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Created April 15, 2016 12:44
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ebs snapshot
# Performs and validates EBS snapshots.
# snapshot date format 20111118-2305
snapshot_date=`date +s%Y%m%d-%H%M`
# Set name of script
progname=${0##*/} ## Get the name of the script without its path
# Print script usage information. -b can be a single EBS volume ID or a comma separated list of volume IDs
print_usage() { printf "USAGE: ./%s -b Volume1,volume2" "$progname."}
# Exit with error if there are no command-line arguments given
if [ -z "$*" ]; then print_usage ; exit 1; fi
# Print error message and exit with error code.
# Usage: die [errno [message]]
die() {
error=${1:-1} ## exits with 1 if error number not given
[ -n "$*" ] &&
printf "%s%s: %s\n" "$scriptname" ${version:+" ($version)"} "$*" >&2
exit "$error"
# Main snapshot function, takes 1 argument, the volume ID, and outputs the corresponding snapshot ID into /tmp/last_snapshot
ebs_snapshot() {
# ${variable%\\n} is the shell equivalent of CHOMP.
ec2-create-snapshot -d backup-"$1"-"${snapshot_date%\\n}" |awk '{print $2}' > /tmp/"$1"-last || die "Unable to take snapshot of volume $1"
# Check the snapshot status.
snapshot_status() {
ec2-describe-snapshots -C <%= aws-cert-file %> -K <%= aws-key-file %> $1
# Define the required and optional command-line options for processing by getopts
# Process command-line arguments
while getopts $optstring opt
case $opt in
b) ebs_volumes=$OPTARG ;;
*) print_usage ; exit 1
# Main program loop. Performs a snapshot on each volume passed to it.
for i in `echo $ebs_volumes |sed 's/\,/ /g'` do
ebs_snapshot $i
until [ $completed = "true" ]; do
snapshot_status `cat /tmp/"$i"-last` |grep completed
if [ $? = 0 ];
elif [ $? = 1 ];
completed = "false"
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