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Last active August 25, 2021 11:19
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Controller to upload data in CSV format to Contact and Custom object (Cases__c) as child of Contact. This example uses mapping fields, to make this programme generate and easily adopted to another object just modify the mapping.
* Used to read a delimited file.
public class SSSCsvReader {
private String delim = ',';
// the input data
private String[] buffer;
public SSSCsvReader(String data){
data = data.replaceAll('(\r\n|\r)','\n');
this.buffer = data.split('\n');
public SSSCsvReader(String data, String delim){
this.buffer = data.split('\n');
this.delim = delim;
* Read and parse next available line. Return null if end of stream.
public String[] readLine(){
if(buffer.size() == 0)
return null;
String line = this.buffer.remove(0);
String[] parts = new String[] {};
while(line != ''){
Integer next = 0;
line = line.substring(1); // strip initial
Integer quoteIndex = findQuote(line, 0);
while(quoteIndex == -1){
if(buffer.size() == 0){
// EOT!
quoteIndex = line.length();
} else {
// grab the next line
Integer skip = line.length();
line += '\n' + this.buffer.remove(0);
quoteIndex = findQuote(line, skip);
// advance to comma
next = quoteIndex + 1;
parts.add(line.substring(0, quoteIndex).replace('""', '"'));
} else {
next = line.indexOf(this.delim, next);
if(next == -1)
next = line.length();
// NB in Substring, "endindex" is the index of the character AFTER the last index to get
parts.add(line.substring(0, next));
if(next == line.length() - 1)
// case of a terminating comma.
line = next < line.length() ? line.substring(next+1) : '';
if(parts.size() == 0)
// empty string - we still want to return something...
return parts;
static private Pattern quotePattern = Pattern.compile('(?<!")"(?!")');
* Find next quote in the line
private Integer findQuote(String line, Integer skip){
Matcher m = quotePattern.matcher(line);
m.region(skip, m.regionEnd());
return -1;
return m.start();
public class UploadContactCaseTest {
static String getSampleCsv(){
String strTmp;
strTmp = 'SN,Client Name,"Client ID Type","Client ID",Name of SSO,Date Last Known to SSO,Last Known Assistance Period at SSO,Enquiry ID,Date of Enquiry,Rate of Response,Mode of Enquiry,Enquiry Worker,Source of Referral,Outcome of Enquiry,Duration of Contact for Enquiry (mins),Intake ID,Date of Intake,Presenting Issue,Age,Gender,Ethnicity,Marital Status,Household Dwelling Type,Family Type,Education Level,Residential Status,Religion,Occupation,Employment Status,Gross Household Income,Disability/Special Needs,Assessed Risk of Recurrence at Intake Assessment,"Suicidal Risk at Intake Assessment","Risk of Harm to Others at Intake Assessment",Recommendation at Intake,Duration of Contact for Intake (mins),Outcome Plan ID,Case Manager,CSWP Classification at 1st Assessment,CSWP Classification at 1st Review,CSWP Classification at 2nd Review,CSWP Classification at 3rd Review,Agencies Family known to,Outcome Plan Status,CSWP Classification at Case Closure,Case Open Date ,Case Closure Date,Reason for Case Closure,No. of Sessions (Outcome Plan + Intervention),No. of Goals Achieved (Goals Met / Total No. of Goals),Milestones Met at Case Closure (No. of Milestones Met / Total No. of Milestones),Duration of Case (Days)';
strTmp += '\n';
strTmp += '1,Testing,Singapore Pink Identification Card,S000005J,SSO Bukit Merah,01/12/2020,July 2020 - December 2020,,,,,,,,,,,,60,M,Malay,Divorced,HDB 2 Room,,Pre-School,Singapore Citizen,Muslim,,Not Working (Temporarily Medically Unfit less than 3 months),0,,,,,,,OTPC30003009196,"Aasfafsd",2,2,4,,,Open,,16/10/2008,,,55,,,';
strTmp += '\n';
