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Created January 18, 2018 17:01
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import hashlib, os, struct, sys, socket, time
N = 0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffefffffc2fL
R = 0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364141L
A = 0L
B = 7L
gx = 0x79be667ef9dcbbac55a06295ce870b07029bfcdb2dce28d959f2815b16f81798L
gy = 0x483ada7726a3c4655da4fbfc0e1108a8fd17b448a68554199c47d08ffb10d4b8L
b58ab = "123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz"
def b58csum(s):
return hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(s).digest()).digest()[0:4]
def b58decode(s, checksum=True):
idx = 0
while s[idx] == "1":
idx += 1
n = 0
for c in s[idx:]:
n = n * 58 + b58ab.index(c)
res = long2byte(n)
res = idx * "\x00" + res
if checksum:
res, cs = res[:-4], res[-4:]
assert cs == b58csum(res), "base58 checksum failed"
return res
def b58encode(s, checksum=True):
if checksum:
s += b58csum(s)
idx = 0
while s[idx] == "\x00":
idx += 1
n = byte2long(s)
res = ""
while n > 0:
res = b58ab[n % 58] + res
n /= 58
return "1" * idx + res
def byte2long(s):
res = 0
for c in s:
res = (res << 8) | ord(c)
return res
def long2byte(n, sz=None):
res = ""
while n > 0:
res = chr(n & 0xff) + res
n >>= 8
if sz is not None:
res = res.rjust(sz, "\x00")
return res
def modinv(x, n):
return pow(x, n-2, n)
class Point(object):
def __init__(self, x, y, inf=False):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.inf = inf
def curve_add(p, q, N):
if p.inf:
return q
if q.inf:
return p
if p.x == q.x:
if p.y == q.y:
d1 = (3 * p.x * p.x) % N
d2 = (2 * p.y) % N
return Point(-1, -1, True)
d1 = (q.y - p.y) % N
d2 = (q.x - p.x) % N
d2i = modinv(d2, N)
d = (d1 * d2i) % N
resx = (d * d - p.x - q.x) % N
resy = (d * (p.x - resx) - p.y) % N
return Point(resx, resy)
def scalar_mul(scalar, p, N):
t = p
res = None
while scalar != 0:
if scalar & 1 == 1:
if res is None:
res = t
res = curve_add(res, t, N)
t = curve_add(t, t, N)
scalar = scalar >> 1
return res
def der_signature(r, s):
r = long2byte(r)
if ord(r[0]) >= 0x80:
r = "\x00" + r
s = long2byte(s)
if ord(s[0]) >= 0x80:
s = "\x00" + s
res = "\x02" + chr(len(r)) + r + "\x02" + chr(len(s)) + s
return "\x30" + chr(len(res)) + res
def signdata(privkey, data):
h = hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(data).digest()).digest()
z = byte2long(h)
r, s = sign(privkey, z)
return der_signature(r, s)
def sign(privkey, z):
while True:
k = byte2long(os.urandom(256 / 8))
if k >= 1 and k < R:
p = scalar_mul(k, Point(gx, gy), N)
r = p.x % R
assert r != 0
ki = modinv(k, R)
s = (ki * (z + r * privkey)) % R
assert s != 0
if s > (R / 2):
s = R - s
return r, s
def serializepubkey(p, compressed):
if compressed:
if p.y & 1 == 1:
return "\x03" + long2byte(p.x, 32)
return "\x02" + long2byte(p.x, 32)
return "\x04" + long2byte(p.x, 32) + long2byte(p.y, 32)
def pubkey2h160(p, compressed):
s = serializepubkey(p, compressed)
s = hashlib.sha256(s).digest()
h ="ripemd160")
return h.digest()
def pubkey2addr(p, compressed):
s = pubkey2h160(p, compressed)
return b58encode("\x00" + s)
def wif2privkey(s):
s = b58decode(s)
assert s.startswith("\x80")
if len(s) == 34 and s[-1] == "\x01":
return byte2long(s[1:33]), 1
assert len(s) == 33
return byte2long(s[1:33]), 0
def recv_all(s, length):
ret = ""
while len(ret) < length:
temp = s.recv(length - len(ret))
if len(temp) == 0:
raise Exception("Connection reset!")
ret += temp
return ret
class Client(object):
def __init__(self, address):
self.address = address
def connect(self): = socket.create_connection(self.address)
print "connected"
def send(self, cmd, msg):
magic = struct.pack("<L", 0xf9bc0511)
wrapper = magic + cmd.ljust(12, "\x00") + struct.pack("<L", len(msg)) + hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(msg).digest()).digest()[0:4] + msg
print "sent", repr(cmd)
def recv_msg(self):
header = recv_all(, 24)
if len(header) != 24:
print "INVALID HEADER LENGTH", repr(head)
cmd = header[4:16].rstrip("\x00")
payloadlen = struct.unpack("<I", header[16:20])[0]
