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Created August 27, 2012 03:22
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vim search Dash for word under cursor, filetype-specific
" Searches Dash for the word under your cursor in vim, using the keyword
" operator, based on file type. E.g. for JavaScript files, I have it
" configured to search j:term, which immediately brings up the JS doc
" for that keyword. Might need some customisation for your own keywords!
function! SearchDash()
" Some setup
let s:browser = "/usr/bin/open"
let s:wordUnderCursor = expand("<cword>")
" Get the filetype (everything after the first ., for special cases
" such as index.html.haml or abc.css.scss.erb)
let s:fileType = substitute(expand("%"),"^[^.]*\.","",1)
" Alternative ways of getting filetype, aborted
" let s:fileType = expand("%:e")
" let s:searchType = b:current_syntax.":"
" Match it and set the searchType -- make sure these are the right shortcuts
" in Dash! Sort by priority in the match list below if necessary, because
" Tilt-enabled projects may have endings like .scss.erb.
if match(s:fileType, "js") != -1
let s:searchType = "js:" " can assign this to jQuery, too
elseif match(s:fileType, "css") != -1
let s:searchType = "css:"
elseif match(s:fileType, "html") != -1
let s:searchType = "html:"
elseif match(s:fileType, "rb") != -1
let s:searchType = "rb:" " can assign this to Rails, too
elseif match(s:fileType, "php") != -1
let s:searchType = "php:"
elseif match(s:fileType, "py") != -1
let s:searchType = "python:"
let s:searchType = ""
" Run it
let s:url = "dash://".s:searchType.s:wordUnderCursor
let s:cmd ="silent ! " . s:browser . " " . s:url
execute s:cmd
map <leader>d :call SearchDash()<CR>
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sirupsen commented Mar 9, 2013

It might be simpler just to match on &filetype.

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durden commented Mar 12, 2013

I'm running the new version of Dash (1.8.0) and using this. It works great, but this 'advanced' version searches for 'python:' when I'm in a Python file. This triggers a google/stackoverflow search, not a search for Python specific documentation.

I assumed (maybe incorrectly) that the intent was to search for the Python documentation specifically, not the Internet. Is this assumption incorrect, or am I doing something wrong?

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durden commented Mar 13, 2013

Ah ha! I figure out what I was doing wrong with some help on Twitter from the developer. Just for reference if anyone runs into this I had python 2 and python 3 docsets installed. So my shortcuts for python were 'python2:' and 'python3' by default. Thus, 'python:' didn't match.

I just 'fixed' this by changing my search terms in dash to both map to 'python:'.

It's not ideal, but not sure the best way to detect this in the vim script unless you somehow detect what interpreter was referenced in the #! line (if it exists). Either way, this is a great little trick.

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I prefer having just this in my vimrc... you can expand it for any language you want. It knows the language based on the current filetype (:set ft?) rather than looking at the file's extension.
You can use <leader>d or :Dash

au FileType javascript command Dash call SearchDash('javascript:')
au FileType vim command Dash call SearchDash('vim:')
au FileType perl command Dash call SearchDash('perl:')
au FileType ruby command Dash call SearchDash('ruby:')
map <leader>d :Dash<cr>
function SearchDash(lib)
  let s:url = "dash://".a:lib.expand("<cword>")
  execute "silent ! /usr/bin/open ". s:url

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I usually end up with autocommands in my projects that will make 'filetype' look like qt5.cpp or rspec.rails.ruby, for finner control over snip engines and other things. I use Dash all the time, and thought this gists were really nice, so I put this together:
I intend to add those refinements to filetype/docset lookup shortly.

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I have added a few more file types and the ability to choose whether or not to search with the detected file type. Check it out:

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