strTmp += '2,test2,Singapore Pink Identification Card,S000000G,SSO Bukit Merah,05/09/2020,May 2020 - October 2020,,,,,,,,,,,,46,M,Malay,Married,HDB 2 Room,,Polytechnic Diploma,Singapore Citizen,Muslim,"Plant and Machine Operators and Assemblers (Taxi, Bus drivers)",Working,0,,,,,,,OTPC30003009475,Asdfsdfsd,2,2,2,,,Open,,30/05/2013,,,20,,,';
return strTmp;
@isTest static void myTest1() {
Blob fileCsv = Blob.valueOf(getSampleCsv());
List<Contact> lsContacts = new List<Contact>();
ApexPages.StandardSetController pg1 = new ApexPages.StandardSetController(lsContacts);
UploadContactCaseController cnt1 = new UploadContactCaseController(pg1);
cnt1.fileCsv = fileCsv;
<apex:page standardController="Contact" tabStyle="Contact" extensions="UploadContactCaseController" recordSetVar="contacts" lightningStylesheets="true">
<apex:form >
<apex:pageBlock title="UPLOAD MEMBER">
<apex:pageBlockButtons id="commandBlock">
<apex:commandButton value="Upload" action="{!upload}" rendered="{!totalData = totalProceed}" status="status1" />
<apex:commandButton value="Proceed Next" action="{!next}" rendered="{!totalData > totalProceed}" status="status1" />
<apex:commandButton value="Back" action="{!back}" immediate="true" />
<apex:messages style="border: 1px solid red;padding:5px;" />
<apex:pageBlockSection columns="3">
<apex:outputText ></apex:outputText>
<apex:outputLabel >Please select a csv file <apex:inputFile value="{!fileCsv}" title="CSV File" /> </apex:outputLabel>
<apex:actionStatus id="status1" startStyle="text-align:center;font-weight:bold;color: blue;" startText="Processing, please wait ... " stopText=""></apex:actionStatus>
<apex:pageBlock rendered="{!totalData > 0}" id="resultBlock">
<apex:pageBlockSection title="Result" columns="2">
<apex:outputText value="{!totalData}" label="Total Data"></apex:outputText>
<apex:outputText value="{!totalSuccess}" label="Total Success"></apex:outputText>
<apex:outputText value="{!totalProceed}" label="Total Proceed"></apex:outputText>
<apex:outputText value="{!totalFailed}" label="Total Failed"></apex:outputText>
<apex:pageBlockSection columns="1" title="Error">
<apex:outputText value="{!strInfo}" label="" style="" escape="false" ></apex:outputText>
* Controller for VF page to upload CSV file for Contact and Case
public class UploadContactCaseController {
public List<Contact> contacts{get;set;}
public Blob fileCsv {get;set;}
public String strInfo {get;set;}
public String strWarning {get;set;}
Map<String, Integer> mapContactField {get;set;}
Map<String, Integer> mapCaseField {get;set;}
Set<String> stDateField {get;set;}
Set<String> stIntegerField {get;set;}
Set<String> stDoubleField {get;set;}
List<List<String>> dataAll {get;set; }
public Integer totalData {get;set;}
public Integer totalProceed {get;set;}
public Integer totalSuccess {get;set;}
public Integer totalFailed {get;set;}
public Integer intCurrent {get;set;}
public Integer totalProceedCase {get;set;} // just for tracking
Map<String, Integer> mapSNRow {get;set;} // map of SN with Row number
public UploadContactCaseController(ApexPages.StandardSetController controller)
contacts = New List<Contact>();
totalData = totalSuccess = totalFailed = totalProceed = 0;
strInfo = '';
strWarning = '';
intCurrent = totalProceedCase = 0;
dataAll = new List<List<String>>();
mapSNRow = new Map<String, Integer>();
/* initiate mapping field with column in csv */
private void initMapFields()
mapContactField = new Map<String, Integer>();
mapCaseField = new Map<String, Integer>();
stDateField = new Set<String>{'Date_of_Enquiry__c', 'Date_of_Intake__c', 'Date_Client_was_Last_Known_to_SSO__c', 'Case_Closure_Date__c', 'Case_Open_Date__c'};
stDoubleField = new Set<String> {'Household_income__c'};
stIntegerField = new Set<String> {'Age1__c', 'Sessions_Outcome_Plan_Intervention__c', 'No_of_Goals_Achieved__c', 'Milestones_Met_at_Case_Closure__c',
