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Plotting sine and cosine with c3 and js_of_ocaml
let get_by_id id =
let d = Dom_html.document in
Js.Opt.get (d##getElementById (Js.string id))
(fun () -> assert false)
let rec range i n =
if i >= n then [] else i :: range (i + 1) n
let base =
range 0 100
|> float_of_int
|> (fun x -> x /. 40.)
let sin_data = (fun x -> (x,sin x)) base
let cos_data = (fun x -> (x,cos x)) base
let timeseries name =
let chart = C3.Line.make ~kind:`XY () |> C3.Line.render ~bindto:name in
C3.Line.update chart
~segments:[ C3.Segment.make () ~label:"sin" ~points:sin_data
; C3.Segment.make () ~label:"cos" ~points:cos_data
let () =
Dom_html.window##onload <- Dom_html.handler
(fun _ ->
timeseries "#timeseries";
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