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Created October 19, 2018 12:33
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Save ylt6/484056152fafd5f9ce94564081d2698f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
export ZPLUG_HOME=$HOME/.zplug
local zplug_init=$ZPLUG_HOME/init.zsh
if [ ! -f "$zplug_init" ] &> /dev/null; then
curl -sL --proto-redir -all,https| zsh
source $zplug_init
zplug 'zplug/zplug', hook-build:'zplug --self-manage'
zplug "robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh", use:"lib/{clipboard,completion,directories,history,termsupport,key-bindings}.zsh"
zplug "plugins/zsh_reload", from:oh-my-zsh
zplug "plugins/gitfast", from:oh-my-zsh
zplug "plugins/fasd", from:oh-my-zsh
zplug "plugins/command-not-found", from:oh-my-zsh
zplug "plugins/vi-mode", from:oh-my-zsh
zplug "b4b4r07/zsh-vimode-visual", defer:3
zplug "sorin-ionescu/prezto", use:"init.zsh", hook-build:"ln -s $ZPLUG_HOME/repos/sorin-ionescu/prezto ~/.zprezto"
zplug "zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions"
zplug "zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting", defer:2
zplug "zsh-users/zsh-history-substring-search", defer:3
zstyle ':prezto:*:*' color 'yes'
zstyle ':prezto:load' pmodule \
'environment' \
'terminal' \
'editor' \
'history' \
'directory' \
'utility' \
'completion' \
'prompt' \
'python' \
'fasd' \
zstyle ':prezto:module:editor' key-bindings 'vim'
zstyle ':prezto:module:prompt' theme 'pure'
zplug load
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
export EDITOR='nvim'
# alias
alias ll='ls -lah'
alias buo='brew update && brew outdated'
alias a='fasd -a' # any
alias s='fasd -si' # show / search / select
alias d='fasd -d' # directory
alias f='fasd -f' # file
alias sd='fasd -sid' # interactive directory selection
alias sf='fasd -sif' # interactive file selection
alias z='fasd_cd -d' # cd, same functionality as j in autojump
alias zz='fasd_cd -d -i' # cd with interactive selection
# pyenv
eval "$(pyenv init -)"
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