'Duration_of_Case_Days__c', 'Duration_of_Contact_for_Intake_mins__c', 'Duration_of_Contact_for_Enquiry_mins__c'};
mapContactField.put('LastName',1); // Client Name (Only for FSCs)
mapContactField.put('ID_Type__c',2); // Client ID Type (Only for FSCs)
mapContactField.put('ID_No__c',3); // Client ID (Only for FSCs)
mapContactField.put('Enquiry_ID__c',7); // Enquiry ID
mapContactField.put('Date_of_Enquiry__c',8); // Date of Enquiry
mapContactField.put('Rate_of_Response__c',9); // Rate of Response
mapContactField.put('Mode_of_Enquiry__c',10); // Mode of Enquiry
mapContactField.put('Enquiry_Worker__c',11); // Enquiry Worker
mapContactField.put('Source_of_Referral__c',12); // Source of Referral
mapContactField.put('Outcome_of_Enquiry__c',13); // Outcome of Enquiry
mapContactField.put('Duration_of_Contact_for_Enquiry_mins__c',14); // Duration of Contact for Enquiry (mins)
mapContactField.put('Intake_ID__c',15); // Intake ID
mapContactField.put('Date_of_Intake__c',16); // Date of Intake
mapContactField.put('Presenting_Issue__c',17); // Presenting Issue
mapContactField.put('Age1__c',18); // Age
mapContactField.put('Gender__c',19); // Gender
mapContactField.put('Ethnicity__c',20); // Ethnicity
mapContactField.put('Marital_Status__c',21); // Marital Status
mapContactField.put('Household_Dwelling_Type__c',22); // Household Dwelling Type
mapContactField.put('Family_Type__c',23); // Family Type
mapContactField.put('Highest_Education_Level__c',24); // Education Level
mapContactField.put('Citizenship__c',25); // Residential Status
mapContactField.put('Religion__c',26); // Religion
mapContactField.put('Occupation_Volunteer__c',27); // Occupation
mapContactField.put('Employment_Status__c',28); // Employment Status
mapContactField.put('Household_income__c',29); // Gross Household Income
mapContactField.put('Special_Needs_Disabilities__c',30); // Disability/Special Needs
mapContactField.put('Recommendation_at_Intake__c',34); // Recommendation at Intake
mapContactField.put('Duration_of_Contact_for_Intake_mins__c',35); // Duration of Contact for Intake (mins)
mapContactField.put('Outcome_Plan_Status__c',43); // Outcome Plan Status
if (mapContactField.containskey('')) mapContactField.remove('');
mapCaseField.put('Name_of_SSO_if_know_to_SSO__c',4); // Name of SSO (If known to SSO)
mapCaseField.put('Date_Client_was_Last_Known_to_SSO__c',5); // Date on which Client was Last Known to SSO
mapCaseField.put('Last_Known_Assistance_Period_at_SSO__c',6); // Last Known Assistance Period at SSO
mapCaseField.put('Assessed_Risk_of_Recurrence_at_Intake__c',31); // Assessed Risk of Recurrence at Intake Assessment(L/M/H/Unable to assess)
mapCaseField.put('Suicidal_Risk_at_Intake_Assessment__c',32); // Suicidal Risk at Intake Assessment (L/M/H/Unable to assess)
mapCaseField.put('Risk_of_Harm_to_Others_at_Intake_Assessm__c',33); // Risk of Harm to Others at Intake Assessment (L/M/H/Unable to assess)
mapCaseField.put('Name',36); // Outcome Plan ID
mapCaseField.put('Case_Manager_Name_of_Social_Worker__c',37); // Case Manager
mapCaseField.put('CSWP_Classification_1st_Assessment__c',38); // CSWP Classification at 1st Assessment
mapCaseField.put('CSWP_Classification_1st_Assement_Date__c',39); // CSWP Classification at 1st Review
mapCaseField.put('CSWP_Classification_2nd_Review_Date__c',40); // CSWP Classification at 2nd Review
mapCaseField.put('CSWP_Classification_3rd_Review_Date__c',41); // CSWP Classification at 3rd Review
mapCaseField.put('Agencies_Family_known_to__c',42); // Agencies Family known to
mapCaseField.put('Outcome_Plan_Status__c',43); // Outcome Plan Status
mapCaseField.put('CSWP_Classification_at_Case_Closure__c',44); // CSWP Classification at Case Closure
