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Created August 15, 2023 08:20
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Prefect serializer with async dumps/loads
from io import BytesIO
from typing import Literal, Any
import cloudpickle
import pandas as pd
import prefect
from prefect import flow, task
from prefect.context import TaskRunContext, FlowRunContext
from prefect.filesystems import LocalFileSystem, WritableFileSystem
from prefect.results import get_default_result_storage
from prefect.serializers import Serializer
from prefect.utilities.asyncutils import sync
def find_result_storage() -> WritableFileSystem:
task_run_ctx = TaskRunContext.get()
flow_run_ctx = FlowRunContext.get()
storage = None
if task_run_ctx is not None and task_run_ctx.task is not None:
storage = task_run_ctx.task.result_storage
if storage is None:
if flow_run_ctx is not None:
if flow_run_ctx.flow.result_storage is not None:
storage = flow_run_ctx.flow.result_storage
elif flow_run_ctx.result_factory is not None:
storage = flow_run_ctx.result_factory.storage_block
storage = get_default_result_storage()
storage = get_default_result_storage()
return storage
def replace_runtime_vars(template: str) -> str:
runtime_vars = {key: getattr(prefect.runtime, key) for key in dir(prefect.runtime)}
return template.format(**runtime_vars, parameters=prefect.runtime.task_run.parameters)
def find_result_location() -> str:
task_run_ctx = TaskRunContext.get()
if task_run_ctx is not None and task_run_ctx.task is not None:
location = task_run_ctx.task.result_storage_key
location = "{}.json"
return replace_runtime_vars(location)
class FileReferenceSerializer(Serializer):
type: Literal["file_ref"] = "file_ref"
def dumps(self, obj) -> bytes:
return sync(self._async_dumps, obj)
async def _async_dumps(cls, obj) -> bytes:
storage = find_result_storage()
location = find_result_location()
buffer = BytesIO()
if isinstance(obj, pd.DataFrame):
file_path = location.replace(".json", ".parquet")
cloudpickle.dump(obj, buffer)
file_path = location.replace(".json", ".pickle")
await storage.write_path(path=file_path, content=buffer.getvalue())
return file_path.encode()
def loads(self, blob: bytes) -> Any:
return sync(self._async_loads, blob)
async def _async_loads(cls, blob: bytes) -> pd.DataFrame:
storage = find_result_storage()
file_path = blob.decode()
content = await storage.read_path(file_path)
if file_path.endswith(".parquet"):
df = pd.read_parquet(BytesIO(content))
return df
elif file_path.endswith(".pickle"):
obj = cloudpickle.loads(content)
return obj
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported file type {file_path}")
@flow(log_prints=True, result_storage=LocalFileSystem(basepath="./results"))
def sample_flow():
df = sample_task()
def sample_task() -> pd.DataFrame:
data = {
'Name': ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Charlie', 'David'],
'Age': [25, 30, 35, 40],
'City': ['New York', 'London', 'Paris', 'Berlin']
return pd.DataFrame(data)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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