, dj[36]), I = f7(I, z, N, M, e, 11, dj[37]), M = f7(M, I, z, N, c, 16, dj[38]), N = f7(N, M, I, z, n, 23, dj[39]), z = f7(z, N, M, I, s, 4, dj[40]), I = f7(I, z, N, M, f, 11, dj[41]), M = f7(M, I, z, N, d, 16, dj[42]), N = f7(N, M, I, z, k, 23, dj[43]), z = f7(z, N, M, I, m, 4, dj[44]), I = f7(I, z, N, M, r, 11, dj[45]), M = f7(M, I, z, N, v, 16, dj[46]), z = ff(z, N = f7(N, M, I, z, i, 23, dj[47]), M, I, f, 6, dj[48]), I = ff(I, z, N, M, c, 10, dj[49]), M = ff(M, I, z, N, t, 15, dj[50]), N = ff(N, M, I, z, j, 21, dj[51]), z = ff(z, N, M, I, r, 6, dj[52]), I = ff(I, z, N, M, d, 10, dj[53]), M = ff(M, I, z, N, n, 15, dj[54]), N = ff(N, M, I, z, p, 21, dj[55]), z = ff(z, N, M, I, eu, 6, dj[56]), I = ff(I, z, N, M, v, 10, dj[57]), M = ff(M, I, z, N, k, 15, dj[58]), N = ff(N, M, I, z, s, 21, dj[59]), z = ff(z, N, M, I, e, 6, dj[60]), I = ff(I, z, N, M, q, 10, dj[61]), M = ff(M, I, z, N, i, 15, dj[62]), N = ff(N, M, I, z, m, 21, dj[63]), el[0] = el[0] + z | 0, el[1] = el[1] + N | 0, el[2] = el[2] + M | 0, el[3] = el[3] + I | 0;
"_doFinalize": function () {
var h = this["_data"],
E = h["words"],
u = 8 * this["_nDataBytes"],
R = 8 * h["sigBytes"];
E[R >>> 5] |= 128 << 24 - R % 32;
var g = Math["floor"](u / 4294967296),
u = u;
E[15 + (64 + R >>> 9 << 4)] = 16711935 & (g << 8 | g >>> 24) | 4278255360 & (g << 24 | g >>> 8), E[14 + (64 + R >>> 9 << 4)] = 16711935 & (u << 8 | u >>> 24) | 4278255360 & (u << 24 | u >>> 8), h["sigBytes"] = 4 * (E["length"] + 1), this["_process"]();
for (var E = this["_hash"], eN = E["words"], f = 0; f < 4; f++) {
var p = eN[f];
eN[f] = 16711935 & (p << 8 | p >>> 24) | 4278255360 & (p << 24 | p >>> 8);
return E;
"clone": function () {
var h;
return (h = dg["clone"]["call"](this))["_hash"] = this["_hash"]["clone"](), h;
function eR(h, E, u, R, g, eX, f) {
f = h + (E & u | ~E & R) + g + f;
return (f << eX | f >>> 32 - eX) + E;
function eZ(h, E, u, R, g, f5, f) {
f = h + (E & R | u & ~R) + g + f;
return (f << f5 | f >>> 32 - f5) + E;
function f7(h, E, u, R, g, fd, f) {
f = h + (E ^ u ^ R) + g + f;
return (f << fd | f >>> 32 - fd) + E;
function ff(h, E, u, R, g, fl, f) {
f = h + (u ^ (E | ~R)) + g + f;
return (f << fl | f >>> 32 - fl) + E;
var _crypto = dg["_createHelper"](_crypto),
fo = (_obj["extend"]({
"cfg": _obj["extend"]({
"keySize": 4,
"hasher": _crypto,
"iterations": 1
"init": function (h) {
this["cfg"] = this["cfg"]["extend"](h);
"compute": function (h, E) {
for (var u, R = this["cfg"], g = R["hasher"]["create"](), fE = aD["create"](), f = fE["words"], p = R["keySize"], i = R["iterations"]; f["length"] < p;) {
u && g["update"](u), u = g["update"](h)["finalize"](E), g["reset"]();
for (var d = 1; d < i; d++) u = g["finalize"](u), g["reset"]();
return fE["sigBytes"] = 4 * p, fE;
}), []),
fp = [],
fq = [],
fr = [],
fs = [],
ft = [],
fu = [],
fv = [],
fw = [],
fx = [];
!function () {
for (var h = [], E = 0; E < 256; E++) h[E] = E < 128 ? E << 1 : E << 1 ^ 283;
for (var u = 0, R = 0, E = 0; E < 256; E++) {
var g = R ^ R << 1 ^ R << 2 ^ R << 3 ^ R << 4;
fo[u] = g = g >>> 8 ^ 255 & g ^ 99;
var fP = h[fp[g] = u],
f = h[fP],
p = h[f],
i = 257 * h[g] ^ 16843008 * g;
fq[u] = i << 24 | i >>> 8, fr[u] = i << 16 | i >>> 16, fs[u] = i << 8 | i >>> 24, ft[u] = i, fu[g] = (i = 16843009 * p ^ 65537 * f ^ 257 * fP ^ 16843008 * u) << 24 | i >>> 8, fv[g] = i << 16 | i >>> 16, fw[g] = i << 8 | i >>> 24, fx[g] = i, u ? (u = fP ^ h[h[h[p ^ fP]]], R ^= h[h[R]]) : u = R = 1;
var fT = [0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 27, 54],
_crypto = S__abbaidu_["extend"]({
"_doReset": function () {
if (!this["_nRounds"] || this["_keyPriorReset"] !== this["_key"]) {
for (var h = this["_keyPriorReset"] = this["_key"], E = h["words"], u = h["sigBytes"] / 4, R = 4 * (1 + (this["_nRounds"] = 6 + u)), g = this["_keySchedule"] = [], g2 = 0; g2 < R; g2++) g2 < u ? g[g2] = E[g2] : (i = g[g2 - 1], g2 % u ? 6 < u && g2 % u == 4 && (i = fo[i >>> 24] << 24 | fo[i >>> 16 & 255] << 16 | fo[i >>> 8 & 255] << 8 | fo[255 & i]) : (i = fo[(i = i << 8 | i >>> 24) >>> 24] << 24 | fo[i >>> 16 & 255] << 16 | fo[i >>> 8 & 255] << 8 | fo[255 & i], i ^= fT[g2 / u | 0] << 24), g[g2] = g[g2 - u] ^ i);
for (var f = this["_invKeySchedule"] = [], p = 0; p < R; p++) {
var i,
g2 = R - p;
i = p % 4 ? g[g2] : g[g2 - 4], f[p] = p < 4 || g2 <= 4 ? i : fu[fo[i >>> 24]] ^ fv[fo[i >>> 16 & 255]] ^ fw[fo[i >>> 8 & 255]] ^ fx[fo[255 & i]];
"encryptBlock": function (h, E) {
this["_doCryptBlock"](h, E, this["_keySchedule"], fq, fr, fs, ft, fo);
"decryptBlock": function (h, E) {
var u = h[E + 1];
h[E + 1] = h[E + 3], h[E + 3] = u, this["_doCryptBlock"](h, E, this["_invKeySchedule"], fu, fv, fw, fx, fp);
