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Jade Alejandra Ornelas yknx4

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yknx4 /
Created January 24, 2022 01:03
Get Team SSH Keys from Github Organization
gh api graphql -F login='ORG' -F team='TEAM' -f query='
query ($login: String!, $team: String!) {
organization(login: $login) {
team(slug: $team) {
members(first: 100) {
edges {
node {
publicKeys(first: 100) {
yknx4 /
Last active August 31, 2021 17:18
Github Repositores - Frontend Challenge

Recreate Github Repositories Page


For this challenge you have to recreate the github repositories page ( for any given user. It has to show the repositories list with basic information about the repository. Also you must be able to search by name. The content must be comfortably visible in a standard display with a resolution of 1920×1080

You must use the Github API (It is public and free!) to fetch the information about any public user.


yknx4 / colima.kml
Last active November 10, 2018 05:08
Colima KML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kml xmlns="">
<Style id="poly-000099-5001-22-nodesc-normal">
yknx4 /
Created April 16, 2018 19:46
Checks if there were changes in certain folder to run tests, otherwise halt
# Check if there were changes in a folder, otherwise skip tests
npx cifccigcr "${FOLDER}/**/*" "${CIRCLE_COMPARE_URL}"
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo $FOLDER folder not changed. skipping tests.
circleci step halt
echo $FOLDER folder changed. Running tests.
yknx4 /
Created June 16, 2017 18:42
Loggers info



Personal favorite :)


  • > 1 million download in the last month (comunnity acceptance)
  • > 2 years in the market.
  • last updated 3 months ago
  • 185 contributors
yknx4 /
Last active February 23, 2017 18:00
Javascript Pro Tips

Javascript Pro-tips

Variables and constants

  • Prefer the use of let and const than var.
    • var should be used mostly in loops, to avoid a new variable each cycle.
    • ex. for (var i = 0; i < 10000; ++i) wil create variable i once, even though each cycle will "redefine" variable i, beacuse of how javascript works, it will just reuse the previous one, and use it for the rest of the loop
    • ex. for (let i = 0; i < 10000; ++i) will create variable i scoped to each cycle. So this will mean it will actually create 10,000 variables, one per cycle.
    • let is preferred because it is scoped to the current block, allowing nested blocks to access it, but preventing from redefining an upper level variable or being accessed from outside of the expected scope.
    • ex. var i = 5; if (i>0) { var i = 10; console.log(i); }; console.log(i); => output: 10, 10 In this example even though a new var was declared in the if block, it just reused the previous one. And so the i on the outer
yknx4 / settings.js
Last active February 20, 2017 16:16
var settings = {
spinner: {
enabled: false
if (typeof module != 'undefined') {
module.exports = settings;
yknx4 /
Last active May 1, 2017 22:11
Setting up DynamoDB
# Download DynamoDB
if ! test -f $DYNAMO_DB_TARBALL; then
yknx4 / -
Created November 29, 2016 16:27
2026, Better Nate Than Ever
3666, Dogboy
9298, Bone Gap
13815, Team Moon: How 400,000 People Landed Apollo 11 on the Moon
2342, Runt
2213, Sahara Special
9506, Conviction
19799, Rhythm Ride: A Road Trip Through the Motown Sound
10478, A Single Pebble
35655, This Broken Wondrous World
yknx4 / -
Created November 29, 2016 16:25
[[2026, "Better Nate Than Ever"], [3666, "Dogboy"], [9298, "Bone Gap"], [13815, "Team Moon: How 400,000 People Landed Apollo 11 on the Moon"], [2342, "Runt"], [2213, "Sahara Special"], [9506, "Conviction"], [19799, "Rhythm Ride: A Road Trip Through the Motown Sound"], [10478, "A Single Pebble"], [35655, "This Broken Wondrous World"], [7552, "Enchanted Air: Two Cultures, Two Wings: A Memoir"], [1686, "Mary Tudor \"Bloody Mary\""], [33319, "23 Minutes"], [8277, "A Bitter Magic"], [8076, "The Inker's Shadow"], [2877, "The Twistrose Key"], [35717, "The Heartbreakers"], [2128, "The Underneath"], [9221, "No Pretty Pictures: A Child of War"], [35788, "The Hairdresser of Harare"], [2422, "What I Came to Tell You"], [31506, "Escape! The Story of the Great Houdini"], [9284, "The Boy in the Black Suit"], [9441, "Out of Darkness"], [6650, "Foulsham"], [34727, "Iron Rails, Iron Men and the Race to Link the Nation: The Story of the Transcontinental Railroad"], [1683, "Sorghaghtani of Mongolia"], [6659, "The Octopus Scienti