mapCaseField.put('Case_Open_Date__c',45); // Case Open Date
mapCaseField.put('Case_Closure_Date__c',46); // Case Closure Date
mapCaseField.put('Reason_for_Case_Closure__c',47); // Reason for Case Closure
mapCaseField.put('Sessions_Outcome_Plan_Intervention__c',48); // No. of Sessions (Outcome Plan + Intervention)
mapCaseField.put('No_of_Goals_Achieved__c',49); // No. of Goals Achieved (Goals Met / Total No. of Goals)
mapCaseField.put('Milestones_Met_at_Case_Closure__c',50); // Milestones Met at Case Closure (No. of Milestones Met / Total No. of Milestones)
mapCaseField.put('Duration_of_Case_Days__c',51); // Duration of Case (Days)
if (mapCaseField.containskey('')) mapCaseField.remove('');
/* generate string of field for Contact */
private String getObjectFields(String strObj)
String str = 'Id';
if (strObj == 'Contact') {
for(String s: mapContactField.keySet()) {
str += ', ' + s;
else if (strObj == 'Cases__c') {
for(String s: mapCaseField.keySet()) {
str += ', ' + s;
return str;
// handle csv upload, load to dataAll
public PageReference upload()
// mapping
Integer iTmp, iTmp2, iContact, iCase;
String strTmp, strTmp2;
// check csv
if (fileCsv != null)
// extract csv
SSSCsvReader objCsv = new SSSCsvReader(fileCsv.toString());
List<String> dataLine = new List<String>();
Set<String> lsClientID = new Set<String>(); // list of client ID
Set<String> lsCaseID = new Set<String>(); // id of case
dataLine = objCsv.readLine();
if (dataLine != null) {
dataLine = objCsv.readLine(); // ignore first row
while (dataLine != null)
// validation, check if duplicate row (based on unique column)
iTmp = getCol('Contact', 'ID_No__c');
if (dataLine.size() > iTmp && dataLine[iTmp] != null && dataLine[iTmp] != '') {
strTmp = dataLine[iTmp];
if (lsClientID.contains(strTmp)) {
// duplicate
ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.ERROR,'Error: Duplicate Client ID ' + strTmp));
totalData = 0;
return null;
else {
iTmp = getCol('Cases__c', 'Name');
if (dataLine.size() > iTmp && dataLine[iTmp] != null && dataLine[iTmp] != '') {
strTmp = dataLine[iTmp];
if (lsCaseId.contains(strTmp))
// duplicate
ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.ERROR,'Error: Duplicate Output Plan ID ' + strTmp));
return null;
else {
// get SN information
if (dataLine[0] != null && dataLine[0] != '') {
mapSNRow.put(dataLine[0], totalData);
dataLine = objCsv.readLine();
return null;
// procceed data in dataAll to DB
public void proceed()
List<String> dataLine = new List<String>();
List<String> lsClientID = new List<String>(); // list of client ID
List<String> lsCaseID = new List<String>(); // id of case
Integer maxProceed = 100; // max record per proceed
Integer startP = 0;
Integer endP = 0;
Integer i, j, k, iTmp, iTmp2, iTmp3;
String strTmp, strTmp2;
Boolean bolNew;
Id RTContactMember = Schema.SObjectType.Contact.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('Member').getRecordTypeId();
Integer iCase, iContact;
Integer intRow;
String strErr;
if (totalData > 0 && totalProceed < totalData)
startP = totalProceed; // index
endP = totalData - 1;
if ((endP - startP) > maxProceed) {
endP = startP + maxProceed - 1;
system.debug('DEBUG: process from ' + startP + ' to ' + endP);
for (i = startP; i <= endP; i++)
dataLine = dataAll[i];
iTmp = getCol('Contact', 'ID_No__c');
if (dataLine.size() > iTmp) lsClientID.add(dataLine[iTmp]);
iTmp = getCol('Cases__c', 'Name');
if (dataLine.size() > iTmp) lsCaseID.add(dataLine[iTmp]);
} // for
// get existing contact and case
system.debug('DEBUG: client id ' + lsClientID);
system.debug('DEBUG: case id ' + lsCaseID);
Map<String, Contact> mapContacts = new Map<String, Contact>();
Map<String, Cases__c> mapCases = new Map<String, Cases__c>();
List<Contact> lsContactRecord = new List<Contact>();
List<Cases__c> lsCaseRecord = new List<Cases__c>();
