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Last active December 22, 2023 06:50
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{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ImpredicativeTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilyDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableSuperClasses #-}
-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-- License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-- file, You can obtain one at
module Control.Hefty where
import Control.Applicative (Alternative)
import Control.Effect.Class (LiftIns (LiftIns), NopS, unliftIns, type (~>))
import Control.Effect.Class.Except (CatchS)
import Control.Effect.Class.Machinery.HFunctor (HFunctor, caseH, hfmap, (:+:) (Inl, Inr))
import Control.Effect.Free (InsClass)
import Control.Freer (Freer, interpretFreer, liftIns, transformFreer)
import Control.Monad (MonadPlus)
import Control.Monad.Base (MonadBase)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO)
import Data.Kind (Constraint, Type)
import Data.Proxy (Proxy (Proxy))
(f :: InsClass -> Type -> Type)
(e :: SigClass)
(a :: Type) = Hefty
{unHefty :: f (e (Hefty f e)) a}
type SigClass = (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type
deriving newtype instance Functor (f (e (Hefty f e))) => Functor (Hefty f e)
deriving newtype instance Applicative (f (e (Hefty f e))) => Applicative (Hefty f e)
deriving newtype instance Alternative (f (e (Hefty f e))) => Alternative (Hefty f e)
deriving newtype instance Monad (f (e (Hefty f e))) => Monad (Hefty f e)
deriving newtype instance MonadPlus (f (e (Hefty f e))) => MonadPlus (Hefty f e)
deriving newtype instance (MonadBase b (f (e (Hefty f e))), Monad b) => MonadBase b (Hefty f e)
deriving newtype instance MonadIO (f (e (Hefty f e))) => MonadIO (Hefty f e)
deriving newtype instance MonadFail (f (e (Hefty f e))) => MonadFail (Hefty f e)
deriving stock instance Foldable (f (e (Hefty f e))) => Foldable (Hefty f e)
deriving stock instance Traversable (f (e (Hefty f e))) => Traversable (Hefty f e)
deriving newtype instance Eq (f (e (Hefty f e)) a) => Eq (Hefty f e a)
deriving newtype instance Ord (f (e (Hefty f e)) a) => Ord (Hefty f e a)
deriving newtype instance Read (f (e (Hefty f e)) a) => Read (Hefty f e a)
deriving newtype instance Show (f (e (Hefty f e)) a) => Show (Hefty f e a)
overHefty ::
(f (e (Hefty f e)) a -> f' (e' (Hefty f' e')) b) ->
Hefty f e a ->
Hefty f' e' b
overHefty f = Hefty . f . unHefty
{-# INLINE overHefty #-}
data ((e :: SigClass) +# (f :: Type -> Type)) (a :: Type) where
HyperFunctorPlusT :: h (e :+: r) a -> (e +# h r) a
class HyperFunctor (h :: SigClass -> Type -> Type) where
hyfmap :: (e (h e) ~> e' (h e')) -> h e ~> h e'
instance Freer c f => HyperFunctor (Hefty f) where
hyfmap f = Hefty . transformFreer f . unHefty
{-# INLINE hyfmap #-}
class SigConstraint c => SFunctor (c :: SigClass -> Constraint) (e :: SigClass) where
sfmap ::
(HyperFunctor h, SFunctor c e1, SFunctor c e2, c e1, c e2) =>
(forall r. (SFunctor c r, c r) => h (r :+: e1) ~> h (r :+: e2)) ->
e (h e1) ~> e (h e2)
type SigConstraint c = (c NopS, forall x1 x2. (c x1, c x2) => c (x1 :+: x2)) :: Constraint
hysfmap ::
forall c e1 e2 h.
( SFunctor c e1
, SFunctor c e2
, c e1
, c e2
, HyperFunctor h
) =>
(forall x. (SFunctor c x, c x) => e1 (h x) ~> e2 (h x)) ->
h e1 ~> h e2
hysfmap f = hyfmap $ shyfmap @c f . f
{-# INLINE hysfmap #-}
shyfmap ::
forall c e e1 e2 h.
( SFunctor c e
, SFunctor c e1
, SFunctor c e2
, c e1
, c e2
, HyperFunctor h
) =>
(forall x. (SFunctor c x, c x) => e1 (h x) ~> e2 (h x)) ->
e (h e1) ~> e (h e2)
shyfmap f = sfmap @c $ hysfmap @c $ caseH Inl (Inr . f)
{-# INLINE shyfmap #-}
hsfmap ::
forall c e e' h.
(HyperFunctor h, SFunctor c e, SFunctor c e', c e, c e') =>
(forall f. e f ~> e' f) ->
h e ~> h e'
hsfmap f = hyfmap $ f . sfmap @c (rightHyperFunctor @c f)
{-# INLINE hsfmap #-}
rightHyperFunctor ::
forall c l r r' h.
(HyperFunctor h, SFunctor c l, SFunctor c r, SFunctor c r', c l, c r, c r') =>
(forall e. (SFunctor c e, c e) => r (h (e :+: r')) ~> r' (h (e :+: r'))) ->
h (l :+: r) ~> h (l :+: r')
rightHyperFunctor f =
hyfmap $ caseH (Inl . sfmapR @c f) (Inr . f . sfmapR @c f)
sfmapR ::
forall c e l r r' h.