u = h[E + 1];
h[E + 1] = h[E + 3], h[E + 3] = u;
"_doCryptBlock": function (h, E, u, R, g, gh, f, p) {
for (var i = this["_nRounds"], d = h[E] ^ u[0], e = h[E + 1] ^ u[1], j = h[E + 2] ^ u[2], k = h[E + 3] ^ u[3], c = 4, gq = 1; gq < i; gq++) var m = R[d >>> 24] ^ g[e >>> 16 & 255] ^ gh[j >>> 8 & 255] ^ f[255 & k] ^ u[c++], n = R[e >>> 24] ^ g[j >>> 16 & 255] ^ gh[k >>> 8 & 255] ^ f[255 & d] ^ u[c++], q = R[j >>> 24] ^ g[k >>> 16 & 255] ^ gh[d >>> 8 & 255] ^ f[255 & e] ^ u[c++], r = R[k >>> 24] ^ g[d >>> 16 & 255] ^ gh[e >>> 8 & 255] ^ f[255 & j] ^ u[c++], d = m, e = n, j = q, k = r;
m = (p[d >>> 24] << 24 | p[e >>> 16 & 255] << 16 | p[j >>> 8 & 255] << 8 | p[255 & k]) ^ u[c++], n = (p[e >>> 24] << 24 | p[j >>> 16 & 255] << 16 | p[k >>> 8 & 255] << 8 | p[255 & d]) ^ u[c++], q = (p[j >>> 24] << 24 | p[k >>> 16 & 255] << 16 | p[d >>> 8 & 255] << 8 | p[255 & e]) ^ u[c++], r = (p[k >>> 24] << 24 | p[d >>> 16 & 255] << 16 | p[e >>> 8 & 255] << 8 | p[255 & j]) ^ u[c++];
h[E] = m, h[E + 1] = n, h[E + 2] = q, h[E + 3] = r;
"keySize": 8
fV = dg["_createHelper"](cP),
fW = S__abbaidu_["_createHelper"](_crypto);
function _aes_encrypt(h, E, u) {
return "object" == typeof h && (h = JSON["stringify"](h)), fW["encrypt"](h, aG["parse"](E), {
"iv": aG["parse"](u)
function _aes_decrypt(h, E, u) {
u = fW["decrypt"](aI["create"]({
"ciphertext": aC["parse"](h)
}), aG["parse"](E), {
"iv": aG["parse"](u),
"mode": cQ,
"padding": dd
return aG["stringify"](u);
_window["__aes_encrypt"] = _aes_encrypt, _window["__aes_decrypt"] = _aes_decrypt;
var R1 = {},
R2 = {};
function r1Set(h, E) {
R1[h] = E;
function r2Set(h, E) {
R2[h] = E;
function gP() {
for (
var h = [F1_table["F1_3"], F1_table["F1_8"], F1_table["F1_19"], F1_table["F1_25"], F1_table["F1_34"]]["concat"](function () {
var h,
E = [];
for (h in R2) E["push"](h);
return [gZ(E), gZ(E)];
E = [], u = [], R = h["length"], g = 0; g < R; g++
var gX = gZ(h),
f = R1[f = gX] || R2[f] || "";
u["push"](f), E["push"](gX);
return fV(u["join"](","))["toString"]() + "_" + _aes_encrypt(E["join"](","), S_7D33FCD55FE3447C, S_636014d173e04409);
function gZ(h) {
var E = parseInt(Math["random"]() * h["length"]),
u = h[E];
return h["splice"](E, 1), u;
// 开始数据搜集
* 通过RTC搜集客户端IP
* @param {*} callback
function rtc(callback) {
var _catch = "catch";
try {
new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
try {
function ipMatch(x) {
x = ipRe["exec"](x);
|| "" !== (x = x[1])
&& (void 0 === hc[x] && g["push"](x), hc[x] = true);
var _RTCPeerConnection = _window["RTCPeerConnection"] || _window["mozRTCPeerConnection"] || _window["webkitRTCPeerConnection"];
if (!_RTCPeerConnection) return void resolve("");
var g = [],
hc = {},
// Chrome Remove WebRTC RTP data channels
connect = new _RTCPeerConnection(
"iceServers": [{
"urls": ""
"optional": [{
"RtpDataChannels": true
ipRe = /([0-9]{1,3}(\.[0-9]{1,3}){3}|[a-f0-9]{1,4}(:[a-f0-9]{1,4}){7})/;
connect["onicecandidate"] = function (x) {
x["candidate"] && ipMatch(x["candidate"]["candidate"]);
function i() {}
windowCall(function () {
connect["createOffer"]()["then"](function (h) {
connect["setLocalDescription"](h, i, i);
}, i)[_catch](function (h) {
windowCall(function () {
connect["createOffer"](function (h) {
connect["setLocalDescription"](h, i, i);
}, i)[_catch](function (h) {
var d = 0,
e = setInterval(function () {
try {
function (h) {
0 !== h["indexOf"]("a=candidate:")
&& 0 !== h["indexOf"]("c=IN") || ipMatch(h);
(0 < g["length"] || 2 < ++d)
&& (resolve(g["join"](",")),
} catch (ho) {
resolve(g["join"](",")), clearInterval(e);
}, 1000);
} catch (hp) {
0, callback("");
})["then"](function (data) {
})[_catch](function (h) {
} catch (hs) {
* @param {*} obj
* @param {*} property
* @return {*}
function objPropertyConcat(obj, property) {
for (var u = "",
i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {
u += "," + encodeURIComponent(obj[i][property]);
return u["substr"](1);
* 搜集浏览器 userAgent
* @return {*}
function UA() {
var h = _navigator["userAgent"] || "";
return r2Set(F1_table["F1_27"], h), h;
* 搜集 referrer
* @return {*}
function referrer() {
return _document["referrer"];
* 搜集浏览器语言
* @return {*}
function languages() {
var h,
_languages = _navigator["languages"];
return h = _languages,
"[object String]" === Object["prototype"]["toString"]["apply"](h) ? "-1" : _languages
&& _languages["join"](",") || "";
* 检测某对象是否包含某属性
* @param {Array} properties
* @param {object} obj
* @param {string} u
* @return {string}
function isInObj(properties, obj, u) {
var R, g;
void 0 === properties && (properties = []),
void 0 === u && (u = ""),
"object" == typeof obj ?