Set<Id> stContactSuccess = new Set<Id>();
Contact objCnt;
Cases__c objCase;
strTmp = 'SELECT ' + getObjectFields('Contact') + ', RecordTypeId FROM Contact WHERE ID_No__c IN :lsClientID ';
system.debug('DEBUG Query ' + strTmp);
for(SObject cnt : Database.query(strTmp))
objCnt = (Contact)cnt;
mapContacts.put(objCnt.ID_No__c, objCnt);
strTmp = 'SELECT ' + getObjectFields('Cases__c') + ', Contact__c FROM Cases__c WHERE Name IN :lsCaseID ';
system.debug('DEBUG Query ' + strTmp);
for(SObject css : Database.query(strTmp))
objCase = (Cases__c)css;
mapCases.put(objCase.Name, objCase);
// create/update data for Contact
Integer iData = 0;
String strSN = '';
Map<Integer, String> mapRowSN = new Map<Integer, String>(); // index -> SN
iContact = getCol('Contact', 'ID_No__c');
for (i = startP; i <= endP; i++)
dataLine = dataAll[i];
if (dataLine.size() > 51) { // make sure correct data
strSN = dataLine[0]; // get serial number
mapRowSN.put(iData, strSN);
intRow = 0;
if (mapSNRow.get(strSN) != null) {
intRow = mapSNROw.get(strSN);
strErr = ''; // for skipped error
strTmp = dataLine[iContact];
bolNew = true;
objCnt = new Contact();
system.debug('DEBUG: ID No ' + strTmp);
if (strTmp != null && strTmp != '' && mapContacts.get(strTmp) != null) {
objCnt = mapContacts.get(strTmp);
bolNew = false;
system.debug('DEBUG: NOT NEW ' + objCnt.Id);
objCnt.RecordTypeId = RTContactMember;
// update fields
try {
for (String strF: mapContactField.keySet()) {
iTmp = getCol('Contact', strF);
if (dataLine[iTmp] != null && dataLine[iTmp] != '' )
system.debug('DEBUG: ' + strF + ' = ' + dataLine[iTmp]);
if (stIntegerField.contains(strF)) {
if (isValidNumber(dataLine[iTmp], true)) {
objCnt.put(strF, Integer.valueOf(dataLine[iTmp]));
else {
strErr += 'Invalid number ' + dataLine[iTmp] + ' ;';
else if (stDoubleField.contains(strF)) {
if (isValidNumber(dataLine[iTmp], false)) {
objCnt.put(strF, Double.valueOf(dataLine[iTmp]));
else {
strErr += 'Invalid number ' + dataLine[iTmp] + ' ;';
else if (stDateField.contains(strF)) {
objCnt.put(strF, Date.valueOf(convertDate(dataLine[iTmp])));
else {
objCnt.put(strF, dataLine[iTmp]);
else {
objCnt.put(strF, null);
catch (Exception e) {
strWarning += 'Row ' + String.valueOf(i+2) + ': ' + e.getMessage() + ' <br/>\n';
if (strErr != '') {
strWarning += 'Row ' + String.valueOf(i+2) + ': ' + strErr + ' <br/>\n';
Database.UpsertResult[] srList;
Database.Error[] listErr;
// save
try {
// srList = Database.upsert(lsContactRecord, 'ID_No__c', false);
srList = Database.upsert(lsContactRecord, false);
catch(DmlException e) {
strWarning += 'ERR on Contact ' + e.getMessage() + '<br/>\n';
if (srList != null) {
iTmp = 1;
iTmp2 = 0;
for(Database.UpsertResult sr: srList) {
if (listErr != null) listErr.clear();
if (sr.isSuccess()) {
else {
listErr = sr.getErrors();
// check row number
strTmp = strTmp2 = '';
if (mapRowSN.get(iTmp2) != null) {
strTmp = mapRowSN.get(iTmp2); // SN
if (mapSNRow.get(strTmp) != null) {
strTmp2 = String.valueOf(mapSNRow.get(strTmp) + 2); // actual row (+2 because index start with 0, but data start at row 2)
for(j = 0; j < listErr.size();j++) {
// strInfo += 'Row ' + String.valueOf(iTmp) + ': ' + listErr[j].getMessage() + '<br/>\n';
strInfo += 'Row ' + strTmp2 + ' [' + strTmp + ']: ' + listErr[j].getMessage() + '<br/>\n';
for(Contact C: lsContactRecord) {
if (C.ID_No__c != null && stContactSuccess.contains(C.Id)) {
mapContacts.put(C.ID_No__c, C);
iCase = getCol('Cases__c', 'Name');
iData = 0;
strSN = '';
mapRowSN = new Map<Integer, String>();
for (i = startP; i <= endP; i++)
dataLine = dataAll[i];
if (dataLine.size() > 51 && dataLine[iCase] != null && dataLine[iCase] != '') { // make sure correct data, only if case
strTmp = dataLine[iContact];
