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Created June 21, 2010 14:29
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package Lighter;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base 'Mojo::Base';
#use Mojolicious::Commands;
use Mojolicious::Plugins;
use MojoX::Dispatcher::Routes;
use MojoX::Dispatcher::Static;
use MojoX::Renderer;
#use MojoX::Session::Cookie;
use MojoX::Types;
__PACKAGE__->attr(controller_class => 'Lighter::Controller');
__PACKAGE__->attr(mode => sub { ($ENV{MOJO_MODE} || 'development') });
__PACKAGE__->attr(plugins => sub { Mojolicious::Plugins->new });
__PACKAGE__->attr(renderer => sub { MojoX::Renderer->new });
__PACKAGE__->attr(routes => sub { MojoX::Dispatcher::Routes->new });
secret => sub {
my $self = shift;
# Warn developers about unsecure default
# $self->log->debug('Your secret passphrase needs to be changed!!!');
# Application name
return ref $self;
use Mojo::Transaction::HTTP;
#__PACKAGE__->attr(session => sub { MojoX::Session::Cookie->new });
__PACKAGE__->attr(static => sub { MojoX::Dispatcher::Static->new });
__PACKAGE__->attr(types => sub { MojoX::Types->new });
build_tx_cb => sub {
sub { return Mojo::Transaction::HTTP->new }
#use Mojo::Home;
use Mojo::Log;
#__PACKAGE__->attr(home => sub { Mojo::Home->new });
__PACKAGE__->attr(log => sub { Mojo::Log->new });
our $CODENAME = 'Snowman';
our $VERSION = '0.999925';
sub new {
my $self = shift->SUPER::new(@_);
# Eat this! Haha!
# Transaction builder
sub {
my $self = shift;
# Build
my $tx = Mojo::Transaction::HTTP->new;
# Hook
$self->plugins->run_hook_reverse(after_build_tx => $tx);
return $tx;
# Namespace
$self->routes->namespace(ref $self);
# Types
# $self->static->types($self->types);
# Root
'templates' #)
# $self->static->root($self->home->rel_dir('public'));
# Hide own controller methods
$self->routes->hide(qw/client cookie finish finished flash helper/);
$self->routes->hide(qw/param pause receive_message redirect_to render/);
$self->routes->hide(qw/render_data render_exception render_inner/);
$self->routes->hide(qw/render_json render_not_found render_partial/);
$self->routes->hide(qw/render_static render_text resume send_message/);
$self->routes->hide(qw/session signed_cookie url_for/);
# Mode
my $mode = $self->mode;
# Log file
# $self->log->path($self->home->rel_file("log/$mode.log"))
# if -w $self->home->rel_file('log');
# Plugins
# $self->plugin('agent_condition');
# $self->plugin('request_timer');
# $self->plugin('powered_by');
# Reduced log output outside of development mode
# $self->log->level('error') unless $mode eq 'development';
# Run mode
$mode = $mode . '_mode';
$self->$mode(@_) if $self->can($mode);
# Startup
return $self;
# The default dispatchers with exception handling
sub dispatch {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
# Session
# $self->session->load($c);
# Hook
$self->plugins->run_hook(before_dispatch => $c);
# New request
my $path = $c->req->url->path || '/';
my $ua = $c->req->headers->user_agent || 'Anonymojo';
# $self->log->debug(qq/*** Request for "$path" from "$ua". ***/);
# Try to find a static file
# my $e = $self->static->dispatch($c);
# Hook
# $self->plugins->run_hook_reverse(after_static_dispatch => $c);
# Use routes if we don't have a response yet
my $e = $self->routes->dispatch($c);# if $e;
# Exception
if (ref $e) { $c->render_exception($e) }
# Nothing found
elsif ($e) { $c->render_not_found }
# Finish
sub finish {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
# Already finished
return if $c->stash->{finished};
# Paused
return if $c->tx->is_paused;
# Hook
$self->plugins->run_hook_reverse(after_dispatch => $c);
# Session
# $self->session->store($c);
# Finished
$c->stash->{finished} = 1;
# Bite my shiny metal ass!
sub handler {
my ($self, $tx) = @_;
# Load controller class
my $class = $self->controller_class;
if (my $e = Mojo::Loader->load($class)) {
# $self->log->error(
# ref $e
# ? qq/Can't load controller class "$class": $e/
# : qq/Controller class "$class" doesn't exist./
# );
# Embedded application
my $stash = {};
if ($tx->can('stash')) {
$stash = $tx->stash;
$tx = $tx->tx;
# Build default controller and process
eval {
$self->process($class->new(app => $self, stash => $stash, tx => $tx));
# $self->log->error("Processing request failed: $@") if $@;
sub plugin {
my $self = shift;
$self->plugins->load_plugin($self, @_);
# This will run for each request
sub process { shift->dispatch(@_) }
# Start command system
sub start {
my $class = shift;
# We can be called on class or instance
# $class = ref $class || $class;
# We are the application
# $ENV{MOJO_APP} ||= $class;
# Start!
# return Mojolicious::Commands->start(@_);
# This will run once at startup
sub startup { }
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