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Forked from ck-on/ocp.php
Created April 14, 2013 00:57
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OCP - Opcache Control Panel (aka Zend Optimizer+ Control Panel for PHP)
Author: _ck_ (with contributions by GK, stasilok)
Version: 0.1.6
Free for any kind of use or modification, I am not responsible for anything, please share your improvements
* revision history
0.1.6 2013-04-12 moved meta to footer so graphs can be higher and reduce clutter
0.1.5 2013-04-12 added graphs to visualize cache state, please report any browser/style bugs
0.1.4 2013-04-09 added "recheck" to update files when using large revalidate_freq (or validate_timestamps=Off)
0.1.3 2013-03-30 show host and php version, can bookmark with hashtag ie. #statistics - needs new layout asap
0.1.2 2013-03-25 show optimization levels, number formatting, support for start_time in 7.0.2
0.1.1 2013-03-18 today Zend completely renamed Optimizer+ to OPcache, adjusted OCP to keep working
0.1.0 2013-03-17 added group/sort indicators, replaced "accelerator_" functions with "opcache_"
0.0.6 2013-03-16 transition support as Zend renames product and functions for PHP 5.5 (stasilok)
0.0.5 2013-03-10 added refresh button (GK)
0.0.4 2013-02-18 added file grouping and sorting (click on headers) - code needs cleanup but gets the job done
0.0.2 2013-02-14 first public release
* known problems/limitations:
Unlike APC, the Zend OPcache API
- cannot determine when a file was put into the cache
- cannot change settings on the fly
* todo:
Extract variables for prefered ordering and better layout instead of just dumping into tables
File list filter
// ini_set('display_errors',1); error_reporting(-1);
if ( count(get_included_files())>1 || php_sapi_name()=='cli' || empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ) { die; } // weak block against indirect access
if ( !empty($_GET['RESET']) ) {
if ( function_exists(CACHEPREFIX.'reset') ) { call_user_func(CACHEPREFIX.'reset'); }
header( 'Location: '.str_replace('?'.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'],'',$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) );
if ( !empty($_GET['RECHECK']) ) {
if ( function_exists(CACHEPREFIX.'invalidate') ) {
$recheck=trim($_GET['RECHECK']); $files=call_user_func(CACHEPREFIX.'get_status');
if (!empty($files['scripts'])) {
foreach ($files['scripts'] as $file=>$value) {
if ( $recheck==='1' || strpos($file,$recheck)===0 ) call_user_func(CACHEPREFIX.'invalidate',$file);
header( 'Location: '.str_replace('?'.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'],'',$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) );
} else { echo 'Sorry, this feature requires Zend Opcache newer than April 8th 2013'; }
?><!DOCTYPE html>
<title>OCP - Opcache Control Panel</title>
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#files td.v a:hover {font-weight:bold; color:#ee0000;}
.graph {display:inline-block; width:145px; margin:1em 0 1em 1px; border:0; vertical-align:top;}
.graph table {width:100%; height:150px; border:0; padding:0; margin:5px 0 0 0; position:relative;}
.graph td {vertical-align:middle; border:0; padding:0 0 0 5px;}
.graph .bar {width:25px; text-align:right; padding:0 2px; color:#fff;}
.graph .total {width:34px; text-align:center; padding:0 5px 0 0;}
.graph .total div {border:1px dashed #888; border-right:0; height:99%; width:12px; position:absolute; bottom:0; left:17px; z-index:-1;}
