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Last active May 13, 2019 20:18
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Cleaning generated files from ts/less compilation
const cleanGeneratedFilesBasedOn = (mapFileExtension, sourceFileExtension, otherExtensionsToDelete) => {
const debug = true;
const startTime = new Date().getTime();
if (!Array.isArray(otherExtensionsToDelete)) {
otherExtensionsToDelete = [];
const pattern = '{,!(node_modules)/**/}*' + mapFileExtension;
return glob(pattern, (err, files) => {
let toDelete = [];
for (let file of files) {
const siblingsToDelete = [];
const folder = path.dirname(file);
const filename = path.basename(file).slice(0, -mapFileExtension.length);
const srcFilePath = `${folder}/${filename}${sourceFileExtension}`
const hasSiblingSrcFile = fs.existsSync(srcFilePath);
if (hasSiblingSrcFile) {
for (let otherExtensionToDelete of otherExtensionsToDelete) {
const otherPath = `${folder}/${filename}${otherExtensionToDelete}`
const hasSiblingFileToDelete = fs.existsSync(otherPath);
if (hasSiblingSrcFile && hasSiblingFileToDelete) {
if (debug) {
console.debug(`Mapfile considered: ${file} (folder: ${folder}, filename: ${filename})`);
console.debug(`> Potential source file ${srcFilePath}: ${hasSiblingSrcFile ? 'found' : 'not found'}`);
console.debug(`> Files to delete: ${siblingsToDelete.length}`);
for (let pathToDelete of siblingsToDelete) {
console.debug(` - ${pathToDelete}`);
toDelete = toDelete.concat(siblingsToDelete);
return del(toDelete, {dryRun: debug})
.then(deletedPaths => console.debug(`${deletedPaths.length} generated files from typescript compilation deleted in ${new Date().getTime() - startTime} ms`));
gulp.task('typescript:clean', () => {
return cleanGeneratedFilesBasedOn('', '.ts', ['.js']);
gulp.task('less:clean', () => {
return cleanGeneratedFilesBasedOn('', '.less');
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yllieth commented May 13, 2019

Situation when this snippet applies

  • you are compiling typescript, less, scss files into js, css files in the same folder
  • and your compilation is creating map files
  • and you want to clean generated files without deleting other files

Important notes:

  • When additional extensions are given, the source file (.ts, .less) has to be there in order to delete the file with this additional extension. For example, let's say you had a gulpfile.ts which generated gulpfile.js and Then you decide to abandon the ts and only keep a js file, but you didn't remove the Without this condiction, the task would have removed the js file, event if it's now your original source file.

Receipe for typescript compilation:

  • look for files
  • when you find one having in the same folder a file with the same name but the .ts and .js enxtensions, you can consider and .js files as generated by the compilation and remove them


// content of a folder
--- filename ---               --- description ---              --- will be deleted ? ---
a.component.ts            // original source file                      no
a.component.js            // generated file                            yes        // generated file                            yes
a.component.less          // original source file                      no
a.component.css           // generated file                            yes       // generated file                            yes
a.module.js               // another file                              no


  • when debug mode is set to true, each map file will outputs something like:
Mapfile considered: (folder: ., filename: registrars)
> Potential source file ./registrars.ts: found
> Files to delete: 2
  - ./
  - ./registrars.js

... and files won't be really removed

  • when debug mode is set to false, we only prints a summary once all the files are removed
[16:17:59] Using gulpfile D:\code\portal\api\static\public\gulpfile.js
[16:17:59] Starting 'typescript:clean'...
[16:17:59] Finished 'typescript:clean' after 3.3 ms
1900 generated files from typescript compilation deleted in 568 ms

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