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Created March 16, 2014 12:16
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Save yjwong/9582358 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simple program to dump information from SWF files
* A simple program to dump information from uncompressed Adobe Shockwave
* Flash (SWF) files. This program only supports uncompressed SWF files;
* compressed ones (that have a signature of "CWS") will have to be
* decompressed using zlib or LZMA first.
* Licensed under the Apache License.
* (C) 2014 Wong Yong Jie.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <math.h>
char* tag_types[1024];
void init_tag_types();
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
/* parse command line arguments */
if (argc != 2) {
printf("usage: ./swf_dump <file>\n");
return 1;
/* open the file */
FILE* file = fopen(argv[1], "rb");
/* verify this is indeed an SWF file */
char signature[4] = { '\0' };
fread(&signature, 1, 3, file);
if (strcmp(signature, "FWS") != 0) {
printf("input is not an uncompressed SWF file\n");
return 2;
/* skip past the fixed part of the header */
fseek(file, 8, SEEK_SET);
/* parse and skip the variable part of the header */
uint8_t nbits;
fread(&nbits, 1, 1, file);
nbits = (nbits & 0xf8) >> 3;
uint32_t frame_size_length_bits = 5 + (nbits * 4);
uint32_t frame_size_length = ceil(frame_size_length_bits / 8.0);
//printf("frame_size_length = %d\n", frame_size_length);
fseek(file, frame_size_length - 1, SEEK_CUR);
/* skip the frame rate and frame count */
fseek(file, 4, SEEK_CUR);
printf("%10s %8s %20s %10s\n", "offset", "tag_code", "name", "length");
do {
off_t offset = ftell(file);
uint16_t tag_code_and_length;
fread(&tag_code_and_length, 2, 1, file);
/* tag code in upper 10 bits, length in lower 6 bits */
uint16_t tag_code = (tag_code_and_length & 0xffc0) >> 6;
uint32_t length = tag_code_and_length & 0x3f;
/* tag code is 0 means eof */
if (tag_code == 0) {
/* length is stored in the subsequent 4 bytes if length is 0x3f */
if (length == 0x3f) {
fread(&length, 4, 1, file);
printf("%#010lx %#04x %20s %#010x\n", offset, tag_code,
tag_types[tag_code], length);
fseek(file, length, SEEK_CUR);
} while (!feof(file));
return 0;
void init_tag_types() {
int i;
/* initialize everything to Unknown */
for (i = 0; i < 1024; i++) {
tag_types[i] = "Unknown";
/* define the known types */
tag_types[1] = "End";
tag_types[2] = "DefineShape";
tag_types[9] = "SetBackgroundColor";
tag_types[20] = "DefineBitsLossless";
tag_types[22] = "DefineShape2";
tag_types[32] = "DefineShape3";
tag_types[33] = "DefineText2";
tag_types[34] = "DefineButton2";
tag_types[36] = "DefineBitsLossless2";
tag_types[37] = "DefineEditText";
tag_types[39] = "DefineSprite";
tag_types[43] = "FrameLabel";
tag_types[56] = "ExportAssets";
tag_types[65] = "ScriptLimits";
tag_types[69] = "FileAttributes";
tag_types[73] = "DefineFontAlignZones";
tag_types[74] = "CSMTextSettings";
tag_types[75] = "DefineFont3";
tag_types[76] = "SymbolClass";
tag_types[77] = "Metadata";
tag_types[78] = "DefineScalingGrid";
tag_types[82] = "DoABC";
tag_types[83] = "DefineShape4";
tag_types[88] = "DefineFontName";
/* vim: set ts=2 sw=2 et: */
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