.graph .total span {background:#fff; font-weight:bold;}
.graph .actual {text-align:right; font-weight:bold; padding:0 5px 0 0;}
.graph .red {background:#ee0000;}
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<!--[if lt IE 9]><script type="text/javascript" defer="defer">
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<div class="center">
<h1><a href="?">Opcache Control Panel</a></h1>
<div class="buttons">
<a href="?ALL=1">Details</a>
<a href="?FILES=1&GROUP=2&SORT=3">Files</a>
<a href="?RESET=1" onclick="return confirm('RESET cache ?')">Reset</a>
<?php if ( function_exists(CACHEPREFIX.'invalidate') ) { ?>
<a href="?RECHECK=1" onclick="return confirm('Recheck all files in the cache ?')">Recheck</a>
<?php } ?>
<a href="?" onclick="window.location.reload(true); return false">Refresh</a>
if ( !function_exists(CACHEPREFIX.'get_status') ) { echo '<h2>Opcache not detected?</h2>'; die; }
if ( !empty($_GET['FILES']) ) { echo '<h2>files cached</h2>'; files_display(); echo '</div></body></html>'; exit; }
if ( !(isset($_REQUEST['GRAPHS']) && !$_REQUEST['GRAPHS']) && CACHEPREFIX=='opcache_') { graphs_display(); if ( !empty($_REQUEST['GRAPHS']) ) { exit; } }
ob_start(); phpinfo(8); $phpinfo = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); // some info is only available via phpinfo? sadly buffering capture has to be used
if ( !preg_match( '/module\_Zend (Optimizer\+|OPcache).+?(\<table[^>]*\>.+?\<\/table\>).+?(\<table[^>]*\>.+?\<\/table\>)/s', $phpinfo, $opcache) ) { } // todo
if ( function_exists(CACHEPREFIX.'get_configuration') ) { echo '<h2>general</h2>'; $configuration=call_user_func(CACHEPREFIX.'get_configuration'); }
$host=function_exists('gethostname')?@gethostname():@php_uname('n'); if (empty($host)) { $host=empty($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])?$_SERVER['HOST_NAME']:$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; }
$version['PHP Version']='PHP '.(defined('PHP_VERSION')?PHP_VERSION:'???').' '.(defined('PHP_SAPI')?PHP_SAPI:'').' '.(defined('PHP_OS')?' '.PHP_OS:'');
$version['Opcache Version']=empty($configuration['version']['version'])?'???':$configuration['version'][CACHEPREFIX.'product_name'].' '.$configuration['version']['version'];
if ( !empty($opcache[2]) ) { echo preg_replace('/\<tr\>\<td class\="e"\>[^>]+\<\/td\>\<td class\="v"\>[0-9\,\. ]+\<\/td\>\<\/tr\>/','',$opcache[2]); }
if ( function_exists(CACHEPREFIX.'get_status') && $status=call_user_func(CACHEPREFIX.'get_status') ) {
if ( !empty($status[CACHEPREFIX.'statistics']['start_time']) ) {
if ( !empty($status[CACHEPREFIX.'statistics']['last_restart_time']) ) {
if (!empty($uptime)) {print_table($uptime);}
if ( !empty($status['cache_full']) ) { $status['memory_usage']['cache_full']=$status['cache_full']; }
echo '<h2 id="memory">memory</h2>';
echo '<h2 id="statistics">statistics</h2>';
if ( empty($_GET['ALL']) ) { meta_display(); exit; }
if ( !empty($configuration['blacklist']) ) { echo '<h2 id="blacklist">blacklist</h2>'; print_table($configuration['blacklist']); }
if ( !empty($opcache[3]) ) { echo '<h2 id="runtime">runtime</h2>'; echo $opcache[3]; }
$name='zend opcache'; $functions=get_extension_funcs($name);
if (!$functions) { $name='zend optimizer+'; $functions=get_extension_funcs($name); }
if ($functions) { echo '<h2 id="functions">functions</h2>'; print_table($functions); } else { $name=''; }
if (isset($configuration['directives'][$level])) {
echo '<h2 id="optimization">optimization levels</h2>';
