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Last active December 22, 2023 11:07
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-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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(f :: InsClass -> Type -> Type)
(e :: ASigClass)
(a :: Type) = HyperFree
{unHyperFree :: (f :# GetSigClass e) a}
type SigClass = (ASigClass -> Type -> Type) -> ASigClass -> Type -> Type
newtype ASigClass = ASigClass SigClass
type family GetSigClass (a :: ASigClass) where
GetSigClass ('ASigClass e) = e
infixr 4 #, :#
type f # e = f ('ASigClass e)
type f :# e = f (e (HyperFree f) # e)
class HyperFunctor (h :: ASigClass -> Type -> Type) where
hyfmap :: ((e1 h # e1) ~> (e2 h # e2)) -> (h # e1) ~> (h # e2)
instance Freer c f => HyperFunctor (HyperFree f) where
hyfmap f (HyperFree a) = HyperFree $ transformFreer f a
{-# INLINE hyfmap #-}
class SFunctor (e :: SigClass) where
sfmap ::
(HyperFunctor h, SFunctor e1, SFunctor e2) =>
(forall x. SFunctor x => (e1 h # x) ~> (e2 h # x)) ->
(e h # e1) ~> (e h # e2)
transHyper ::
(forall x. SFunctor x => (h # x) ~> (h' # x)) ->
(e h # e') ~> (e h' # e')
hysfmap ::
(HyperFunctor h, SFunctor e1, SFunctor e2) =>
(forall x. SFunctor x => (e1 h # x) ~> (e2 h # x)) ->
(h # e1) ~> (h # e2)
hysfmap f = hyfmap $ sfmap f . f
{-# INLINE hysfmap #-}
shyfmap ::
(HyperFunctor h, SFunctor e, SFunctor e1, SFunctor e2) =>
(h # e1) ~> (h # e2) ->
(e h # e1) ~> (e h # e2)
shyfmap f = sfmap undefined
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ymdryo commented Dec 18, 2023

type InsClass = Type -> Type

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