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Last active December 22, 2023 11:08
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-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-- License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-- file, You can obtain one at
class HFunctorT (e :: SigClass) where
type HFTDict e :: ((Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type) -> Type
type HFTDict _ = (:~:) IdentityT
hfmapT :: (forall t. HFTDict e t -> t f ~> t g) -> e f ~> e g
newtype ViaHFunctor (e :: SigClass) f a = ViaHFunctor {unViaHFunctor :: e f a}
deriving (HFunctor)
instance HFunctor e => HFunctorT (ViaHFunctor e) where
hfmapT f = hfmap $ runIdentityT . f Refl . IdentityT
{-# INLINE hfmapT #-}
instance HFunctorT (LiftIns e) where
hfmapT _ = LiftIns . unliftIns
{-# INLINE hfmapT #-}
instance (HFunctorT e1, HFunctorT e2) => HFunctorT (e1 :+: e2) where
type HFTDict (e1 :+: e2) = HFTDict e1 G.:+: HFTDict e2
hfmapT f =
(Inl . hfmapT \d -> f $ G.L1 d)
(Inr . hfmapT \d -> f $ G.R1 d)
{-# INLINE hfmapT #-}
data ((e1 :: SigClass) +# (f :: Type -> Type)) (a :: Type) where
HeftyPlusT :: Hefty f (e1 :+: e2) a -> (e1 +# Hefty f e2) a
data RunCatch err m a where
RunCatch :: (CatchS err +# m) a -> RunCatch err m (Either err a)
instance HFunctorT (RunCatch err) where
type HFTDict (RunCatch err) = (:~:) ((+#) (CatchS err))
hfmapT f (RunCatch a) = RunCatch $ f Refl a
{-# INLINE hfmapT #-}
interpretR ::
forall e r f c.
(Freer c f, HFunctorT r, HFunctorT e) =>
(forall t. HFTDict r t -> e (t (Hefty f r)) ~> t (Hefty f r)) ->
Hefty f (r :+: e) ~> Hefty f r
interpretR i =
overHefty $
interpretFreer $
( liftIns . hfmapT \d ->
error $
"ここで't (Hefty f (r :+: e)) ~> t (Hefty f r)'が必要になる"
++ "いま手に入るのは'interpretR i :: Hefty f (r :+: e) ~> Hefty f r'であり、"
++ "tが+#の場合はt ... ~> t ...のものが手に入るが"
++ "そうでないtが一般の場合は自明には手に入らない。"
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ymdryo commented Dec 20, 2023

諦めてtが#+の場合(つまりF(Δ) = E+Δという和の場合)に絞る

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