(HyperFunctor h, SFunctor c e, SFunctor c l, SFunctor c r, SFunctor c r', c l, c r, c r') =>
(forall e'. (SFunctor c e', c e') => r (h (e' :+: r')) ~> r' (h (e' :+: r'))) ->
e (h (l :+: r)) ~> e (h (l :+: r'))
sfmapR f =
sfmap @c $
assocHyperFunctorR @c
. rightHyperFunctor @c f
. assocHyperFunctorL @c
assocHyperFunctorL ::
forall c e1 e2 e3 h.
(HyperFunctor h, SFunctor c e1, SFunctor c e2, SFunctor c e3, c e1, c e2, c e3) =>
h (e1 :+: (e2 :+: e3)) ~> h ((e1 :+: e2) :+: e3)
assocHyperFunctorL = hysfmap @c assocLSumH
assocHyperFunctorR ::
forall c e1 e2 e3 h.
(HyperFunctor h, SFunctor c e1, SFunctor c e2, SFunctor c e3, c e1, c e2, c e3) =>
h ((e1 :+: e2) :+: e3) ~> h (e1 :+: (e2 :+: e3))
assocHyperFunctorR = hysfmap @c assocRSumH
instance SigConstraint c => SFunctor c (LiftIns e) where
sfmap _ = LiftIns . unliftIns
{-# INLINE sfmap #-}
(SFunctor c e1, SFunctor c e2) =>
SFunctor c (e1 :+: e2)
sfmap f = caseH (Inl . sfmap @c f) (Inr . sfmap @c f)
{-# INLINE sfmap #-}
newtype ViaHFunctor (e :: SigClass) f a = ViaHFunctor {unViaHFunctor :: e f a}
deriving (HFunctor)
instance (HFunctor e, SigConstraint c) => SFunctor c (ViaHFunctor e) where
sfmap f = hfmap $ absurdHyperFunctorL @c @NopS . f . weakenHyperFunctorL @c
{-# INLINE sfmap #-}
absurdHyperFunctorL ::
forall c l r h.
( HyperFunctor h
, SFunctor c r
, SFunctor c l
, IsNopS l
, c l
, c r
) =>
h (l :+: r) ~> h r
absurdHyperFunctorL = hsfmap @c $ caseH absurdNopS id
{-# INLINE absurdHyperFunctorL #-}
weakenHyperFunctorL ::
forall c l r h.
(HyperFunctor h, SFunctor c l, SFunctor c r, c l, c r) =>
h r ~> h (l :+: r)
weakenHyperFunctorL = hsfmap @c Inr
{-# INLINE weakenHyperFunctorL #-}
class IsNopS (e :: SigClass) where
absurdNopS :: e f a -> r
instance IsNopS NopS where
absurdNopS = \case {}
{-# INLINE absurdNopS #-}
instance (IsNopS e1, IsNopS e2) => IsNopS (e1 :+: e2) where
absurdNopS = caseH absurdNopS absurdNopS
{-# INLINE absurdNopS #-}
assocLSumH :: (e1 :+: (e2 :+: e3)) f ~> ((e1 :+: e2) :+: e3) f
assocLSumH = caseH (Inl . Inl) (caseH (Inl . Inr) Inr)
assocRSumH :: ((e1 :+: e2) :+: e3) f ~> (e1 :+: (e2 :+: e3)) f
assocRSumH = caseH (caseH Inl (Inr . Inl)) (Inr . Inr)
data RunCatch err m a where
RunCatch :: (CatchS err +# m) a -> RunCatch err m (Either err a)
deriving via ViaHFunctor (CatchS err) instance SigConstraint c => SFunctor c (CatchS err)
( c (CatchS err)
, SigConstraint c
) =>
SFunctor c (RunCatch err)
sfmap f (RunCatch (HyperFunctorPlusT a)) =
RunCatch $ HyperFunctorPlusT $ f a
{-# INLINE sfmap #-}
interpretR ::
forall cs r l f cf.
(Freer cf f, SFunctor cs l, SFunctor cs r, cs l, cs r) =>
(forall x. (SFunctor cs x, cs x) => Proxy x -> r (Hefty f (x :+: l)) ~> Hefty f (x :+: l)) ->
Hefty f (l :+: r) ~> Hefty f l
interpretR i =
overHefty $
interpretFreer $
(liftIns . sfmap @cs int)
( unHefty
. absurdHyperFunctorL @cs @NopS
. i Proxy
. sfmap @cs (hysfmap @cs (caseH Inl (Inr . Inr)) . int)
int :: forall x. (SFunctor cs x, cs x) => Hefty f (x :+: (l :+: r)) ~> Hefty f (x :+: l)
int =
interpretR @cs @r
( \(_ :: Proxy x') ->
hysfmap @cs @((x' :+: x) :+: l) assocRSumH
. i Proxy
. shyfmap @cs assocLSumH
. hysfmap @cs assocLSumH
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