R = function (h) {
return h in obj;
} : (
g = obj,
"[object Function]" === Object["prototype"]["toString"]["apply"](g)
&& (R = obj));
for (var i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) {
var p = properties[i];
if (R(p)) {
return u + p;
return "";
var _RegExp = _window["RegExp"];
* 搜集浏览器插件情况
* @return {*}
function plugins() {
var h = (h = getToStringLength(navigator, "plugins")) || function (h, E) {
for (var u = 0, R = h["length"], g = 0; g < R; g++) u += getToStringLength(h[g], E);
return u;
}(navigator["plugins"], "name"),
E = getToStringLength(_screen, "availWidth") + getToStringLength(_screen, "availHeight"),
u = getToStringLength(_screen, "width") + getToStringLength(_screen, "height");
return [h, E, getToStringLength(navigator, "hardwareConcurrency"), getToStringLength(navigator, "platform"), u]["join"](",");
* 浏览器检测
* @return {*}
function browserTest() {
function objTest(obj, property) {
if (!obj) return false;
var u = new _RegExp("^\\n?function " + property + "\\(\\) \\{\\n?\\s+\\[native code\\]\\s+\\n?\\}\\n?$"),
property = obj[property] || {};
return !property["toString"] || property["toString"] && !u["test"](property["toString"]());
// canvas 测试
var canvasElem = _document["createElement"]("canvas"),
// 是否支持 canvas.toDataURL
h = false;
windowCall(function () {
h = objTest(canvasElem, "toDataURL");
// 是否支持 canvas.getContext
var g = false;
windowCall(function () {
var h, E;
&& canvasElem["getContext"]
&& (h = objTest(canvasElem, "getContext"),
g = !!h
|| (h = objTest(E = canvasElem["getContext"]("webgl") || canvasElem["getContext"]("experimental-webgl"), "getSupportedExtensions"),
E = objTest(E, "getParameter"), h || E));
// 是否支持 video
var E = false;
windowCall(function () {
var h = _document["createElement"]("video");
E = h["canPlayType"] && objTest(h, "canPlayType");
// 是否支持 Document.createEvent()
var ic = false;
windowCall(function () {
ic = _document["createEvent"] && objTest(_document, "createEvent");
// 获取设备触控信息
var f = getToStringLength(_navigator, "maxTouchPoints"),
p = getToStringLength(_navigator, "msMaxTouchPoints"),
f = ic || f || p,
// 是否支持 Navigator.getBattery()
i = false;
windowCall(function () {
i = _navigator["getBattery"] && objTest(_navigator, "getBattery");
p = function (h) {
return h ? 1 : 0;
return [p(h), p(g), p(E), p(f), p(i)]["join"](",");
var CF_table = {
"CF_101": 101,
"CF_103": 103,
"CF_106": 106,
"CF_107": 107,
"CF_108": 108,
"CF_109": 109,
"CF_200": 200
R4 = {};
function r4Set(h, E) {
R4[h] = E;
var ip,
_crypto = _window["crypto"],
_TextEncoder = _window["TextEncoder"],
_Uint8Array = _window["Uint8Array"],
iu = !!(_TextEncoder && _crypto && _crypto["subtle"] && _crypto["subtle"]["decrypt"]);
function _sha1sum(E) {
var h = new _TextEncoder()["encode"](E);
return _window["crypto"]["subtle"]["digest"]("SHA-1", h)["then"](function (h) {
for (var E = Array["from"](new _Uint8Array(h)), u = "", R = E["length"], g = 0; g < R; g++) {
var iD = E[g]["toString"](16);
u += iD = 1 === iD["length"] ? "0" + iD : iD;
return u;
})["catch"](function (h) {
return fV(E)["toString"]();
function getSelf() {
var E;
try {
E = _uzxr; // _uzxr 为最外层函数
} catch (iH) {
E = function () {};
return E["toString"]();
function abSelf() {
return function (h, E) {
void 0 === E && (E = 100);
for (var u = "",
// 替换汉字并计数
R = (h = h["replace"](/[\u4e00-\u9fa5]/g, ""))["length"],
i = 0; i < R; i += E) {
u += h[i]
return u;
var canvasPromise,
_Promise = _window["Promise"];
* 搜集canvas指纹
function canvasFingerprints() {
canvasPromise = function () {
var _canvasFingerprint = canvasDraw();
return tiems_["start"](aq["CANVAS_SHA1"]),
_sha1sum(_canvasFingerprint)["then"](function (hash) {
return r1Set(F1_table["F1_3"], hash),
tiems_["end"](aq["CANVAS_SHA1"]), // 记录 canvas hash 耗时
tiems_["end"](aq["CANVAS"]), // 记录 canvas 总耗时
canvasHash = hash;
function canvasDraw() {
var text = "antifraud",
out = [],
canvasElem = _document["createElement"]("canvas");
canvasElem["width"] = 2000, canvasElem["height"] = 200, canvasElem["style"]["display"] = "inline";
var R = canvasElem["getContext"]("2d"),
PI_2 = 2 * Math["PI"];
// 一系列绘图操作
return R["rect"](0, 0, 10, 10),
