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Last active November 29, 2019 05:31
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linear programming language
;;;;;;;;; Forth a la Let over Lambda ;;;;;;;;
(defvar forth-registers
'(pstack rstack pc dict compiling dtable))
(defun sym (&rest strs)
(intern (string-upcase (apply #'strcat (mapcar #'string strs)))))
(defmacro defstruct (name &rest slots)
(let ((n -1))
,@(mapcar (lambda (slot)
(incf n)
`(defmacro ,(sym name "-" slot)
(list 'aref struct ,n)))
(defun ,(sym "make-" name)
(&key ,@slots)
(vector ,@slots)))))
(defstruct forth-word
name prev immediate thread)
(defun forth-lookup (w last)
(when last
(if (eql (forth-word-name last) w)
w (forth-word-prev last)))))
(defmacro forth-inner-interpreter ()
`(do ()
((and (null pc) (null rstack)))
(cond ((functionp (car pc))
(funcall (car pc)))
((consp (car pc))
(push (cdr pc) rstack)
(setf pc (car pc)))
((null pc)
(setf pc (pop rstack)))
(push (car pc) pstack)
(setf pc (cdr pc))))))
;; Prim-form: (name immediate . forms)
(setq forth-prim-forms nil)
(defmacro def-forth-naked-prim (&rest code)
`(push ',code forth-prim-forms))
(defmacro def-forth-prim (&rest code)
(setf pc (cdr pc))))
(defmacro def-forth-prim-binary (name op)
`(def-forth-prim ,name nil
(push (,op (pop pstack) (pop pstack))
(def-forth-prim nop nil)
(def-forth-prim-binary mul *)
(def-forth-prim-binary add +)
(def-forth-prim-binary sub -)
(def-forth-prim-binary div /)
(def-forth-prim-binary mod rem)
(def-forth-prim-binary lessthan <)
(def-forth-prim-binary greaterthan >)
(def-forth-prim-binary lessthanequal <=)
(def-forth-prim-binary greaterthanequal >=)
(def-forth-prim drop nil
(pop pstack))
(def-forth-prim dup nil
(push (car pstack) pstack))
(def-forth-prim swap nil
(let ((s0 (pop pstack))
(s1 (pop pstack)))
(push s0 pstack)
(push s1 pstack)))
(def-forth-prim print nil
(print (pop pstack)))
(def-forth-prim to-r nil
(push (pop pstack) rstack))
(def-forth-prim from-r nil
(push (pop rstack) pstack))
(defmacro go-forth (forth &rest words)
`(dolist (w ',words)
(funcall ,forth w)))
(defun go-forth-q (forth &rest words)
(dolist (w words)
(funcall forth w)))
(setq forth-stdlib nil)
(defmacro forth-stdlib-add (&rest all)
`(setf forth-stdlib
(nconc forth-stdlib
(defun butlast (xs)
(let (ys)
(dotimes (n (1- (length xs)))
(push (nth n xs) ys))
(reverse ys)))
(defmacro alet (letargs &rest body)
`(let (this
(setq this ,@(last body))
,@(butlast body)
(lambda (&rest params)
(apply this params))))
(defmacro dlambda (&rest ds)
(let ((gargs (gensym)))
`(lambda (&rest ,gargs)
(case (car ,gargs)
,@ (mapcar
(lambda (d)
`(,(if (eq t (car d))
(list (car d)))
(apply (lambda ,@ (cdr d))
,(if (eq t (car d))
`(cdr ,gargs)))))
(defun pandriclet-get (letargs)
`(case sym
,@(mapcar #'(lambda (x) `(,(car x) ,(car x)))
(t (error "Unknown pandric get " sym))))
(defun pandriclet-set (letargs)
`(case sym
,@(mapcar #'(lambda (x)
`(,(car x) (setq ,(car x) val)))
(t (error "Unknown pandric get " sym))))
(defmacro plambda (largs pargs &rest body)
(let ((pargs (mapcar #'list pargs)))
`(let (this self)
this (lambda ,largs ,@body)
self (dlambda
(:pandric-get (sym)
,(pandriclet-get pargs))
(:pandric-set (sym val)
,(pandriclet-set pargs))
(t (&rest args)
(apply this args)))))))
(defmacro new-forth ()
`(alet ,forth-registers
(setq dtable '())
(dolist (v forth-stdlib)
(funcall this v))
(plambda (v) ,forth-registers
(let ((word (forth-lookup v dict)))
(if word
(defmacro forth-install-prims ()
(lambda (a1)
`(let ((thread (lambda () ,@ (cddr a1))))
(setf dict
:name ',(car a1)
:prev dict
:immediate ,(cadr a1)
:thread thread))
(setf dtable
(cons thread ',(cddr a1)))))