if (strTmp != null && mapContacts.get(strTmp) != null) // only if contact success
strSN = dataLine[0]; // get serial number
mapRowSN.put(iData, strSN);
intRow = 0;
if (mapSNRow.get(strSN) != null) {
intRow = mapSNROw.get(strSN);
strErr = ''; // for skipped error
strTmp2 = dataLine[iCase];
bolNew = true;
objCase = new Cases__c();
if (strTmp2 != null && strTmp2 != '' && mapCases.get(strTmp2) != null) {
objCase = mapCases.get(strTmp2);
bolNew = false;
objCase.Contact__c = mapContacts.get(strTmp).Id;
// update fields
try {
for (String strF: mapCaseField.keySet()) {
iTmp = getCol('Cases__c', strF);
if (dataLine[iTmp] != null && dataLine[iTmp] != '' )
system.debug('DEBUG: ' + strF + ' = ' + dataLine[iTmp]);
if (stIntegerField.contains(strF)) {
if (isValidNumber(dataLine[iTmp], true)) {
objCase.put(strF, Integer.valueOf(dataLine[iTmp]));
else {
strErr += 'Invalid number ' + dataLine[iTmp] + ' ;';
else if (stDoubleField.contains(strF)) {
if (isValidNumber(dataLine[iTmp], false)) {
objCase.put(strF, Double.valueOf(dataLine[iTmp]));
else {
strErr += 'Invalid number ' + dataLine[iTmp] + ' ;';
else if (stDateField.contains(strF)) {
system.debug('DEBUG: date ' + dataLine[iTmp]);
objCase.put(strF, Date.valueOf(convertDate(dataLine[iTmp])));
else {
objCase.put(strF, dataLine[iTmp]);
else {
objCase.put(strF, null);
catch (Exception e) {
// ApexPages.addMessages(e);
strWarning += 'Row ' + String.valueOf(i+2) + ' : ' + e.getMessage() + ' <br/>\n';
if (strErr != '') {
strWarning += 'Row ' + String.valueOf(i+2) + ' : ' + strErr + ' <br/>\n';
// save cases
srList = null;
try {
srList = Database.upsert(lsCaseRecord);
// totalProceedCase += lsCaseRecord.size();
catch(DmlException e) {
strWarning += 'ERR on Case ' + e.getMessage() + '<br/>\n';
// todo, inform error when save case
if (srList != null) {
iTmp = 1;
iTmp2 = 0;
for(Database.UpsertResult sr: srList) {
if (listErr != null) listErr.clear();
if (sr.isSuccess()) {
// stContactSuccess.add(sr.getId());
else {
listErr = sr.getErrors();
// check row number
strTmp = strTmp2 = '';
if (mapRowSN.get(iTmp2) != null) {
strTmp = mapRowSN.get(iTmp2); // SN
if (mapSNRow.get(strTmp) != null) {
strTmp2 = String.valueOf(mapSNRow.get(strTmp) + 2); // actual row (+2 because index start with 0, but data start at row 2)
for(j = 0; j < listErr.size();j++) {
// strInfo += 'Row ' + String.valueOf(iTmp) + ': ' + listErr[j].getMessage() + '<br/>\n';
strInfo += 'Row (Case) ' + strTmp2 + ' [' + strTmp + ']: ' + listErr[j].getMessage() + '<br/>\n';
// totalFailed++;
} // if totalData
public PageReference next()
return null;
// check if a string is numeric (integer or double)
public Boolean isValidNumber(String str, Boolean isInteger)
Decimal decTmp;
Integer intTmp;
Boolean bolOK = true;
try {
if (isInteger){
intTmp = Integer.valueOf(str);
else {
decTmp = Decimal.valueOf(str);
catch (Exception e) {
bolOK = false;
return bolOK;
// get column number from code
public Integer getCol(String strObj, String strField)
Integer iResult = null;
if (strObj == 'Contact' && mapContactField.get(strField) != null) {
iResult = mapContactField.get(strField);
else if (strObj == 'Cases__c' && mapCaseField.get(strField) != null) {
iResult = mapCaseField.get(strField);
return iResult;
// convert date from DD/MM/YYYY to YYYY-MM-DD
public String convertDate(String strDate)
String strResult = strDate;
String strYear;
if (strDate != null && strDate != '')
String[] arrStr = strDate.split('/');
if (arrStr.size() >= 3) {
strYear = arrStr[2];
if (strYear.length() == 2) strYear = '20' + strYear;
strResult = strYear + '-' + arrStr[1] + '-' + arrStr[0];
return strResult;
// to handle back button to return to Contact List
public PageReference back(){
return new ApexPages.Action('{!List}').invoke();
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