R["rect"](2, 2, 6, 6),
R["isPointInPath"] && out["push"]("canvas winding:" + (false === R["isPointInPath"](5, 5, "evenodd") ? "yes" : "no")),
R["textBaseline"] = "alphabetic",
R["fillStyle"] = "#f60",
R["fillRect"](125, 1, 62, 20),
R["fillStyle"] = "#069",
R["font"] = "11pt Arial",
R["fillText"](text, 2, 15),
R["fillStyle"] = "rgba(102, 204, 0, 0.2)",
R["font"] = "18pt Arial",
R["fillText"](text, 4, 45),
R["globalCompositeOperation"] = "multiply",
R["fillStyle"] = "rgb(255,0,255)",
R["arc"](50, 50, 50, 0, PI_2, true),
R["fillStyle"] = "rgb(0,255,255)",
R["arc"](100, 50, 50, 0, PI_2, true),
R["fillStyle"] = "rgb(255,255,0)",
R["beginPath"](), R["arc"](75, 100, 50, 0, PI_2, true),
R["closePath"](), R["fill"](),
R["fillStyle"] = "rgb(255,0,255)",
R["arc"](75, 75, 75, 0, PI_2, true),
R["arc"](75, 75, 25, 0, PI_2, true),
out["push"]("canvas fp:" + canvasElem["toDataURL"]()),
tiems_["end"](aq["CANVAS_NATIVE"]), // 记录 canvas 绘图耗时
var j0 = 0;
var j1,
_getBatteryBoolean = !!_navigator["getBattery"],
_Promise2 = _window["Promise"];
var R3 = {};
* 搜集浏览器指纹
function getFingerPrints() {
var h,
// 是否支持 canvas
t = function () {
var canvasElem = _document["createElement"]("canvas");
try {
return +!(!canvasElem["getContext"] || !canvasElem["getContext"]("2d"));
} catch (error) {
return 0;
* 视频格式检测
* @param {Element} videoElem
* @param {string} Type
* @return {0|1}
function videoTest(videoElem, Type) {
return videoElem["canPlayType"](Type)["replace"](/^no$/, "0")["replace"](/^probably$/, "1")["replace"](/^maybe$/, "1");
// 是否支持 canvas
(h = {})[F1_table["F1_1"]] = t + "",
// 搜集屏幕的颜色深度(color depth)
h[F1_table["F1_4"]] = (_screen["colorDepth"] || "") + "",
// 搜集屏幕宽高
h[F1_table["F1_5"]] = (R = _screen["width"] + "x" + _screen["height"], r2Set(F1_table["F1_5"], R), R),
// 搜集 availWidth、availHeight
h[F1_table["F1_6"]] = (t = _screen["availWidth"] + "x" + _screen["availHeight"], r2Set(F1_table["F1_6"], t), t),
// 搜集 deviceXDPI、deviceYDPI
// Deprecated
h[F1_table["F1_7"]] = [_screen["deviceXDPI"] || "", _screen["deviceYDPI"] || ""]["join"](","),
// 搜集浏览器安装的插件名称
// Deprecated
h[F1_table["F1_8"]] = (R = objPropertyConcat(_navigator["plugins"], "name"), r1Set(F1_table["F1_8"], R), R),
// Deprecated
h[F1_table["F1_9"]] = (
t = objPropertyConcat(_navigator["mimeTypes"], "description"),
r2Set(F1_table["F1_9"], t),
// 是否支持 localStorage
h[F1_table["F1_11"]] = function () {
try {
return +!!_window["localStorage"];
} catch (ji) {
return 1;
}() + "",
// 是否支持 sessionStorage
h[F1_table["F1_12"]] = function () {
try {
return +!!_window["sessionStorage"];
} catch (jj) {
return 1;
}() + "",
// 是否支持Cookie
h[F1_table["F1_13"]] = (_navigator["cookieEnabled"] || "") + "",
// 时区偏移数
h[F1_table["F1_14"]] = (R = new Date()["getTimezoneOffset"](), r2Set(F1_table["F1_14"], R), R + ""),
// 浏览器语言
h[F1_table["F1_15"]] = (t = _navigator["language"] || "", r2Set(F1_table["F1_15"], t), t),
// 浏览器语言
// Deprecated
h[F1_table["F1_16"]] = _navigator["systemLanguage"] || "",
// 浏览器所支持视频格式种类
h[F1_table["F1_17"]] = (
E = _document["createElement"]("video"),
u = false,
windowCall(function () {
(u = !!E["canPlayType"])
&& ((u = new Boolean(u))["ogg"] = videoTest(E, "video/ogg; codecs=\"theora\""),
u["h264"] = videoTest(E, "video/mp4; codecs=\"avc1.42E01E\""),
u["webm"] = videoTest(E, "video/webm; codecs=\"vp8, vorbis\""),
u["vp9"] = videoTest(E, "video/webm; codecs=\"vp9\""),
u["hls"] = videoTest(E, "application/x-mpegURL; codecs=\"avc1.42E01E\""));
[+!!u, u["ogg"] || "0", u["h264"] || "0", u["webm"] || "0", u["vp9"] || "0", u["hls"] || "0"]["join"](",")
// 实际像素与CSS像素映射比
h[F1_table["F1_18"]] = (_window["devicePixelRatio"] || "") + "",
// CPU核心数
h[F1_table["F1_19"]] = (R = _navigator["hardwareConcurrency"] || "", r1Set(F1_table["F1_19"], R), R + ""),
// 探测广告屏蔽器
// 当元素被设为 display: none; 后 offsetHeight 为 0
h[F1_table["F1_20"]] = function () {
var h = _document["createElement"]("div");
h["innerHTML"] = "&nbsp;";
var E = !(h["className"] = "adsbox");
try {
var u = _document["body"];
E = +(0 === _document["getElementsByClassName"]("adsbox")[0]["offsetHeight"]),
} catch (jn) {
E = false;
return E;
}() + "",
// 是否启用 doNotTrack