(def-forth-prim [ t ; <- t means immediate
(setf compiling nil))
(def-forth-prim ] nil ; <- not immediate
(setf compiling t))
(defmacro forth-compile-in (v)
`(setf (forth-word-thread dict)
(nconc (forth-word-thread dict)
(list ,v))))
(defmacro forth-handle-found ()
`(if (and compiling
(not (forth-word-immediate word)))
(forth-compile-in (forth-word-thread word))
(setf pc (list (forth-word-thread word)))
(defmacro forth-handle-not-found ()
((and (consp v) (eq (car v) 'quote))
(if compiling
(forth-compile-in (cadr v))
(push (cadr v) pstack)))
((and (consp v) (eq (car v) 'postpone))
(let ((word (forth-lookup (cadr v) dict)))
(when (not word)
(error "Postpone failed " (cadr v)))
(forth-compile-in (forth-word-thread word))))
((symbolp v)
(error "Word not found " v))
(if compiling
(forth-compile-in v)
(push v pstack)))))
;nyquist plug-in
;version 4
;type analyze
;categories ""
;name "Linear a linear programming language"
;action "Running Linear"
;info "by Minori Yamashita\nReleased under GPL v2.\n"
;; linear-lang.ny by Minori Yamashita 2019
;; For information about writing and modifying Nyquist plug-ins:
;control noise-gate "noise-gate" float "" 0.2 0.0 1.0
;control mode "mode" choice "[dev]preprocess, [dev]frequency graph, [dev]reconstruct, recognition, save words" 0
;control avg "average" int "" 100 1 1000
;control words "words" string "" ""
(load "forth.ny")
(setq *project-srate* 16000)
;; define a dsp class
(setf sq-class (send class :new '(copy-of-sound osc noise-gate)))
;; initial function of dsp class
(send sq-class :answer :isnew '(sound noise)
'((setf copy-of-sound (snd-copy sound))
(setf noise-gate noise)
(setf osc (osc-pulse 1 0))))
;; method to be executed with every call to dsp-class
(send sq-class :answer :next '()
'((let ((current-sample (snd-fetch copy-of-sound)))
(when current-sample
(if (< current-sample noise-gate)
(progn (snd-fetch osc) 0.0)
(abs (snd-fetch osc)))))))
(describe 'frequency-stream "sound * int * float -> vector")
(defun frequency-stream (sound srate duration)
(let ((delayed-arr (make-array (round (* srate duration))))
(last-sample 0)
(current-sample 0)
(n 0)
(m 0)
(n* 0))
(while (setq current-sample (snd-fetch sound))
(when (and (<= last-sample 0.5) (> current-sample 0.5)) ;;rising edge?
(while (and (>= m 0) (null (aref delayed-arr m)))
(setf (aref delayed-arr m) (/ srate (- n n*)))
(setq m (1- m)))
(setq n* n))
(setf (aref delayed-arr n) nil)
(setq n (1+ n))
(setq m n))
;; define a dsp class
(setf freq-class (send class :new '(copy-of-sound srate arr count)))
;; initial function of dsp class
(send freq-class :answer :isnew '(sound rate dura)
'((setf copy-of-sound (snd-copy sound))
(setf srate rate)
(setf count -1)
(setf arr (frequency-stream sound rate dura))))
;; method to be executed with every call to dsp-class
(send freq-class :answer :next '()
'((let ((current-sample (snd-fetch copy-of-sound)))
(when current-sample
(setf count (1+ count))
(/ (min 4000 (or (aref arr count) 0)) 4000)))))
(setf recon-class (send class :new '(copy-of-sound srate osc last-hz phase)))
(send recon-class :answer :isnew '(sound rate)
'((setf copy-of-sound (snd-copy sound))
(setf srate rate)
(setf osc (osc-pulse 0 0))
(setf last-hz 0)
(setf phase 0)))
(send recon-class :answer :next '()
'((let* ((current-sample (snd-fetch copy-of-sound))
(hz (* (or current-sample 0) 4000)))
(when current-sample
(when (> (abs (- hz last-hz)) 5)
(setf osc (osc-pulse hz 0))
(setf last-hz hz))
(snd-fetch osc)))))
(describe 'sq "sound -> sound")
(defun sq (sound)
(let* ((srate (snd-srate sound))
(obj (send sq-class :new sound noise-gate))
(snd (snd-fromobject (snd-t0 sound) srate obj)))
