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Created May 19, 2018 15:08
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import random
import binascii
def plus(x, y):
return (x + y) & 0xffffffff
#return (x + y) % 2^32
def lrotate(x, n):
l = (x << n) & 0xffffffff
r = (x >> (32-n)) & 0xffffffff
return l + r
def QuarterRound(a, b, c, d):
a = plus(a, b); d ^= a; d = lrotate(d, 16)
c = plus(c, d); b ^= c; b = lrotate(b, 12)
a = plus(a, b); d ^= a; d = lrotate(d, 8)
c = plus(c, d); b ^= c; b = lrotate(b, 7)
return a, b, c, d
def chacha20(text, key, nonce, cnt=0):
## initialize ##
const = [0x64787061, 0x6e642033, 0x322d6279, 0x7465206b,]
count = [0 + cnt]
state = const + key + count + nonce
for _ in range(10):
# Columns
state[0], state[4], state[8], state[12] = QuarterRound(state[0], state[4], state[8], state[12])
state[1], state[5], state[9], state[13] = QuarterRound(state[1], state[5], state[9], state[13])
state[2], state[6], state[10], state[14] = QuarterRound(state[2], state[6], state[10], state[14])
state[3], state[7], state[11], state[15] = QuarterRound(state[3], state[7], state[11], state[15])
# Diagonal
state[0], state[5], state[10], state[15] = QuarterRound(state[0], state[5], state[10], state[15])
state[1], state[6], state[11], state[12] = QuarterRound(state[1], state[6], state[11], state[12])
state[2], state[7], state[8], state[13] = QuarterRound(state[2], state[7], state[8], state[13])
state[3], state[4], state[9], state[14] = QuarterRound(state[3], state[4], state[9], state[14])
results = [0]*16
for i in range(16):
results[i] = text[i] ^ state[i]
return results, state
def make_key():
chrs = "abcdef1234567890"
key = [0]*8
for i in range(8):
k = ""
for _ in range(8):
k += chrs[random.randint(0, len(chrs)-1)]
key[i] = int(k, 16)
return key
## Test ##
text = [random.randint(114,514) for _ in range(16)]
key = make_key()
nonce = [0, 0, 0]
## Confirmation ##
enc, _ = chacha20(text, nonce, key)
dec, _ = chacha20(enc, nonce, key)
print(text == dec)
import binascii
bytes_to_int = lambda x:int(binascii.hexlify(x), 16)
str_to_int = lambda x:int(binascii.hexlify(x.encode()), 16)
def make_array(s):
return [ s[16*i:16*(i+1)] for i in range((len(s)+15)//16) ]
def make_coef(array):
r = []
for s in array:
s = (s << 8) + 1
len_s = len(bin(s)[2:])
if len_s < 136:
s <<= (136-len_s)
return r
def f(coefs, r, s):
MOD = 2**130 - 5
x = 0
for i, Ci in enumerate(coefs[::-1]):
x += (Ci % MOD)*pow(r, i+1, MOD) % MOD
return (x + s) & 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
text = b"Surely Everyone is someone's HERO"
dt = make_array(text)
dt1 = map(bytes_to_int, dt)
coefs = make_coef(dt1)
r = 114514
s = 364364
x = f(coefs, r, s)
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