h[F1_table["F1_21"]] = _navigator["doNotTrack"] || _navigator["msDoNotTrack"] || _window["window"]["doNotTrack"] || "",
// 搜集浏览器详细信息
h[F1_table["F1_22"]] = [_navigator["product"], _navigator["productSub"], _navigator["vendor"], _navigator["vendorSub"], _navigator["appCodeName"], _navigator["appName"], _navigator["platform"]]["join"](","),
// 是否支持触控
h[F1_table["F1_23"]] = function () {
var h = 0,
E = 0;
void 0 !== _navigator["maxTouchPoints"] ? h = _navigator["maxTouchPoints"] : void 0 !== _navigator["msMaxTouchPoints"] && (h = _navigator["msMaxTouchPoints"]),
windowCall(function () {
_document["createEvent"] && _document["createEvent"]("TouchEvent"), E = 1;
var u = +("ontouchstart" in _window);
return [h, E, u]["join"](",");
// 是否支持 indexedDB
h[F1_table["F1_24"]] = function () {
try {
return +!!_window["indexedDB"];
} catch (jr) {
return 1;
}() + "",
// 是否支持 WEBGL
h[F1_table["F1_25"]] = function () {
var E;
try {
var h,
canvas = _document["createElement"]("canvas"),
gl = canvas["getContext"]("webgl") || canvas["getContext"]("experimental-webgl"),
text = "WEBGL_debug_renderer_info";
R = 0 <= gl["getSupportedExtensions"]()["indexOf"](text) ? (h = gl["getExtension"](text),
u = gl["getParameter"](h["UNMASKED_VENDOR_WEBGL"]),
: u = "Not supported",
E = [u, R]["join"](",");
} catch (jz) {
E = ",";
return r1Set(F1_table["F1_25"], E), E;
// 浏览器UA
h[F1_table["F1_27"]] = UA(),
// Deprecated
h[F1_table["F1_28"]] = [!!_document["getBoxObjectFor"], !!_window["opera"]]["join"](","),
// 检测 eval 函数是否被 hook
h[F1_table["F1_29"]] = [void 0 === (t = _window["eval"])["prototype"], "eval" === t["name"], -1 != t["toString"]()["indexOf"]("native")]["join"](","),
// 是否支持 document.addBehavior
// 也许只有IE支持
h[F1_table["F1_30"]] = _document["body"]["addBehavior"] ? 1 : 0,
// 设备内存
// Experimental
// Secure context
h[F1_table["F1_31"]] = _navigator["deviceMemory"] || "",
// 设备运行平台
// Deprecated
h[F1_table["F1_34"]] = (R = _navigator["platform"] || "", r1Set(F1_table["F1_34"], R), R),
// 设备电池情况
// Deprecated
h[F1_table["F1_35"]] = [!!(_navigator["battery"] || _navigator["mozBattery"] || _navigator["webkitBattery"]), _getBatteryBoolean]["join"](","),
h[F1_table["F1_72"]] = languages(),
// 检测本文件是否被格式化
h[F1_table["F1_81"]] = (t = {
"getCookie": function () {
return document["cookie"];
}, R = new _RegExp("function\\s?\\(\\)\\{return\\sdocument"), t = t["getCookie"] + "", R["test"](t) ? "0" : "1"),
h[CF_table["CF_103"]] = j0 + "",
h[CF_table["CF_107"]] = S_2_9_1,
// 当前页URL
h[CF_table["CF_108"]] = _document["URL"],
// 当前页 Refer
h[CF_table["CF_109"]] = referrer(),
// Firefox 37, Chromium 33
h[F1_table["F1_198"]] = eval["toString"]()["length"],
// CPU种类
// Deprecated
h[F1_table["F1_199"]] = _navigator["cpuClass"] || "",
h[CF_table["CF_200"]] = "1",
function copyToR3(h) {
!function (h, E) {
for (var u in E) {
h[u] = E[u];
}(R3, h);
function jF() {
var h,
E = function () {
for (var h = [F1_table["F1_78"], CF_table["CF_101"], CF_table["CF_103"], F1_table["F1_82"]],
E = [],
u = h["length"],
i = 0; i < u; i++) {
E["push"](R4[h[i]] || "");
var g = E["join"]("_");
return fV(g)["toString"]();
(h = {})[F1_table["F1_85"]] = E,
function jN(u) {
// 检测 phantom
var R = function () {
var h = isInObj(["callPhantom", "_phantom", "phantom"], _window, "phantomjs:window.");
if (h) return h;
try {
} catch (jT) {
if (jT["stack"] && -1 < jT["stack"]["toString"]()["indexOf"]("phantomjs")) return "phantomjs:phantomjs_err";
return "";
// 检测 nightmare
g = isInObj(["__nightmare"], _window, "nightmare:window."),
// 检测 Selenium
jR = function () {
var h = isInObj(["webdriver", "_Selenium_IDE_Recorder", "callSelenium", "_selenium"], _window, "selenium:window.");
if (h) return h;
var E,
u = "selenium:document.";
if (h = isInObj(["__webdriver_script_fn", "__driver_evaluate", "__webdriver_evaluate", "__selenium_evaluate", "__fxdriver_evaluate", "__driver_unwrapped", "__webdriver_unwrapped", "__selenium_unwrapped", "__fxdriver_unwrapped", "__webdriver_script_func", "__webdriver_script_function"], _document, u)) return h;
for (E in _document) if (E["match"](/\$[a-z]dc_/) && _document[E]["cache_"]) return u + E;
