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Created May 3, 2012 19:44
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Touro College Libraries Web Services Manager

Job Summary

This position is responsible for the maintenance of web services on a single Ubuntu server, as well as new development. All major development to date has been done in PHP, with our main site on Drupal, several MVC applications on symfony, and a single application on the Kohana framework. We also use a small Perl-based utility for a certain batch operation which is not under active development.

Other than perhaps our main Drupal site, our Electronic Resource Management System (ERMS) is our most mission-critical. It is responsible for negotiating HTTP traffic between our endusers and licensed scholarly content on vendor servers behind a paywall. The ERMS is a symfony application.

Touro College and University System consists of a network of affiliated institutions. Beyond the 14 core sites that make up Touro College New York (TCNY), we have a number of divisions more or less tightly connected in several states on both coasts, as well as overseas. Our ERMS serves all of these users, while most other systems are focused on TCNY.

As this position is responsible for all web projects, project management is key, particularly communication with stakeholders for needs assessment. This has mostly involved staff stakeholders in the past, although bringing in a more diverse body of end users in future projects would be advantageous.

Touro uses an "integrated library system" (ILS) called Millennium. This is a legacy-style monolith application for managing metadata and inventory for physical materials such as books and DVDs. It includes a black-box turnkey data backend, a legacy telnet admin client which is slowly being deprecated module by module, a newer GUI desktop admin client, and a public-facing web application to allow users to find and request materials. The Manager is responsible for maintaining TCNY's web templates for the system, as well as certain batch operations and queries. Metadata is stored in the library-industry MARC format; most batch operations under this position will not require intimate knowledge of MARC, but basic training will be provided.

To date, most end-user support has been provided by the Systems Assistant, with the Manager handling higher-level issues such as batch processing and software bugs.

In addition to duties within the libraries, the Manager will, if invited, sit on the Network Change Control Committee. This bi-weekly phone meeting brings together IT stakeholders from all across the Touro system. We have not had much to report of our own activities in this committee, but it has been a valuable source of current information as to network maintenance activities, and has helped the Office of IT better understand our needs, and the effect network operations and changes have on our users.

We run Drupal 6, Mediawiki and several MVC applications on a single Ubuntu server. Our stack includes nginx, symfony, Kohana, jQuery, Apache Solr, MySQL, Nagios, and Puppet. Currently one full-time support technician reports to this position; in the future, we may reorganize these two positions to be more equivalent, or divide them between administration and development, depending on the skills of the professionals involved.

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