payload = recv_all(, payloadlen)
return cmd, payload
def maketx(sourcetx, sourceidx, wifkey, targetaddr, numsatoshi, originalsatoshi, compressedtype):
sourceprivkey, compressed = wif2privkey(wifkey)
if compressedtype in (0, 1):
compressed = compressedtype
sourcepubkey = scalar_mul(sourceprivkey, Point(gx, gy), N)
sourceh160 = pubkey2h160(sourcepubkey, compressed)
targeth160 = b58decode(targetaddr)[1:]
s = struct.pack("<I", 2)
s += chr(1) # one input
s += sourcetx.decode("hex")[::-1] # source TX is in little endian order
s += struct.pack("<I", sourceidx) # source ID too
s += "[[SCRIPT]]" # placeholder for script
s += "\xff\xff\xff\xff" # no locktime
s += chr(1) # one output
s += struct.pack("<Q", numsatoshi) # hope you got this number correctly!
s += "\x19\x76\xa9\x14" + targeth160 + "\x88\xac" # standard P2PKH script
s += "\x00\x00\x00\x00" # no locktime
to_sign = ""
to_sign += struct.pack("<I", 2)
to_sign += hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(sourcetx.decode("hex")[::-1] + struct.pack("<I", sourceidx)).digest()).digest()
to_sign += hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256("\xff\xff\xff\xff" ).digest()).digest()
to_sign += sourcetx.decode("hex")[::-1] + struct.pack("<I", sourceidx)
to_sign += "\x19\x76\xa9\x14" + sourceh160 + "\x88\xac"
to_sign += struct.pack("<Q", originalsatoshi)
to_sign += "\xff\xff\xff\xff"
to_sign += hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(struct.pack("<Q", numsatoshi) + "\x19\x76\xa9\x14" + targeth160 + "\x88\xac").digest()).digest()
to_sign += "\x00\x00\x00\x00"
to_sign += struct.pack("<I", 0x11)
signature = signdata(sourceprivkey, to_sign) + "\x11"
serpubkey = serializepubkey(sourcepubkey, compressed)
script = chr(len(signature)) + signature + chr(len(serpubkey)) + serpubkey
script = chr(len(script)) + script
tx = s.replace("[[SCRIPT]]", script)
return tx, pubkey2addr(sourcepubkey, compressed)
if len(sys.argv) != 8:
print "Usage: <source TXID> <source index> <source WIF private key> <target address> <number of satoshis> <number of satoshis at source output> <compressed key type>"
print "example: 4adc427d330497992710feaa32f85c389ef5106f74e7006878bd14b54500dfff 0 5K2YUVmWfxbmvsNxCsfvArXdGXm7d5DC9pn4yD75k2UaSYgkXTh 1aa5cmqmvQq8YQTEqcTmW7dfBNuFwgdCD 1853 3053 -1"
print "compressed key type - use if the 'from' address isn't what you expect it to be"
print " -1 parse from WIF private key"
print " 0 force uncompressed"
print " 1 force compressed"
sourcetx = sys.argv[1]
sourceidx = int(sys.argv[2])
wifkey = sys.argv[3]
targetaddr = sys.argv[4]
numsatoshi = int(sys.argv[5])
originalsatoshi = int(sys.argv[6])
compressedtype = int(sys.argv[7])
tx, sourceaddr = maketx(sourcetx, sourceidx, wifkey, targetaddr, numsatoshi, originalsatoshi, compressedtype)
print "YOU ARE ABOUT TO SEND %.8f BTC (equivalent to %.4f BCX) FROM %s TO %s!" % (numsatoshi / 100000000.0, numsatoshi / 10000.0, sourceaddr, targetaddr)
print "Write 'I understand' to continue"
answer = raw_input()
assert answer == "I understand"
txhash = hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(tx).digest()).digest()[::-1]
print "generated transaction", txhash.encode("hex")
client = Client(("", 9003))
versionno = 70015
services = 0
localaddr = "\x00" * 8 + "00000000000000000000FFFF".decode("hex") + "\x00" * 6
nonce = os.urandom(8)
user_agent = "Scraper"
msg = struct.pack("<IQQ", versionno, services, int(time.time())) + localaddr + localaddr + nonce + chr(len(user_agent)) + user_agent + struct.pack("<IB", 0, 0)
client.send("version", msg)
while True:
cmd, payload = client.recv_msg()
if cmd == "version":
print repr(payload)
client.send("verack", "")
elif cmd == "ping":
client.send("pong", payload)
client.send("inv", "\x01" + struct.pack("<I", 1) + txhash)
elif cmd == "getdata":
if payload == "\x01\x01\x00\x00\x00" + txhash:
print "sending txhash, if there is no error response everything probably went well"
client.send("tx", tx)
print repr(cmd)
print repr(payload)
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gotolab commented Jan 19, 2018