var R = _document["documentElement"];
return (h = isInObj(["selenium", "webdriver", "driver"], function (h) {
return null !== R["getAttribute"](h);
}, "selenium:html_attr_")) || "";
// 检测 puppeteer
!function (E) {
var iframeElem = _document["createElement"]("iframe");
iframeElem["srcdoc"] = "page intentionally left blank",
iframeElem["style"]["width"] = "0",
iframeElem["style"]["height"] = "0",
iframeElem["style"]["opacity"] = "0",
var u = iframeElem["contentWindow"] === _window;
if (_document["body"]["removeChild"](iframeElem), u) {
return E("puppeteer:iframe_window_reuse");
&& _navigator["permissions"]["query"] ? navigator["permissions"]["query"]({
"name": "notifications"
})["then"](function (h) {
h = "denied" === Notification["permission"] && "prompt" === h["state"];
E(h ? "puppeteer:permissions_contradiction" : "");
})["catch"](function (h) {
}) : E("");
function (h) {
var E = R || g || jR || h;
((h = {})[F1_table["F1_60"]] = !!R, // phantom
h[F1_table["F1_61"]] = !!g, // nightmare
h[F1_table["F1_62"]] = !!jR, // Selenium
h[F1_table["F1_63"]] = "webdriver" in _navigator,
h[F1_table["F1_64"]] = !!_navigator["webdriver"],
h[F1_table["F1_65"]] = !!_window["chrome"],
h[F1_table["F1_69"]] = getToStringLength(_navigator, "webdriver"),
h[F1_table["F1_70"]] = E ? 1 : 0, // puppeteer
h[F1_table["F1_71"]] = _btoa(E), h)), u(); // puppeteer
* 搜集电池信息
function battery() {
var h;
iu && (
h = abSelf(),
ip = _sha1sum(h)["then"](function (h) {
return iq = h, r4Set(F1_table["F1_82"], h), tiems_["end"](aq["CODE_S"]), h;
_getBatteryBoolean && _getBatteryBoolean && (tiems_["start"](aq["BATTERY_INFO_EVENT_LOOP"]),
j1 = new _Promise2(function (E) {
setTimeout(function () {
j3 || (j3 = true, E(j2 = {
"charging": "-1",
"chargingTime": "-1",
"dischargingTime": "-1",
"level": "-1"
}, 110),
_navigator["getBattery"]()["then"](function (h) {
j3 || (j3 = true, E(j2 = h));
})["then"](function (h) {
return tiems_["end"](aq["BATTERY_INFO_EVENT_LOOP"]), h;
* 搜集 canvas 指纹
* @param {*} u
function canvas(u) {
var h, E;
iu ? (canvasHash ? _Promise["resolve"](canvasHash) : canvasPromise)["then"](function (h) {
var E;
copyToR3(((E = {})[F1_table["F1_3"]] = h, E)), u();
}) : (E = R3[F1_table["F1_1"]], copyToR3(((h = {})[F1_table["F1_3"]] = "0" !== E ? function () {
var h = canvasDraw();
return tiems_["start"](aq["CANVAS_SHA1"]), h = fV(h)["toString"](), tiems_["end"](aq["CANVAS_SHA1"]), r1Set(F1_table["F1_3"], h), tiems_["end"](aq["CANVAS"]), h;
}() : "", h)), u());
* 检测文件自身
* @param {*} u
function selfTest(u) {
var h, E;
iu ? (iq ? Promise["resolve"](iq) : ip || Promise["resolve"](""))["then"](function (h) {
var E;
copyToR3(((E = {})[F1_table["F1_82"]] = h, E)), u();
}) : (E = function () {
var h = abSelf(),
h = fV(h)["toString"]();
return r4Set(F1_table["F1_82"], h), tiems_["end"](aq["CODE_S"]), h;
}(), copyToR3(((h = {})[F1_table["F1_82"]] = E, h)), u());
* 开始搜集电池信息
* @param {*} ks
function runBattery(ks) {
_getBatteryBoolean ? (j2 ? _Promise2["resolve"](j2) : j1 || _Promise2["resolve"]())["then"](function (h) {
var E, u, R, g;
h && (E = h["charging"], u = h["chargingTime"], R = h["dischargingTime"], g = h["level"], copyToR3(((h = {})[F1_table["F1_41"]] = E, h[F1_table["F1_42"]] = u, h[F1_table["F1_43"]] = R, h[F1_table["F1_44"]] = g, h))), ks();
}) : ks();
var ky = "";
var kz = 0,
kA = "";
function eventObjTemlp() {
return {
"gotTime": kz,
"lastIp": kA
var F2_table = {
"F2_1": 1,
"F2_2": 2,
"F2_3": 3,
"F2_4": 4,
"F2_5": 5,
"F2_6": 6,
"F2_7": 7,
"F2_8": 8,
"F2_9": 9,
"F2_10": 10,
"F2_11": 11,
"F2_13": 13,
"F2_14": 14,
"F2_15": 15,
"F2_16": 16,
"F2_17": 17,
"F2_18": 18,
"F2_19": 19,
"F2_20": 20,
"F2_110": 110
F3_table = {
"F3_1": 1,
"F3_2": 2,
"F3_3": 3,
"F3_4": 4,
"F3_5": 5,
"F3_6": 6,
"F3_7": 7,
"F3_8": 8,
"F3_9": 9,
"F3_10": 10,
"F3_11": 11,
"F3_12": 12,
"F3_110": 110,
"F3_300": 300,
"F3_302": 302
agX = 0,
agY = 0,
agZ = 0,
kH = 0,
aY = 0,
aZ = 0,
rA = 0,
rB = 0,
rG = 0,
kN = 0,
kO = false,
S_Click = "click",
S_Devicemotion = "devicemotion";
* 搜集设备运动信息
* @param {*} eventTarget
function devicemotionListener(eventTarget) {
// 监听 accelerationIncludingGravity 事件
// 返回设备的加速度的记录,单位为米每秒平方(m / s2)。