(describe 'freq "sound -> sound")
(defun freq (sound)
(let* ((srate (snd-srate sound))
(snd (lp (sq sound) 2000))
(obj (send freq-class :new snd srate (get-duration 1))))
(snd-avg (snd-fromobject (snd-t0 snd) srate obj)
avg 1 OP-AVERAGE)))
(describe 'reconstruct "sound -> sound")
(defun reconstruct (sound)
(let* ((srate (snd-srate sound))
(snd (freq sound))
(obj (send recon-class :new snd srate)))
(snd-fromobject (snd-t0 snd) srate obj)))
(describe 'find-stops "sound -> ((int . int))")
(defun find-stops (sound)
(let ((sound (snd-copy sound))
(srate (snd-srate sound))
(silence 0)
(cnt 0)
(audible-start 0)
(while (setq smpl (snd-fetch sound))
(setq cnt (1+ cnt))
(if (< smpl 0.1)
(setq silence (1+ silence))
(setq silence 0)
(unless audible
(setq audible-start cnt)
(setq audible t))))
(when (and audible (> silence (/ srate 3)))
(push (cons (/ audible-start srate)
(/ (- cnt silence) srate))
(setq silence 0)
(setq audible nil)))
(reverse ranges)))
(describe 'split-words "sound -> (sound)")
(defun split-words (sound)
(let ((stops (find-stops sound))
(t0 (snd-t0 sound))
(srate (snd-srate sound)))
(mapcar (lambda (tn)
(extract-abs (- (car tn) t0)
(- (cdr tn) t0)
(cue sound)))
(describe '*words* "((symbol . sound))")
(setq *words* ())
(defun word-name (pair) (car pair))
(defun word-snd (pair) (cdr pair))
(describe 'sl "sound -> float")
(defun sl (sound) (float (snd-length sound ny:all)))
(describe 'match "sound * sound -> float")
(defun match (w word)
(let* ((distance 0)
w1 w2
(sr1 (snd-srate w))
(sr2 (snd-srate word))
(if (not (= sr1 sr2)) (error "sample rate mismatch" (list sr1 sr2)))
(if (< (sl w) (sl word))
(progn (setq w1 (snd-copy w)) (setq w2 (snd-copy word)))
(progn (setq w1 (snd-copy word)) (setq w2 (snd-copy w))))
(setq w2 (force-srate (round (* sr1 (/ (sl w1) (sl w2)))) w2))
(setq l (sl w1))
(if (not (= (sl w1) (sl w2))) (error "shrinking error" (sl w1) (sl w2)))
(while (setq smpl (snd-fetch w1))
(setq distance (+ distance
(abs (- smpl (snd-fetch w2))))))
(/ distance l)))
(describe 'reads "string -> (string)")
(defun reads (string)
(let (str
(strm (make-string-input-stream string))
(while (setq str (read strm))
(push str strs))
(reverse strs)))
(describe *word-names* "(string)")
(setq *word-names* ())
(describe 'save-words "((sound . symbol)) -> IO ()")
(defun save-words (words)
(setq *words* (append *words* words))
(format t "WORDS: ~A" *words*)
(setq *workspace* nil)
(add-to-workspace '*word-names*)
(dolist (w words)
(s-save (word-snd w) (* *project-srate* 5)
(format nil "~A.wav" (word-name w))
nil nil nil t)
(push (word-name w) *word-names*))
(describr 'init-words "-> IO ()")
(defun init-words ()
(load "workspace")
(dolist (wn *word-names*)
(push (cons wn
(s-read (format nil "~A.wav" wn)))
(describe 'extract-and-save-words "sound * string -> IO sound")
(defun extract-words (sound word-names)
(let* ((freq (freq (sq sound)))
(ws (split-words freq)))
(save-words (mapcar #'cons
(reads word-names) ws))
(describe 'recognition "sound -> ((float . symbol))")
(defun recognition (word-sound)
(mapcar (lambda (w)
(cons (match w word-sound) (word-name w)))
(lambda (x y) (< (car x) (car y)))))
(describe 'process "sound -> IO sound")
(defun process (sound)
(let ((sound (force-srate *project-srate* sound)))
(cond ((= mode 0)
(sq sound))
((= mode 1)
(freq (sq sound)))
((= mode 2)
(reconstruct (freq (sq sound))))
((= mode 3)
(let ((ws (split-words (freq (sq sound))))
(rec (mapcar #'word-name (mapcar #'recognition xs))))
(go-forth-q linear-lang rec)
((= mode 4)
(extract-and-save-words sound words)))))
(multichan-expand #'process *TRACK*)
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