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Last active July 18, 2021 10:16
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protocol LaunchListViewModelType {
var launchViewModels: BehaviorRelay<[LaunchListTableViewCellViewModel]> { get } // 1
var notifyError: BehaviorRelay<Error?> { get } // 2
func fetchLaunchesWithQuery() // 3
class LaunchListViewModel: LaunchListViewModelType {
let apiService: APIServiceProtocol // 4
var launchViewModels = BehaviorRelay<[LaunchListTableViewCellViewModel]>(value: [])
var notifyError = BehaviorRelay<Error?>(value: nil)
init(apiService: APIServiceProtocol = APIService()) { // 5
self.apiService = apiService
func fetchLaunchesWithQuery() {
apiService.fetchLaunchesWithQuery { [weak self] (launchResponse, error, _) in
guard let strongSelf = self else { return }
if let launchResponse = launchResponse {
strongSelf.processFetchedLaunches(launchResponse: launchResponse)
} else if let error = error {
func processFetchedLaunches(launchResponse: LaunchResponse) { // 6
guard let launches = else { return }
launchViewModels.accept(convertLaunchesToLaunchListTableViewCellViewModels(launches: launches))
func convertLaunchesToLaunchListTableViewCellViewModels(launches: [Launch]) -> [LaunchListTableViewCellViewModel] { // 7
var launchListTableViewCellViewModels: [LaunchListTableViewCellViewModel] = []
for launch in launches {
launchListTableViewCellViewModels.append(LaunchListTableViewCellViewModel(launch: launch))
return launchListTableViewCellViewModels
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