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Created April 8, 2010 17:38
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# Set this to one or more main LaTeX files (e.g. those with \documentclass)
# for a specific build. Leave blank to build all files having an uncommented
# \documentclass.
# WARNING: If you have multiply defined labels, your bibliography WILL get
# fucked up.
# MAKE NO EDITS BELOW (except to debug) #
# Makefile
# By Jonathon Giffin
# This is the PDFLATEX makefile, no support for ps/eps/dvi.
# Originally based on
# but redeveloped by JG. Reuse by changing just the first line to list
# the main LaTeX source file.
# Features:
# - Finds all included LaTeX files, including includes within includes.
# - Finds all bibs and PDF figures included.
# - Automatically generates dependency information.
# - Repeats calls to PDFLATEX as necessary to fix cross references.
# - Displays missing references in a clean format at the end of the build.
# - Finds main LaTeX source files, so this makefile is reusable wihtout edits.
# - Works for files with bibliographies, and files without.
ifndef MAIN
MAIN:= $(shell egrep -l "^[^%]*\documentclass" *.tex)
ALLTEX:=$(shell ls *.tex)
all pdf: $(MAIN:.tex=.pdf)
help ps dvi $( $(MAIN:.tex=.dvi): die_unsupported
$(filter-out $(MAIN:.tex=.pdf),$(ALLPDF)): die_unsupported
%.pdf: %.fig
rm -f $@
fig2dev -L pdf $< > $@
%.aux: %.tex
$(LATEX) $<
%.bbl: %.tex
bibtex $(<:.tex=)
$(LATEX) $<
%.pdf: %.aux
@while (grep -q "Rerun to get" $(<:.aux=.log)) do \
$(LATEX) $(<:.aux=.tex); \
@egrep -i "(Reference|Citation).*undefined" $(<:.aux=.log) ; true
%.dep: %.tex
@$(gettexs); $(getbibs); $(getfigs); \
echo "$(<:.tex=.dep): Makefile " $$texs $$bibs $$figs > $@; \
echo "$(<:.tex=.aux): " $$texs $$figs >> $@; \
if [ $${#bibs} -gt 0 ]; then \
echo "$(<:.tex=.bbl): " $$texs $$bibs >> $@; \
echo "$(<:.tex=.pdf): $(<:.tex=.bbl)" >> $@; \
vpath %.fig figs
-include $(MAIN:.tex=.dep)
.PHONY: clean die_unsupported
for i in $(ALLTEX); do echo "Double words in $$i:" && ./ < $$i; done
rm -f *~ *.log *.aux *.dvi *.bbl *.blg *.cb *.dep $(TARGET)
$(warning Unsupported Makefile build target. Supported targets are:)
$(warning <BLANK> all pdf $(TARGET) clean)
$(error Exiting)
LATEX= pdflatex #--interaction batchmode
TARGET= $(MAIN:.tex=.pdf)
# 9 Dec 2008 JG: This is now a worklist algorithm to pick up all recursive
# child dependencies of discovered includes.
define gettexs
worklist="$< "; \
while [ $${#worklist} -gt 0 ]; do \
curr=$${worklist%% *}; \
worklist=$${worklist#* }; \
texs="$${texs}$$curr "; \
worklist=$${worklist}`perl -ne '\
($$_)=/^[^%]*\\\(?:include|input)\{(.*?)\}/; \
@_=split /,/; \
foreach $$t (@_) { \
if ($$t !~ /\.tex$$/) { $$t .= ".tex"; } \
if (-e $$t) { print "$$t " } \
}' $${curr}`; \
define getbibs
bibs=`perl -ne '\
($$_)=/^[^%]*\\\bibliography\{(.*?)\}/; \
@_=split /,/; \
foreach $$b (@_) { \
if (-e "$$b.bib") { print "$$b.bib " } \
}' $$texs`
define getfigs
figs=`perl -ne '\
($$_)=/^[^%]*\\\includegraphics(?:\[.*?\])?\{(.*?)\}/g; \
if (defined($$_)) { \
if ($$_ !~ /\.pdf$$/) { $$_ .= ".pdf"; } \
if (-e $$_) { print "$$_ "; } \
}' $$texs`
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