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Created December 29, 2016 12:20
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Homebrew formula for Rex (naive version): homebrew-core/Formula/rex.rb
class Rex < Formula
desc "Rex is a command line tool which executes commands on remote servers. Define tasks in Perl and execute them on remote servers or groups of servers."
homepage ""
url ""
sha256 "6898add0c9ad8b30b1ea5f70730a53cf899e4fe7228e1f8d5006d6694cfe8eb2"
bottle :unneeded
depends_on 'openssl'
depends_on 'cpanminus'
def install
ENV.prepend_create_path "PERL5LIB", libexec/"lib/perl5"
ENV.prepend_path "PERL5LIB", libexec/"lib"
system "cpanm", "-l", "#{libexec}", "--installdeps", "."
system "cpanm", "-l", "#{libexec}", "."
bin.install libexec/"bin/rex"
bin.install libexec/"bin/rexify"
bin.env_script_all_files(libexec/"bin", :PERL5LIB => ENV["PERL5LIB"])
man1.install libexec/"man/man1/rex.1"
man1.install libexec/"man/man1/rexify.1"
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