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Last active December 15, 2015 10:19
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CPS変換して全部tail callにしてsetTimeoutでスタックの深さを節約。すごく適当そして途中。
;;you can use native macro system!
(define-macro (defn name+args . body)
`(define ,(car name+args) (lambda ,(cdr name+args) ,@body)))
;;javascript macro
(define z 5)
(defn (foo x y) (add x y))
(|console.log| (foo z 6))
var add = function (kont, x, y) {
kont(x + y);
var identity = function (x) {
return x
var test = function (k1, k2, b) {
if (b) k1();
else k2();
var z = 5;
var foo = (function (kont, x, y) {
setTimeout(function () {
(function (G47) {
setTimeout(function () {
(function (G48) {
setTimeout(function () {
(function (G49) {
setTimeout(function () {
G47(kont, G48, G49)
}, 0)
}, 0)
}, 0)
}, 0)
setTimeout(function () {
(function (G50) {
setTimeout(function () {
(function (G52) {
setTimeout(function () {
(function (G53) {
setTimeout(function () {
(function (G54) {
setTimeout(function () {
G52((function (G51) {
setTimeout(function () {
G50(identity, G51)
}, 0)
}), G53, G54)
}, 0)
}, 0)
}, 0)
}, 0)
}, 0)
(use util.match)
(use srfi-1)
;;CPS Conversion
(define (convert-arguments expr final-call)
(match expr
[() final-call]
[(arg rest ...)
(let ([sym (gensym)])
(convert arg `(lambda (,sym)
,(convert-arguments rest
(append final-call `(,sym))))))]))
(define (convert expr cont)
(match expr
[('lambda (vars ...) body)
(let ([k 'kont])
`(tail (,cont (lambda (,k ,@vars) ,(convert body k)))))]
[('lambda (vars ...) body ...)
(let ([k 'kont])
`(tail (,cont (lambda (,k ,@vars) ,(convert `(begin ,@body) k)))))]
[('if pred then otherwise)
(convert pred
`(lambda (v)
((lambda (j)
(test (lambda () ,(convert then 'j))
(lambda () ,(convert otherwise 'j))
[('begin e1) (convert e1 cont)]
[('begin e1 rest ...)
(convert e1 `(lambda (_) (convert `(begin ,@rest) cont)))]
[('call/cc ('lambda (cc) body ...))
`((lambda (,cc) ,(convert `(begin ,@body) 'null))
(lambda (_ result) (,cont result)))]
[(proc arguments ...)
(let ([sym (gensym)])
(convert proc
`(lambda (,sym)
,(convert-arguments arguments
`(,sym ,cont)))))]
[else `(tail (,cont ,expr))]))
(define (convert-all code)
(if (null? code) '()
(let ([sexp (macroexpand (car code))]
[next (cdr code)])
(match sexp
[('define sym val)
(cons `(define ,sym ,(convert val 'identity))
(convert-all next))]
(cons (convert sexp 'identity)
(convert-all next))]))))
(define (schip-atom? x)
(or (number? x)
(symbol? x)
(string? x)))
(define (js-flatten x)
(print x)
(string-append " "
[(symbol? x) (symbol->string x)]
[(null? x) ""]
[(pair? x) (string-append (js-flatten (car x))
(js-flatten (cdr x)))]
[(string? x) x]
[else (format "~S" x)])))
(define (inject-sepalator-symbol xs sym)
(drop-right (fold-right (lambda [x acc]
(cons x (cons sym acc))) '() xs) 1))
(print (inject-sepalator-symbol '(1 2 3 4 5) '|,|))
(define (schip->js code)
(if (null? code) '()
(let ([sexp (car code)]
[next (cdr code)])
(match sexp
[('define sym val)
`(var ,sym = ,(schip->js (list val)) |;|)]
[('if pred then else)
`(if |(| ,(schip->js (list pred)) |)| |{|
,(schip->js (list then)) |;|
|}| else |{|
,(schip->js (list else)) |;|
[('lambda params body)
`(|(| function |(| ,(inject-sepalator-symbol (map symbol->string params) '|,|) |)| |{|
,(schip->js (list body))
|}| |)|)]
[('tail (f e ...))
(if (eq? f 'identity)
`(,@(schip->js e))
`(setTimeout |(| function |() {|
,(schip->js (list f)) |(| ,@(inject-sepalator-symbol
(map (^e (schip->js (list e))) e)
'|,|) |)|
|}, 0)|))]
[(f e ...)
(if (eq? f 'identity)
`(,@(schip->js e))
`(,(schip->js (list f)) |(| ,@(inject-sepalator-symbol
(map (^e (schip->js (list e))) e)
'|,|) |)|))]
[#t `(true)]
[#f `(false)]
`(,sexp)]) (schip->js next)))))
;;CPS-converted primitives
(define-module schip-env
(define (test k1 k2 b) (if b (k1) (k2)))
(define (add cont x y)
(cont (+ x y)))
(define (subtract cont x y)
(cont (- x y))))
;;Schip program
(define test-programs
((lambda (x) (add x x)) 5)
(if #f 1000 -1000)
(if #t (add 2 3) 100)
((lambda (x y) (add x y)) 4 5)))
(define-macro (defn name+args . body)
`(define ,(car name+args) (lambda ,(cdr name+args) ,@body)))
(define-macro (javascript . scheme)
(let* ([cps (convert-all scheme)]
[js- (schip->js cps)]
[js (js-flatten js-)])
(print (javascript
(define z 5)
(defn (foo x y) (add x y))
(|console.log| (foo z 6))
(|console.log| (add 2 (call/cc (lambda (cc) (cc 3)))))))
(define (test-convert . _)
(map (lambda [sexp]
(let ([cps (convert sexp 'print)])
(print (tree->format-string cps))
(eval cps (find-module 'schip-env))))
(define (tree->format-string tree)
(define indent 2)
(define (insert-space n)
(display (make-string n #\space)))
(define (format-one-list t n)
(display "(")
(let loop ((l t))
(cond ((null? l) (display ")"))
((list? (car l))
(format-one-list (car l) (+ n indent))
(unless (null? (cdr l)) (newline) (insert-space n))
(loop (cdr l)))
(write (car l))
(cond ((null? (cdr l)))
((list? (cadr l)) (newline) (insert-space n))
(else (display " ")))
(loop (cdr l))))))
(cut format-one-list tree indent)))
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ympbyc commented Mar 26, 2013


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