// 与已移除重力加速度的DeviceMotionEvent.acceleration不同,此值是由用户引起的设备的加速度和由重力加速度的总和。
var event = eventTarget["accelerationIncludingGravity"];
event &&
agX = event["x"] || 0,
agY = event["y"] || 0,
agZ = event["z"] || 0
// 监听 acceleration 事件
// 返回设备的加速度记录(单位:m / s2)
event = eventTarget["acceleration"]) && (kH = event["x"] || 0,
aY = event["y"] || 0,
aZ = event["z"] || 0
// 监听 rotationRate 事件
// 返回设备围绕其每个轴(x、y、z)旋转的速率(单位:度/秒)。
eventTarget = eventTarget["rotationRate"];
eventTarget &&
rA = eventTarget["alpha"] || 0,
rB = eventTarget["beta"] || 0,
rG = eventTarget["gamma"] || 0
0 !== kN || 0 === kH && 0 === aY && 0 === aZ || (kN = getTime()),
* 点击事件回调函数
* 搜集点击信息
* @param {*} event
* @return {*}
function clickCallback(event) {
var E = ky,
u = j0,
R = getTime(),
g = R - u + "",
l0 = R + "",
u = referrer();
return (R = {})[F2_table["F2_1"]] = event["type"],
R[F2_table["F2_2"]] = event["clientX"] + "",
R[F2_table["F2_3"]] = event["clientY"] + "",
R[F2_table["F2_4"]] = event["pageX"] + "",
R[F2_table["F2_5"]] = event["pageY"] + "",
R[F2_table["F2_6"]] = function (h) {
for (var E = []; h && 1 === h["nodeType"]; h = h["parentNode"]) {
if (h["hasAttribute"]("id")) return E["unshift"]("id(\"" + h["getAttribute"]("id") + "\")"), E["join"]("/");
if (h["hasAttribute"]("class")) E["unshift"](h["localName"]["toLowerCase"]() + "[@class=\"" + h["getAttribute"]("class") + "\"]");else {
for (var u = 1, R = h["previousSibling"]; R; R = R["previousSibling"]) R["localName"] === h["localName"] && u++;
E["unshift"](h["localName"]["toLowerCase"]() + "[" + u + "]");
return E["length"] ? "/" + E["join"]("/") : null;
R[F2_table["F2_7"]] = l0,
R[F2_table["F2_8"]] = kH + "",
R[F2_table["F2_9"]] = aY + "",
R[F2_table["F2_10"]] = aZ + "",
R[F2_table["F2_11"]] = void 0 === event["isTrusted"] ? "2" : event["isTrusted"] ? "1" : "0",
R[F2_table["F2_13"]] = agX + "",
R[F2_table["F2_14"]] = agY + "",
R[F2_table["F2_15"]] = agZ + "",
R[F2_table["F2_16"]] = rA + "",
R[F2_table["F2_17"]] = rB + "",
R[F2_table["F2_18"]] = rG + "",
R[F2_table["F2_19"]] = (
_window["innerWidth"] || _document["documentElement"]["clientWidth"] || _document["body"]["clientWidth"])
+ "x"
+ (_window["innerHeight"] || _document["documentElement"]["clientHeight"] || _document["body"]["clientHeight"]),
R[F2_table["F2_20"]] = g,
R[F2_table["F2_110"]] = UA(),
R[CF_table["CF_101"]] = E,
R[CF_table["CF_103"]] = l0,
R[CF_table["CF_106"]] = I_2020,
R[CF_table["CF_107"]] = S_2_9_1,
R[CF_table["CF_109"]] = u["length"] > I_2500 ? "-1" : u,
R[CF_table["CF_200"]] = "2",
function reportEvent(h) {
var E, u, R, g, lc, f, p;
kO ||
(p = eventObjTemlp()["gotTime"],
(h || !h && 0 !== p && 0 !== kN)
&& (_removeEventListener(_window, S_Devicemotion, devicemotionListener),
kO = true,
E = eventObjTemlp(),
u = E["gotTime"],
R = E["lastIp"],
g = ky,
lc = j0,
f = tiems_["getTime"](aq["TOTAL"]),
h = tiems_["getData"](),
p = referrer(),
(E = {})[F3_table["F3_1"]] = kH + "",
E[F3_table["F3_2"]] = aY + "",
E[F3_table["F3_3"]] = aZ + "",
E[F3_table["F3_4"]] = agX + "",
E[F3_table["F3_5"]] = agY + "",
E[F3_table["F3_6"]] = agZ + "",
E[F3_table["F3_7"]] = rA + "",
E[F3_table["F3_8"]] = rB + "",
E[F3_table["F3_9"]] = rG + "",
E[F3_table["F3_10"]] = 0 !== kN ? kN - lc + "" : "-1",
E[F3_table["F3_11"]] = R,
E[F3_table["F3_12"]] = 0 !== u ? u - lc + "" : "-1",
E[CF_table["CF_101"]] = g,
E[CF_table["CF_103"]] = getTime() + "",
E[CF_table["CF_106"]] = I_2020,
E[CF_table["CF_107"]] = S_2_9_1,
E[CF_table["CF_109"]] = p["length"] > I_2500 ? "-1" : p,
E[F3_table["F3_110"]] = UA(),
E[CF_table["CF_200"]] = "3",
E[F3_table["F3_300"]] = f,
E[F3_table["F3_302"]] = h,
function clickListener(h) {
h = clickCallback(h);
_removeEventListener(_document, S_Click, clickListener),
function report(h) {
h = encodeURIComponent(_btoa(JSON["stringify"]({
"data": _aes_encrypt(h, S_7D33FCD55FE3447C, S_636014d173e04409),
"key_id": S_3a159c9c204845c9
!function (h, E) {
E = h + "?data=" + E + "&_=" + Math["random"]();
U_8000 < E || (new Image()["src"] = E);
}(g, h);
function mainObj() {
this["initReport"] = false, this["reportQueue"] = [];
function main() {
var h = R3;
Math["random"]() < 0.001 && (main["R"] = true,