$levelset=strrev(base_convert($configuration['directives'][$level], 10, 2));
1=>'<a href="">Constants subexpressions elimination</a> (CSE) true, false, null, etc.<br />Optimize series of ADD_STRING / ADD_CHAR<br />Convert CAST(IS_BOOL,x) into BOOL(x)<br />Convert <a href="">INIT_FCALL_BY_NAME</a> + <a href="">DO_FCALL_BY_NAME</a> into <a href="">DO_FCALL</a>',
2=>'Convert constant operands to expected types<br />Convert conditional <a href="">JMP</a> with constant operands<br />Optimize static <a href="">BRK</a> and <a href="<a href="">CONT</a>',
3=>'Convert $a = $a + expr into $a += expr<br />Convert $a++ into ++$a<br />Optimize series of <a href="">JMP</a>',
4=>'PRINT and ECHO optimization (<a href="">defunct</a>)',
5=>'Block Optimization - most expensive pass<br />Performs many different optimization patterns based on <a href="">control flow graph</a> (CFG)',
9=>'Optimize <a href="">register allocation</a> (allows re-usage of temporary variables)',
10=>'Remove NOPs'
echo '<table width="600" border="0" cellpadding="3"><tbody><tr class="h"><th>Pass</th><th>Description</th></tr>';
foreach ($levels as $pass=>$description) {
$disabled=substr($levelset,$pass-1,1)!=='1' || $pass==4 ? ' white':'';
echo '<tr><td class="v center middle'.$disabled.'">'.$pass.'</td><td class="v'.$disabled.'">'.$description.'</td></tr>';
echo '</table>';
if ( isset($_GET['DUMP']) ) {
if ($name) { echo '<h2 id="ini">ini</h2>'; print_table(ini_get_all($name,true)); }
foreach ($configuration as $key=>$value) { echo '<h2>',$key,'</h2>'; print_table($configuration[$key]); }
echo '</div></body></html>';
function time_since($time,$original,$extended=0,$text='ago') {
$time = $time - $original;
$day = $extended? floor($time/86400) : round($time/86400,0);
$amount=0; $unit='';
if ( $time < 86400) {
if ( $time < 60) { $amount=$time; $unit='second'; }
elseif ( $time < 3600) { $amount=floor($time/60); $unit='minute'; }
else { $amount=floor($time/3600); $unit='hour'; }
elseif ( $day < 14) { $amount=$day; $unit='day'; }
elseif ( $day < 56) { $amount=floor($day/7); $unit='week'; }
elseif ( $day < 672) { $amount=floor($day/30); $unit='month'; }
else { $amount=intval(2*($day/365))/2; $unit='year'; }
if ( $amount!=1) {$unit.='s';}
if ($extended && $time>60) { $text=' and '.time_since($time,$time<86400?($time<3600?$amount*60:$amount*3600):$day*86400,0,'').$text; }
return $amount.' '.$unit.' '.$text;
function print_table($array,$headers=false) {
if ( empty($array) || !is_array($array) ) {return;}
echo '<table border="0" cellpadding="3" width="600">';
if (!empty($headers)) {
if (!is_array($headers)) {$headers=array_keys(reset($array));}
echo '<tr class="h">';
foreach ($headers as $value) { echo '<th>',$value,'</th>'; }
echo '</tr>';
foreach ($array as $key=>$value) {
echo '<tr>';
if ( !is_numeric($key) ) {
$key=ucwords(str_replace('_',' ',$key));
echo '<td class="e">',$key,'</td>';
if ( is_numeric($value) ) {
if ( $value>1048576) { $value=round($value/1048576,1).'M'; }
elseif ( is_float($value) ) { $value=round($value,1); }
if ( is_array($value) ) {
foreach ($value as $column) {
echo '<td class="v">',$column,'</td>';
echo '</tr>';
else { echo '<td class="v">',$value,'</td></tr>'; }
echo '</table>';
function files_display() {
if ( empty($status['scripts']) ) {return;}
if ( isset($_GET['DUMP']) ) { print_table($status['scripts']); exit;}
$time=time(); $sort=0;
$group=empty($_GET['GROUP'])?0:intval($_GET['GROUP']); if ( $group<0 || $group>9) { $group=1;}
$groupset=array_fill(0,9,''); $groupset[$group]=' class="b" ';