how to donate to your BTC address

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ottosch commented Jan 20, 2018

Great job!
I made a small script to extract the data for your script.

Just edit the script, add your addresses and run it.

$ ./
Valid transactions for 1HTmbaeSZn7faPjxcSeEHJoxgBGMxJYYem: 1
Valid transactions for 1FQ3eFGW4Kek7vFEFqb5e5U9FnH7vzn3xW: 2

python ba3047b53972f93e6ca70f45797fb91fde5114c978f8b1d7e3e25cfbc4d03d12 0 PRIV_KEY_1HTmbaeSZn7faPjxcSeEHJoxgBGMxJYYem YOUR_BCX_ADDRESS 70478906 70479906 -1
python 069a201c44876fb0cdf37450ead62fce5a2b2f5b49c6cc3d1f0aa436ae7b873a 1 PRIV_KEY_1FQ3eFGW4Kek7vFEFqb5e5U9FnH7vzn3xW YOUR_BCX_ADDRESS 55558079 55559079 -1
python a0a907d1a57b109a089c7ef26bbe66300f5f63d4446de45ccf7cd62bd2e2ac6f 0 PRIV_KEY_1FQ3eFGW4Kek7vFEFqb5e5U9FnH7vzn3xW YOUR_BCX_ADDRESS 47991234 47992234 -1

Then replace your BCX address and the private key for each tx.

I tested with all my addresses and it worked perfectly. Let me know if there are any bugs.

The script:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import urllib2
import json

block = 498888

# You can either insert your BCX address below or find/replace after running the script 
addr_bcx = "YOUR_BCX_ADDRESS"

# Insert your BTC addresses below, one per line
addresses = """

addr_list = addresses.strip().split("\n")

valid = []

for addr in addr_list:

	a = urllib2.urlopen("" + addr).read()
	txs = json.loads(a)["txs"]

	txs_before_fork = [tx for tx in txs if tx.has_key("block_height") and tx["block_height"] <= block]
	valid_txs = txs_before_fork[:]

	for txid in valid_txs[:]:
		for tx in txs_before_fork:
			for input_tx in tx["inputs"]:
				if input_tx["prev_out"]["tx_index"] == txid["tx_index"] and input_tx["prev_out"]["addr"] == addr:
					except ValueError:
						pass # Was probably removed before. Skipping.

	print "Valid transactions for " + addr + ": " + str(len(valid_txs))

	for tx in valid_txs:
		for tx_out in tx["out"]:
			if addr == tx_out["addr"]:
				valid.append([ tx["hash"], str(tx_out["n"]), "PRIV_KEY_" + addr, addr_bcx, str(tx_out["value"] - 1000), str(tx_out["value"]), "-1" ])


for v in valid:
	print "python " + " ".join(v)

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