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Last active June 9, 2018 09:24
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title: "R で音声入りのスライドを作る"
author: "@y__mattu"
date: "データ解析備忘録"
css: "for_xaringan.css"
highlightStyle: github
highlightLines: true
countIncrementalSlides: false
# セットアップ
### パッケージ
```{r eval=FALSE}
### 環境変数
```{r eval=FALSE}
Sys.setenv("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID" = "**********",
"AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY" = "********************",
"AWS_DEFAULT_REGION" = "ap-northeast-1")
# ビデオを作成
### スライドと原稿を指定し、実行
```{r eval=FALSE}
ari_narrate(script = "",
slides = "blog.html",
voice = "Takumi",
output = "video.mp4",
capture_method = "iterative")
@import url(;
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