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yku12cn / dark-theme.css
Created June 6, 2020 08:59
h5ai Dark Theme mods, based on Rafael De Jongh's work
/*h5a1 Dark Theme by Rafael De Jongh -*/
/*Changed palette*/
#mainrow,#content,#view .item,#sidebar{background-color:#31363B}
#tree a,#tree a:active,#tree a.visited,#root,input,select,#crumbbar a,#crumbbar a:active,#crumbbar a:visited,#backlink,#backlink:active,#backlink:visited,#content-header,#content-footer{color:#F2F2F2}
#tree a:hover,#tree a:active:hover,#tree a.visited:hover{color:#fff}
#view.view-details .item{border-bottom:1px solid #313334}
#view .item:hover{background:#345466;color:#fff}
#view .item,a{transition:all .3s ease}
#sidebar{border-right:3px solid #313334}
yku12cn /
Last active May 23, 2022 22:15 — forked from ssokolow/
PyQt 5.x code for Just Do What I Mean™ image display in the presence of animated GIFs and containers with no fixed aspect ratio
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Example code for a PyQt image-display widget which Just Works™
TODO: Split this into a loader wrapper and a widget wrapper so it can be used
in designs which maintain a preloaded queue of upcoming images to improve
the perception of quick load times.
reworke adaptScale() so they have the same type signature.
Note from HeleleMama: