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Created November 4, 2013 02:10
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Generate markdown TOC for [Qiita](
module Main where
import System.Environment (getArgs)
main = getArgs >>= \(f:_) -> readFile f >>= putStrLn . fromString
fromString = unlines . reverse . tocStr . lines
tocStr input = tocStr' input (repeat 0) []
tocStr' [] _ rs = rs
tocStr' (l:ls) counts rs
| marks == 0 = tocStr' ls counts rs
| otherwise = let title = drop marks l in
tocStr' ls (upd marks counts) (concat [ replicate (marks - 1) ' ', "- [", title, "](#",show marks, "-", show ((counts !! marks) + 1), ")"]:rs)
marks = length (takeWhile ('#' ==) l)
upd m cs = let (a, (b:bs)) = splitAt m cs in a ++ ((b+1):bs)
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