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Created June 23, 2012 11:14
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yet another sudoku solver
module Main where
import List (unfoldr, transpose, sort, (\\))
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import Control.Monad (foldM,msum)
type Nums = [Int]
solveProblems :: FilePath -> IO ()
solveFile :: FilePath -> IO ()
solveStr :: String -> String
test :: [[Nums]] -> Maybe [[Nums]]
sep :: Int -> [Nums] -> [Nums] -> Either (Maybe [[[Nums]]]) [[Nums]]
mtxify :: [a]->[[a]]
fill,blk,cmp :: [[Nums]] -> [[Nums]]
main = solveProblems . head =<< getArgs
solveProblems = (mapM_ (putStrLn . solveStr) . parseFile =<<) . readFile
where parseFile :: String -> [String]
parseFile = map (unlines . mtxify . map cnv) . lines
cnv '.' = '0'
cnv c = c
solveFile = (putStrLn . solveStr =<<) . readFile
solveStr = maybe "?" (unlines . map show) . test . initStr
where initStr = map (map getCandidate) . lines
getCandidate '0' = [1..9]
getCandidate x = [read [x]]
test mtx = either (maybe Nothing (msum . map test)) Just (step $ fill mtx)
where step mtx = case filter (1 /=) $ concatMap (map length) mtx of
[] -> validate mtx
lens -> sep (minimum lens) [] (concat mtx)
sep _ lft [] = Left Nothing
sep _ lft ([]:xs) = Left Nothing
sep mx lft (is:xs) | length is == mx = Left $ Just $ map recov is
| otherwise = sep mx (lft ++ [is]) xs
where recov x = mtxify $ lft ++ [[x]] ++ xs
validate mtx
| and [all validateLn (f mtx) | f <- [blk,transpose,id]] = Right mtx
| otherwise = Left Nothing
where validateLn ln = sort (concat ln) == [1..9]
mtxify = unfoldr f
where f [] = Nothing
f xs = Just$ splitAt 9 xs
fill org = fixit $ (transpose . blk . cmp . blk . cmp . transpose . cmp) org
where fixit result | result == org = result
| otherwise = fill result
blk = unfoldr f
where f [] = Nothing
f ([]:[]:[]:d) = f d
f (a:b:c:d) = let (l,r) = unzip $ map (splitAt 3) [a,b,c] in
Just (concat l, r ++ d)
cmp = map (\x-> (unfoldr $ f $ concat $ filter ((==) 1 . length) x) x)
where f ones ([i]:is) = Just ([i],is)
f ones (i:is) = Just (i \\ ones,is)
f _ [] = Nothing
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