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Created March 24, 2024 15:24
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order_by_name <- function(x) {
type_to_collector <- function(type) {
# Code adopted from `readr:::collector_find()`
get(paste0("col_", type), envir = asNamespace("readr"))
specs_to_list <- function(specs) {
if (inherits(specs, "col_spec")) {
specs <- specs$cols
specs_list <- lapply(specs, function(x) {
type <- gsub("collector_", "", class(x)[1])
if (type == "factor") {
x[c("ordered", "include_na")] <- NULL
modifyList(list(type = type), x)
specs_from_list <- function(specs_list) {
lapply(specs_list, function(x) {
collector <- type_to_collector(x$type), x[names(x) != "type"])
read_parsed_specs <- function(file) {
update_yaml_list <- function(old, new, overwrite = TRUE) {
overlap <- names(new)[names(new) %in% names(old)]
if (length(overlap) > 0) {
different <- names(setdiff(new[overlap], old[overlap]))
} else {
return(order_by_name(c(new, old)))
if (length(different) > 0) {
diff_vars <- paste(different, collapse = ", ")
if (overwrite) {
message("Overwriting: ", diff_vars)
} else {
stop("Set `overwrite = TRUE` to update: ", diff_vars)
updated <- order_by_name(modifyList(old, new))
write_parsed_specs <- function(parsed_specs, file, overwrite = TRUE) {
message("Writing parsed specs to ", file)
specs_list <- specs_to_list(parsed_specs)
if (file.exists(file)) {
existing <- yaml::read_yaml(file)
specs_list <- update_yaml_list(existing, specs_list)
yaml::write_yaml(specs_list, file)
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