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Last active September 9, 2021 04:11
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rnn transducer inference beam search
import math
import numpy
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import itertools
class BeamSearch(object):
def __init__(self, model, henc):
self.model = model
self.seqmap = {} # seq:BeamNode. Same seqs (different prefixes) share BeamNode
self.n_forward = 0 # how many times model.forward() is called
self.maxlen_found = 0 # longest seq found
# jointnet_fc does not need to be repeated.
self.henc = henc
def search(self, beam_width=5, maxlen=None):
blank = self.model.blank
nbclasses = self.model.nbclasses
xlen = self.henc.size(1)
tt = torch.cuda if self.henc.is_cuda else torch
if maxlen is None:
maxlen = xlen # do not generate more than max_len chars
beam = [((blank,), 1)] # make b[0] tuple so it is hashable
for t in range(xlen):
candidates = beam
beam = []
# recalculate probs when beam is extended and also same prefix probs are sumed
key_lambda = lambda b: tuple([x for x in b[0] if x != blank])
seq_grouped = itertools.groupby(candidates,
candidates = []
for k, g in seq_grouped:
group = list(g)
node = self.get_node(group[0][0]) # all sharing same node
pr = sum([float(node.calc_prob(b[0])) for b in group])
for b in group:
candidates.append((b[0], pr))
while len(candidates) > 0: # Extend beam on U axis until nothing to extend
candidates_p = numpy.array([x[1] for x in candidates])
idx = candidates_p.argmax()
best = candidates[idx]
pr_best = best[1]
better_than_best = [b for b in beam if b[1] > pr_best]
if len(better_than_best) >= beam_width:
node = self.get_node(best[0])
u = len(node.seq)
if u >= maxlen:
# Probabilities are affected by U. Recalculate
# [BLANK,1,2] => [BLANK,1,2,BLANK]
extend_null_pr = pr_best * float(node.out[t, u, blank]) # Pr(y∗) = Pr(y∗) Pr(∅|y, t)
beam.append((best[0]+(blank,), extend_null_pr)) # Add y∗ to B
# LABELs + k
for k in range(nbclasses): # for k ∈ Y do
if k == blank:
pr_k = pr_best * float(node.out[t, u, k]) # Pr(y∗ + k) = Pr(y∗) Pr(k|y∗, t)
candidates.append((best[0]+(k,), pr_k)) # Add y∗ + k to A
# Remove all but the W most probable from B
beam.sort(key=lambda x: float(x[1]), reverse=True)
beam = beam[:beam_width]
best = beam[0]
seq = [x for x in best[0] if x != blank]
return seq, best[1]
def get_node(self, prefix):
key = tuple([x for x in prefix if x != self.model.blank and x != self.model.sos])
node = self.seqmap.get(key)
if node is None:
parent = None
if len(key) > 0:
parent = self.seqmap.get(key[:-1])
node = BeamNode(self.model, self.henc, prefix, parent)
self.seqmap[key] = node
self.n_forward += 1
self.maxlen_found = max(len(key), self.maxlen_found)
return node
class BeamNode(object):
def __init__(self, model, henc, seq, parent=None):
:param model:
:param henc:
:param prefix: including null (and probably ending in null)
self.model = model
self.henc = henc
self.seq = [s for s in seq if s != self.model.blank and s != self.model.sos]
self.out = None
# for incremental calculation...
self.parent = parent
self.h0 = None = None
def advance(self):
parent = self.parent
if parent:
c = self.seq[len(parent.seq):]
seqvar = self.model._create_label_var(c, self.henc)
y = self.model.embedding(seqvar)
py, h0 = self.model.prednet(y, parent.h0)
py =[, py], dim=1)
seqvar = self.model._create_label_var([self.model.sos] + self.seq, self.henc)
y = self.model.embedding(seqvar)
py, h0 = self.model.prednet(y) = py
self.h0 = h0
py = py.unsqueeze(dim=1)
# joint network
#print(py.size()) # 32, 1, 7, 256
out = F.tanh(self.model.jointnet_fc(py) + self.henc)
out = self.model.fc(out)
out = F.softmax(out, dim=3)
# 32x15x7x29
out = out.squeeze(dim=0)
self.out =
return self.out
def calc_prob(self, prefix):
return _calc_prob_from_output(self.out, prefix, self.model.blank)
def calc_prob_all(self):
# EQ (17)
T = self.out.size(0)
U = self.out.size(1)
blank = self.model.blank = self._alpha(T-1, U-1) * self._k(T-1, U-1, blank)
def _k(self, t, u, k):
if u < 0 or t < 0:
return 1
return self.out[t, u, k]
def _alpha(self, t, u):
if u <= 0 or t <= 0:
return 1
blank = self.model.blank
k = self.seq[u-1]
a = self._alpha(t-1, u)*self._k(t-1, u, blank) + self._alpha(t, u-1)*self._k(t, u-1, k)
return a
def _calc_prob_from_output(output, prefix, blank=0):
# skip first blank
prefix = prefix[1:]
T = output.size(0)
U = output.size(1)
assert(len(prefix) <= T+U)
u = 0
t = 0
pr = 1
for k in prefix:
pr *= output[t, u, k]
if k == blank:
t += 1
u += 1
return pr
def static_search(output, blank=0, beam_width=3):
:param output: TxUxH output from model.forward() with first dim removed
output = torch.exp(
xlen = output.size(0)
nbclasses = output.shape[-1]
n_loop = 0
beam = [((blank,), 1)] # make b[0] tuple so it is hashable
for t in range(xlen):
candidates = beam
beam = []
# skipping this just for performance
# recalculate probs when beam is extended and also same prefix probs are sumed
# key_lambda = lambda b: tuple([x for x in b[0] if x != blank])
# seq_grouped = itertools.groupby(candidates,
# key=key_lambda)
# candidates = []
# for k, g in seq_grouped:
# group = list(g)
# pr = sum([float(_calc_prob_from_output(output, b[0], blank)) for b in group])
# # if len(group) == 1:
# # print(pr, group[0][1])
# # else:
# # print('grouped {} items'.format(len(group)))
# for b in group:
# candidates.append((b[0], pr))
while len(candidates) > 0: # Extend beam on U axis until nothing to extend
candidates_p = numpy.array([x[1] for x in candidates])
idx = candidates_p.argmax()
best = candidates[idx]
pr_best = best[1]
better_than_best = [b for b in beam if b[1] > pr_best]
if len(better_than_best) >= beam_width:
seq = [x for x in best[0] if x != blank]
u = len(seq)
if u >= output.size(1):
# Probabilities are affected by U. Recalculate
# [BLANK,1,2] => [BLANK,1,2,BLANK]
extend_null_pr = pr_best * float(output[t, u, blank]) # Pr(y∗) = Pr(y∗) Pr(∅|y, t)
beam.append((best[0]+(blank,), extend_null_pr)) # Add y∗ to B
# LABELs + k
for k in range(nbclasses): # for k ∈ Y do
if k == blank:
pr_k = pr_best * float(output[t, u, k]) # Pr(y∗ + k) = Pr(y∗) Pr(k|y∗, t)
candidates.append((best[0]+(k,), pr_k)) # Add y∗ + k to A
n_loop += 1
# Remove all but the W most probable from B
beam.sort(key=lambda x: float(x[1]), reverse=True)
beam = beam[:beam_width]
#print('loop: {}'.format(n_loop))
best = beam[0]
seq = [x for x in best[0] if x != blank]
return seq, best[1]
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