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yllan / gist:1290892
Created October 16, 2011 13:46
hypo 疑難排除

執行 Rails 程式之前

env RAILS_ENV="production"

生 pdf

  • 12SQ / ticket 用 bin/runpdf.rb run sale_id
yllan /
Last active October 7, 2015 07:37
Maintenance Script
# Build Golem
sbt assembly
# Run golem as daemon
nohup java -jar target/Golem-assembly-1.0.jar </dev/null &
etorreborre / gist:3870064
Created October 11, 2012 03:54
Unboxed union types with a context bound
* this is an experiment to create unboxed union types with a phantom type and a context bound.
* All the good ideas come from @milessabin post, comments and links:
/** trait for anything that can be A or B */
trait Or[A, B] {
// a phantom type, there will be no instance of this type that we'll use
type l[T]
// an alias for l[t]
itswindtw / test.html
Last active May 7, 2016 06:03
weird behavior in Chrome 50 (Windows only)
var test = function (str) {
with(Math) { // whatever
var scalar = parseFloat(str);
var unit = str.replace(/-?\d+(\.\d*)?/g, "");
mattt /
Created November 25, 2014 19:38
NSHipster New Year's 2015

Season's Greetings, NSHipsters!

As the year winds down, and we take a moment to reflect on our experiences over the past months, one thing is clear: 2014 has been an incredible year professionally for Apple developers. So much has happened in such a short timespan, and yet it's hard to remember our relationship to Objective-C before Swift, or what APIs could have captivated our imagination as much as iOS 8 or WatchKit.

It's an NSHipster tradition to ask you, dear readers, to send in your favorite tips and tricks from the past year for publication over the New Year's holiday. This year, with the deluge of new developments—both from Cupertino and the community at large—there should be no shortage of interesting tidbits to share.

Submit your favorite piece of Swift or Objective-C trivia, framework arcana, hidden Xcode feature, or anything else you think is cool, and you could have it featured in the year-end blowout article. Just comment on this gist below!

If you're wondering about what to post, look to



  • 強調經驗勝過於實作
  • 強調品味
  • 從不分享實際工作經驗(有機會下次再分享)
  • 強調單一專業的重要而忽略人性
  • 不會寫完整的文件與簡報
  • 討論實作時,強調自己是領導人性格,擅長帶人
cute / ssd.c
Created December 8, 2016 10:06 — forked from rodionovd/ssd.c
ssd -- Socket Server demo by Apple
// Copyright (C) 2010 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
#include <launch.h>
#include <libkern/OSAtomic.h>
#include <vproc.h>
#include "shared.h"
static bool g_is_managed = false;
static bool g_accepting_requests = true;
static dispatch_source_t g_timer_source = NULL;
yorkxin /
Created July 7, 2012 13:04
Avoid jQuery When Possible

Avoid jQuery When Possible

jQuery does good jobs when you're dealing with browser compatibility. But we're living in an age that fewer and fewer people use old-school browsers such as IE <= 7. With the growing of DOM APIs in modern browsers (including IE 8), most functions that jQuery provides are built-in natively.

When targeting only modern browsers, it is better to avoid using jQuery's backward-compatible features. Instead, use the native DOM API, which will make your web page run much faster than you might think (native C / C++ implementaion v.s. JavaScript).

If you're making a web page for iOS (e.g. UIWebView), you should use native DOM APIs because mobile Safari is not that old-school web browser; it supports lots of native DOM APIs.

If you're making a Chrome Extension, you should always use native APIs, not only because Chrome has almost the latest DOM APIs available, but this can also avoid performance issue and unnecessary memory occupation (each jQuery-driven extension needs a separate

derjohng /
Last active June 6, 2022 03:36 — forked from skeeet/
Create a RAM disk for using with XCode, with Umount disks method
# Create a RAM disk with same perms as mountpoint
# Script based on with some additions
# Usage: sudo ./ start
snikch / gist:3661188
Created September 6, 2012 23:16
Find the current top view controller for your iOS application
- (UIViewController *)topViewController{
return [self topViewController:[UIApplication sharedApplication].keyWindow.rootViewController];
- (UIViewController *)topViewController:(UIViewController *)rootViewController
if (rootViewController.presentedViewController == nil) {
return rootViewController;