"url": "",
"headers": {
"Content-Type": "text/plain;charset=UTF-8"
"withCredentials": !(h = {
"sid": h[CF_table["CF_106"]],
"c": h[F1_table["F1_3"]],
"s": h[F1_table["F1_82"]],
"v": h[CF_table["CF_107"]],
"co": getSelf(),
"u": h[CF_table["CF_108"]]
"data": _btoa(JSON["stringify"](h))
mainObj["prototype"]["pushReportQueue"] = function (h) {
mainObj["prototype"]["executeReportQueue"] = function () {
this["initReport"] = true,
this["reportQueue"]["length"] &&
(this["reportQueue"]["forEach"](function (h) {
this["reportQueue"] = []);
mainObj["prototype"]["init"] = function () {
var h = getTime();
j0 = h, r4Set(CF_table["CF_103"], h + "");
mainObj["prototype"]["preparePropertyReport"] = function (u) {
var h,
R = this;
h = windowCall(_window[S__abbaidu_2020_zidgetf]),
g = windowCall(_window[S__abbaidu_2020_bidgetf]),
p = windowCall(_window[S__abbaidu_2020_subidgetf])
|| windowCall(_window["__abbaidu_20180315_subidgetf"]),
f = windowCall(_window[S__abbaidu_2020_extra_datagetf]),
(E = {})[F1_table["F1_112"]] = h,
E[F1_table["F1_113"]] = g,
E[F1_table["F1_114"]] = p,
E[F1_table["F1_115"]] = f,
(g = {})[F1_table["F1_79"]] = plugins(),
g[F1_table["F1_80"]] = browserTest(),
var E,
p = I_2020,
f = (
f = true,
ky && !f
|| (
lw = j0,
E = R3[CF_table["CF_108"]],
g = R3[CF_table["CF_109"]],
f = R3[F1_table["F1_27"]],
lw = "anti-bot-df" + Math["random"]() + E + g + f + lw,
ky = fV(lw)["toString"](),
windowCall(_window["__abbaidu_20180315_cidcb"], [ky]),
r4Set(CF_table["CF_101"], f),
lw = p,
p = f,
(f = {})[CF_table["CF_106"]] = lw,
f[CF_table["CF_101"]] = p, f)),
jN(function () {
var h;
h = function () {
var h;
!function () {
var h;
var E = gP();
r4Set(F1_table["F1_78"], E),
copyToR3(((h = {})[F1_table["F1_78"]] = E, h));
h = getTime(),
copyToR3(((E = {})[F1_table["F1_32"]] = h - j0 + "", E)),
var E = R3;
"1" === E[F1_table["F1_81"]] &&
runBattery(function () {
selfTest(function () {
canvas(function () {
mainObj["prototype"]["prepareEventReport"] = function () {
rtc(function (h) {
var E;
h && (E = h, h = getTime(), E && (kA = E), h && (kz = h), reportEvent(false));
_addEventListener(_window, S_Devicemotion, devicemotionListener),
_addEventListener(_document, S_Click, clickListener),
setTimeout(function () {
}, 2000);
mainObj["prototype"]["report"] = function (h) {
var E = h["data"],
u = h["success"],
R = h["error"],
h = u || this["handleResponse"],
u = R || function (h) {
return windowCall(_window[S__abbaidu_2020_onerror], [h]);
R = E || R3,
E = function (h) {
h = {
"data": _aes_encrypt(h, S_7D33FCD55FE3447C, S_636014d173e04409),
"key_id": S_3a159c9c204845c9 + ""
return _btoa(JSON["stringify"](h));
tiems_["end"](aq["TOTAL"]), appendLogData(R), xhr({
"url": g,
"data": E,
"success": h,
"error": u
mainObj["prototype"]["handleResponse"] = function (E, h) {
try {
_window[S__abbaidu_2020_cb] ? windowCall(_window[S__abbaidu_2020_cb], [E]) : windowCall(_window["__abbaidu_20181211_cb"], [E]);
} catch (lT) {
var u,
R = E,
g = null;
-1 !== E["indexOf"]("|") && (R = (u = E["split"]("|"))[0], g = u[1]), windowCall(_window["__abbaidu_20180306_idcb"], [R]), windowCall(_window["__abbaidu_20180315_scorecb"], [g]), windowCall(_window["__abbaidu_20180315_lid_score_cb"], [R, g]), windowCall(_window["__abbaidu_20190124_cb"], [E]);
if (h) {
var E = h["getResponseHeader"]("Authentication"),
h = E["substr"](-16),
lZ = _aes_decrypt(E["substr"](0, E["length"] - 16), h, S_636014d173e04409)["split"]("|"),
f = lZ["length"];
if (0 < f && f % 2 == 0) {
for (var p = {}, i = 0; i < f; i += 2) {
var d = lZ[i],
e = lZ[i + 1];
p[d] = e;
-1 < [p[F1_table["F1_83"]], p[F1_table["F1_86"]]]["indexOf"]("1") && !main["R"] && this instanceof mainObj && main();
function m5(h) {
"interactive" !== _document["readyState"] && "complete" !== _document["readyState"] || m9 || (m9 = 1, ma["init"](), ma["preparePropertyReport"](function () {
"success": function (h, E) {
ma["handleResponse"](h, E), ma["prepareEventReport"]();
var m9,
ma = new mainObj();
_addEventListener(_window, "load", function (h) {
_addEventListener(_document, "readystatechange", function (h) {
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