echo '<div class="meta">
<a ',$groupset[0],'href="',$nogroup,'">ungroup</a> |
<a ',$groupset[1],'href="',$nogroup,'&GROUP=1">1</a> |
<a ',$groupset[2],'href="',$nogroup,'&GROUP=2">2</a> |
<a ',$groupset[3],'href="',$nogroup,'&GROUP=3">3</a> |
<a ',$groupset[4],'href="',$nogroup,'&GROUP=4">4</a> |
<a ',$groupset[5],'href="',$nogroup,'&GROUP=5">5</a>
if ( !$group ) { $files =& $status['scripts']; }
else {
foreach ($status['scripts'] as $data) {
if ( preg_match('@^[/]([^/]+[/]){'.$group.'}@',$data['full_path'],$path) ) {
if ( empty($files[$path[0]])) { $files[$path[0]]=array('full_path'=>'','files'=>0,'hits'=>0,'memory_consumption'=>0,'last_used_timestamp'=>'','timestamp'=>''); }
if ( $data['last_used_timestamp']>$files[$path[0]]['last_used_timestamp']) {$files[$path[0]]['last_used_timestamp']=$data['last_used_timestamp'];}
if ( $data['timestamp']>$files[$path[0]]['timestamp']) {$files[$path[0]]['timestamp']=$data['timestamp'];}
if ( !empty($_GET['SORT']) ) {
$titles=array('','path',$group?'files':'','size','hits','last used','created');
$sortflip=range(0,7); $sortflip[$sort]=-$direction*$sort;
if ( $keys[$key]==SORT_STRING) {$direction=-$direction; }
$arrow=array_fill(0,7,''); $arrow[$sort]=$direction>0?' &#x25BC;':' &#x25B2;';
$column=array(); foreach ($files as $data) { $column[]=$data[$key]; }
array_multisort($column, $keys[$key], $direction, $files);
echo '<table border="0" cellpadding="3" width="960" id="files">
<tr class="h">';
foreach ($titles as $column=>$title) {
if ($title) echo '<th><a href="',$nosort,'&SORT=',$sortflip[$column],'">',$title,$arrow[$column],'</a></th>';
echo ' </tr>';
foreach ($files as $data) {
echo '<tr>
<td class="v" nowrap><a title="recheck" href="?RECHECK=',rawurlencode($data['full_path']),'">x</a>',$data['full_path'],'</td>',
($group?'<td class="vr">'.number_format($data['files']).'</td>':''),
'<td class="vr">',number_format(round($data['memory_consumption']/1024)),'K</td>',
'<td class="vr">',number_format($data['hits']),'</td>',
'<td class="vr">',time_since($time,$data['last_used_timestamp']),'</td>',
'<td class="vr">',empty($data['timestamp'])?'':time_since($time,$data['timestamp']),'</td>
echo '</table>';
function graphs_display() {
$primes=array(223, 463, 983, 1979, 3907, 7963, 16229, 32531, 65407, 130987);
foreach ($primes as $prime) { if ($prime>=$graphs['keys']['total']) { $graphs['keys']['total']=$prime; break;} }
foreach ( $graphs as $caption=>$graph) {
echo '<div class="graph"><div class="h">',$caption,'</div><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">';
foreach ($graph as $label=>$value) {
if ($label=='total') { $key=0; $total=$value; $totaldisplay='<td rowspan="3" class="total"><span>'.($total>999999?round($total/1024/1024).'M':($total>9999?round($total/1024).'K':$total)).'</span><div></div></td>'; continue;}
$percent=$total?floor($value*100/$total):''; $percent=!$percent||$percent>99?'':$percent.'%';
echo '<tr>',$totaldisplay,'<td class="actual">', ($value>999999?round($value/1024/1024).'M':($value>9999?round($value/1024).'K':$value)),'</td><td class="bar ',$colors[$key],'" height="',$percent,'">',$percent,'</td><td>',$label,'</td></tr>';
$key++; $totaldisplay='';
echo '</table></div>',"\n";
function meta_display() {
<div class="meta">
<a href="">directives guide</a> |
<a href="">functions guide</a> |
<a href=""></a> |
<a href="">pecl</a> |
<a href="">Zend source</a> |
<a href="">OCP latest</a>
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