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Created March 8, 2019 14:37
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Angular Tagged Template
* @todo when `deps` will be added to `Component` definition,
* we could return `{deps, template}` then use it like this:
* ```
* @Component({
* selector: 'wt-root',
* ...ngTemplate`<${Child}></${Child}>`
* })
* ```
export function ngTemplate(blockList, ...componentTypeList) {
const [firstBlock, ...remainingBlockList] = blockList;
return remainingBlockList.reduce((result, block, index) => {
const componentType = componentTypeList[index];
/* Grab the selector from component's metadata `ngComponentDef`. */
const selector = componentType.ngComponentDef.selectors[0][0];
return `${result}${selector}${block}`;
}, firstBlock);
selector: 'wt-greetings',
template: `<h1>Hi {{ name }}</h1>`
export class Greetings {
@Input() name: string;
selector: 'wt-root',
template: ngTemplate`
<${Greetings} name="foo"></${Greetings}>
<${Greetings} name="john"></${Greetings}>
export class AppComponent {
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